The more peaches ripen, the more likely they are to ripen.

Each tree has more than a hundred ripe peaches, and as few as eighty. So, the nine thousand year peaches in the Meteorite Ring are almost one hundred thousand.

"One hundred thousand"

"So, I pulled out one hundred thousand hairs?"

I'm bald, but they're growing again!

Li Yue took all the nine thousand year peaches. When the truth comes out, the three realms will probably be in turmoil.

In the past peach festivals, the nine thousand year peaches that the Queen Mother took out were few and far between, and those who were qualified to eat them were all powerful.

Such as the Four Great Emperors, the Five Elders of the Five Directions, the Barefoot Immortal, the Nine Heavens Demon Patriarch, the Mother of Mount Li, and so on.

At least he has to be a Daluo Jinxian.

And now, the nine thousand year peaches are gone.

I am afraid that the subsequent peach banquets will be held in vain.

"It is also thanks to the Jade Emperor who deliberately created an opportunity for Sun Wukong to eat peaches, so there is no one guarding the Peach Garden. Otherwise, these nine thousand year peaches would not be my turn."

The nine thousand year peaches have been picked, and it is the six thousand year peaches' turn.

"Today, I want to experience the joy of harvest and processing."

In Yaochi, the Queen Mother was a little uneasy.

The Jade Emperor sat aside and asked, "Queen Mother, what's bothering you? Why don't you tell me?"

Queen Mother shook her head and said, "I don't know why, but I always feel that something has happened. It seems that it is related to the Peach Garden."

The Jade Emperor smiled and said, "You can't bear to part with those peaches. For our cultivation, peaches have long been useless. How can they compare to the merits of the calamity?"

"Besides, that monkey is only a Xuanxian cultivator, and he is so skinny. How much can he eat? Two or three a day is the limit. Peaches are not so easy to digest."

Queen Mother sighed and said, "Maybe I am too worried."

The Jade Emperor smiled and said, "If you are worried, why don't you send someone to take a look?"

Queen Mother thought so too, so she summoned the seven fairies and sent them to the Peach Garden to take a look.

At this time, in the Peach Garden, more than half of the six thousand year old peaches, a total of 1,200 trees, had been picked by Li Yue.

Li Yue was afraid of making too much noise, so he didn't consider conjuring up a clone to help. He was alone and didn't find it boring.

There were only about a hundred ripe peaches on each tree here.

Although it was ripe once every six thousand years, the ripening period was shorter, so it should be more ripe, but it was not the case.

The faster it ripens, the greater the consumption.

After all, at the Peach Banquet, the three thousand year peaches and the six thousand year peaches were the main force.

Li Yue was very fast, and he didn't dare to delay at all. These good things had to be put into his pocket immediately to be safe.

In the three thousand year peach area, Sun Wukong looked at the haunted warriors not far away, and felt very irritated.

"Wherever I go, you follow me."

Finally, he couldn't hold it anymore, and turned around and ordered: "You go over there and do your work. I want to be alone for a while."

The result was that the warriors ignored him.

"Hey, are you deaf? Did you hear me? Get out of here quickly, or don't blame me for being rude."

The monkey was ready to get mad.

Although he had been locked in the gourd for more than a hundred years and imprisoned by Zhenyuan Daxian for several years, his temper had not changed at all, and he was still fearless.

Seeing that several strong men still ignored him, the monkey finally couldn't help it, picked up the golden hoop stick, and was about to start fighting.

But at this time, the sound of orioles and swallows came from outside the forest. After a while, the seven fairies each carried a bamboo basket and walked into the forest.

They were dressed in seven colors of red, yellow, green, blue, and purple, each with its own characteristics, but each one was very beautiful.

When the seven fairies saw Sun Wukong holding the golden hoop stick and looking angry, they looked at each other in surprise.

The eldest fairy, the Red Fairy, asked, "Director Sun, why are you angry?"

Sun Wukong pointed at the strong men and said, "It's because of them. They keep following me and it's annoying. I asked them to go away, but they didn't listen to me. I'm going to ask the Jade Emperor if I, the director, am a good person in charge?"

When the seven fairies heard this, they all smiled softly with their hands covering their mouths.

The monkey got even angrier when he saw it, and angrily asked, "What are you laughing at?"

The fairy in red said, "Don't be angry, Director Sun. We are just laughing at your ignorance. In fact, these strong men are all puppets without consciousness. They don't understand what Director Sun says at all."

The monkey was stunned: "So that's how it is, no wonder!"

"By the way, what are you doing in my Peach Garden?"

The fairies said, "We are ordered by the Queen Mother to pick some peaches and send them to Yaochi for daily consumption."

Sun Wukong rolled his eyes and said, "Oh, then you can do whatever you want. I am a little sleepy, so I won't help."

The seven fairies went their separate ways

Open, picking peaches while checking whether the Peach Garden is normal.

Soon, the blue fairy found a peach that fell on the ground.

She reached out to pick it up, and then saw that the tip of the peach was bitten off.


She hurriedly looked around and picked up a few more peaches, all of which were only bitten.

At the same time, other fairies also found the broken peaches that fell on the ground.

Soon the seven fairies gathered together.

"Sister, that monkey not only steals but also wastes. We will go back and report to the queen immediately. We must not let him look after the Peach Garden again."

"Yes, only taking a small bite of a peach, the queen and the Jade Emperor are not so extravagant, it is simply a waste of natural resources."

The red fairy said: "No hurry, let's go and see the six thousand year peaches and nine thousand year peaches first, and then go back to report to the queen after we are done."

The seven fairies soon came to the six thousand year peach forest.

Li Yue noticed it immediately and stopped his work.

"Woman's voice, is it a fairy who came to pick peaches?" He quickly turned into a peach and hung on the tree.

Soon, the Seven Fairies came closer.

"This dress, it is the Seven Fairies under the Queen Mother's seat."

Li Yue sighed in his heart.

"Thanks to my cleverness, I turned the peaches into real ones, otherwise I really couldn't complete this task today."

In fact, it was not his cleverness, it was clearly an accident.

The Seven Fairies looked around and did not find anything unusual. They went to the Nine Thousand Years Peach Forest and did not see that the peaches on the tree were fake.

"Sister, it must be that the monkey has not had time to come here to steal."

"That's right, if he dares to eat the three thousand years of peaches, he dares to eat the six thousand and nine thousand years of peaches. We must go back and report immediately and send heavenly soldiers to catch him."

In the chattering, the Seven Fairies bypassed the location of Sun Wukong and left quickly.

Li Yue turned back into human form, looked at the direction where the seven fairies left, and cursed the monkey for being brainless.

"You ate it, but you didn't clean it up after eating. Do you think this is the Flower and Fruit Mountain?"

"No, I have to speed up, otherwise the Queen Mother will really send someone and things will get troublesome."

"Well, since the seven fairies are here and deliberately avoided Sun Wukong when they left, why not..."

He chuckled, pulled out a few hairs, and blew them.

The hair fell to the ground and turned into the appearance of the seven fairies.

"You seven, go to the three thousand year peach area and pick all the ripe ones."

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