The ginseng fruit, also known as the grass dan, blooms once every three thousand years, bears fruit after three thousand years, and ripens after another three thousand years.

In this ten thousand years, only thirty fruits are produced, and the appearance of the fruit is like a child under three days old, with all four limbs and five senses.

If a person is lucky enough to smell the fruit, he will live for three hundred and sixty years; if he eats one, he will live forty-seven thousand years.

This fruit falls when it encounters gold, withers when it encounters wood, melts when it encounters water, burns when it encounters fire, and dies when it encounters soil.

When picking, it should be hit with gold and caught with jade.

Looking at the crystal fruit hanging on the tree, Li Yue was salivating.

"Unfortunately, I am possessed by my soul. Even if I pick the fruit and eat it, it's just a taste, which will benefit Mingyue."

He was not jealous. With 72 transformations to avoid the three disasters, he was immortal and naturally did not need any longevity fruit.

At this time, the front yard was already lively, and a lot of voices were approaching.

Li Yue did not waste any time, came under the tree, stretched out his legs and kicked the trunk fiercely.

With one kick, the branches and leaves rustled, and the fruits on the tree fell one after another and disappeared into the soil.

After two more kicks, the trunk fell directly, and the roots also turned out.

Zhen Yuanzi helped the West to ruin his own good deeds, so Li Yue did not feel guilty at all for kicking over the ginseng fruit tree.

If there was not only this ginseng fruit tree, Li Yue would have wanted to kick a few more.

"It's done, system, let's go!"

When the audience disciples of Wuzhuang rushed into the yard, they were all stunned. The ginseng fruit tree was overturned with its roots, and Mingyue stood aside in a daze.

"Mingyue, what on earth did you do?"

At this time, in Huaguo Mountain, Zhen Yuanzi, who was breaking the formation, suddenly roared, then gave up breaking the formation and flew westward at an extremely fast speed. In an instant, he disappeared.

When Zhen Yuanzi left, Bodhi and the other three were dumbfounded.

Without Zhen Yuanzi's suppression, the external spiritual energy rushed in frantically and replenished into the glimmering formation.

"Zhen Yuan Daxian, where are you going? The formation is about to break, come back quickly!" Bodhi shouted, but it was useless.

Kong Xuan attacked the formation frantically, but the consumption brought by the attack could not keep up with the speed of the formation absorbing spiritual energy.

Bodhi was anxious and said, "Kong Xuan, stop quickly, it's futile for you to do this, let's isolate the formation from absorbing spiritual energy together."

Kong Xuan did as he was told, and the formation was immediately isolated from the outside world again and stopped absorbing spiritual energy.

But no one attacked the formation, and it would not break in ten thousand years if it was consumed like this.

"Damn Zhen Yuanzi, the formation will be broken in a little while, and at such a critical moment, he actually ran away, damn it!" Bodhi cursed.

Randeng said: "Zhen Yuanzi is gone, there are only three of us left, what should we do next?"

Bodhi said: "There is no other way, we can only call Tathagata. Anyway, the formation is about to be broken, and Tathagata's departure from Lingshan for a while should not be a problem."

At the core of the glimmering formation, Li Yue felt that the spiritual energy was no longer consumed, and he knew that Zhen Yuanzi had left.

"The system is still cruel, and it directly cuts off the firewood from the bottom of the pot."

[Ding, task nine completed, reward 5000 experience points]

With the experience points in hand, the deposit has reached more than 6,000. If you continue to work hard, you will soon be able to collect 10,000 and learn the fourth turn of the Nine Revolutions.

In Lingshan, Tathagata received the news from Bodhi, and did not dare to neglect it. He hurriedly came to the east and soon arrived at Huaguo Mountain.

As soon as Tathagata arrived, Li Yue noticed it and his face changed immediately.

"Even Tathagata is here, what should I do?"

"I'll go to Lingshan to cause trouble and lure Tathagata away, but I only have the cultivation of Taiyi Jinxian. If I go to Lingshan, I won't be able to make any waves."

Lingshan is not Wuzhuang Temple.

Wuzhuang Temple is full of Zhenyuanzi's disciples, a group of people with little qualifications, and their cultivation is only Jinxian at best.

But Lingshan is different. The four great Bodhisattvas alone are all Daluo Jinxians, not to mention that there are many Buddhas. If I meet any of them, I will not be their opponent.

"Forget it, now I can only wait until the formation is broken, let Sun Wukong and Taibai Jinxing go out, and then let Taibai Jinxing inform the Jade Emperor Bodhi of the plan."

This is the only plan now.

At this point, he was too lazy to maintain the formation, anyway, the result would be the same.

Outside the formation, Tathagata has joined the ranks of breaking the formation and is attacking the formation frantically.

Bodhi looked happy and full of expectations.

"The formation is finally going to break. Once it breaks, immediately signal Liu Er to curse Sun Wukong."

"Haha, my plan is about to succeed. The Journey to the West is about to begin. The Sainthood can be 100% secured."

Just as the formation was about to break, a loud shout was heard.



Then an attack came from the west, interrupting the rhythm of breaking the formation.

Bodhi looked to the west and roared: "Zhen Yuanzi, what on earth do you want to do? It's okay if you leave halfway, but why are you trying to stop us from breaking the formation now?"

It turned out that the one who attacked was Zhen Yuanzi.

Zhen Yuanzi flew over the sky above Huaguo Mountain on a cloud, looked at Bodhi with a cold face, and said: "Because I helped you break the formation, my Wuzhuang Temple was infiltrated and my ginseng fruit tree was overturned."

"There is only one ginseng fruit tree in the world. It is my lifeblood. Now it is destroyed. Bodhi, you must give me an explanation."

Bodhi's face was as ugly as if he had eaten shit.

Seeing that the formation was about to be broken, but such a thing happened again, he was so upset that he wanted to kill someone.

But facing Zhen Yuanzi with a crazy face, he could only comfort him kindly: "Daoyou, don't panic. When this formation is broken, I will find a way to revive the ginseng fruit tree as soon as possible. ”

Zhen Yuanzi said: "No, until my tree is revived, this formation will never be broken."

Bodhi said: "Daoyou, the ginseng fruit tree was pushed down, which is none of my business. Why are you so aggressive? I promised to help you revive the tree after breaking the formation. What else are you dissatisfied with?"

Unexpectedly, Zhen Yuanzi sneered twice, stared at Bodhi and said: "Bodhi, do you think I don't know?"

"For hundreds of years, you have been running around, nothing more than the coming of the catastrophe, what are you planning?"

"Although I don't know what you are planning, I know that you have been frustrated many times, and someone is secretly obstructing you, right?"

When Bodhi heard this, he said nothing, his face was as dark as water.

Zhen Yuanzi continued: "This time, I was asked to break the formation, needless to say, it was also for the matter of the catastrophe. But just before breaking the formation, my Wuzhuang Temple was sneaked into. Is this a coincidence? "

"The other party is obviously coming for you. I was just implicated. So the ginseng fruit tree was pushed down by you. It's none of your business. Do you think I'm easy to fool?"

"I" Bodhi was exposed and speechless.

He sighed deeply and asked, "In this case, what do you want?"

Zhen Yuanzi said, "It's very simple. Heal my tree. As long as the tree is alive, this formation will be broken."

At the core of the formation, Li Yue was stunned. He could hear the conversation outside clearly.

"Oh my god, this is also possible?"

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