The old man was so angry that he couldn't see the truth.

Li Yue didn't believe it and asked the system: "System, can the space teleportation still be used?"

[Conditions are limited, and it is impossible to teleport outside the formation]

His face finally changed. The system is so powerful, but there are things it can't do?

"This is bad!"

"System, do you have any solution?"

[If the host becomes a saint, the system will be upgraded, the teleportation will be strengthened, and it can be easily teleported outside the formation]

Li Yue: "..."

If I can really become a saint, I can break this formation with one finger. Do I still need you to teleport me out?

"Can't you just let me enter the core of the formation and control its operation like we did in Penglai?"

The system said: [No, that time was a task selection, not this time]

Li Yue's face turned black.

The system obviously has the ability, but it won't let me use it. It's too bad.

"I'm afraid it won't work to rely on the system. I don't have the ability to break the formation by force now..."

"Then, in this formation, is it feasible to directly use the star shifting and changing the constellation to change the fate of Chen Guangrui and Yin Wenjiao?"

The star shifting and changing constellation magic was activated, but he couldn't even see the starry sky, let alone change people's fate.

Bodhi sneered: "Give up, space teleportation is useless, let alone star shifting and changing constellations. This formation isolates the inside and the outside, and you can't affect the outside world."

Li Yue's face was ugly.

"No, we must think of a way. If we keep waiting like this, the Journey to the West will really end."

"The system can't do anything. I can only rely on myself."

"Nothing is absolute. There must be a way!"

He began to count his spells, magic weapons, and magical powers to see what can be used to break the Xumi Infinite Array.

"Somersault Cloud, Seventy-two Transformations, are all Bodhi's old tricks, useless."

"Purple Gold Red Gourd, Golden Cudgel, Zulongzhu... These magic weapons are also useless."

"The Universe in the Sleeve, the Creation, the Palm of the Tathagata, the Shadowless, the Buddha Kingdom in the Palm..."

When he saw the Shadowless, a light suddenly flashed in his mind.

"For me, why should I think about how to break the array? I can find a way to let Bodhi remove the array by himself!"

Thinking of this, a bright smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Bodhi saw that Li Yue was actually laughing, and his heart skipped a beat.

"No, this formation was created by two saints. Li Yue has absolutely no way to escape."

"But, what is he laughing at?"

"Could it be that he has an accomplice? Isn't the panda spirit that disappeared for a long time his incarnation?"

Thinking of this, Bodhi suddenly became a little anxious and said to Kong Xuan beside him: "It is very likely that he has an accomplice who has also arrived in Chang'an City. Now I must control the formation with all my heart and soul. You go and deal with it."

Bodhi sent Kong Xuan out of the formation, looked back, and found that Li Yue was still laughing.

"Kong Xuan has gone to deal with your accomplice. How dare you still laugh?"

Li Yue laughed even more happily. This Bodhi has really become a frightened bird.

If he laughs, he can also imagine that he has an accomplice.

"But this is just right. It can divert some of his attention and is more conducive to my subsequent plans."

Li Yue did not make any explanation, but just sat there, emitting a weak spatial fluctuation.

The Universe in the Sleeve and the Buddha Kingdom in the Palm are both space-related magical powers. With the help of the system to learn these two magical powers, Li Yue has entered the realm of space law.

At this time, he is comprehending the space law.

Of course, he is just pretending to show it to Bodhi.

After all, with his comprehension, he can't even learn the Seventy-two Transformations and Somersault Cloud, and he still needs to rely on the system, let alone the great law of space law.

Bodhi saw that Li Yue didn't speak, but there was a slight fluctuation in the space law, and he became confused.

"What is he doing, comprehending the great law of space?"

"Humph, so naive, any kind of law can only make progress after tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of years of accumulation. By the time he has some understanding, the Journey to the West has ended thousands of years ago."

Thinking of this, Bodhi simply closed his eyes and stopped looking at Li Yue.

Soon, seven days passed, and Kong Xuan came back.

"There is no accomplice at all. Humph, Chen Guangrui has finished the imperial examination, the results have been announced, and the parade will begin, but the accomplice still hasn't appeared." Bodhi heard this, puzzled and relieved at the same time. "Haha, Chen Guangrui will soon be recruited by the Prime Minister's Mansion as a son-in-law, and will enter the bridal chamber tonight. The tenth life of Jin Chanzi is about to be reincarnated." At this moment, Li Yue suddenly opened his eyes and laughed heartily.

"Hahaha, Bodhi, you miscalculated."

Bodhi frowned and said nothing, but his heart was a little nervous.

"I miscalculated?"

He was wondering, and heard Li Yue laughing:

"You want to use this Xumi Infinite Array to trap me, but you didn't think of it.

The ring of Xumi contained in this array has greatly helped me to comprehend the law of space.

In these seven days, with the help of the array, I have comprehended the law of space to a deeper level. I have mastered the great movement of space. The mere Xumi Infinite Array can no longer trap me."

"Hahaha, Bodhi, I'm leaving!"

Before he finished speaking, Li Yue had disappeared, leaving only a strong space fluctuation in the original place.

"What? This is impossible?" Bodhi roared loudly.

"No, this is not right, it's impossible, this is the formation created by two saints, he can't get out. Invisible, yes, he must be invisible, you want to deceive me, no way."

He spread his mind and scanned back and forth, but found nothing.

But he didn't believe in evil, and looked around with his heavenly eyes, not missing any corner, but still didn't see Li Yue's figure.

"He actually escaped from the Xumi Infinite Formation. To what extent has Li Yue comprehended the law of space?"

"If this can't stop him, what hope is there for the Journey to the West? With him, how can the Journey to the West be successful?"

For a while, Bodhi was discouraged and stood there, not knowing what to do.

Kong Xuan reminded: "Why are you in a daze? Li Yue ran away, and Chen Guangrui and Yin Wenjiao's marriage will be unexpected. Why don't we stop Li Yue quickly and don't give him a chance to change the two of them."

But Bodhi didn't move at all, and the whole person lost motivation.

Kong Xuan angrily said, "Bodhi, what are you doing? Have you forgotten Sun Wukong? After going through so many difficulties and dangers, didn't Sun Wukong become Taiyi Jinxian in the end and successfully opened the catastrophe? Are you giving up now because of this little setback? Do you really want your original body to lose the holy position?"

Bodhi shuddered and came back to his senses.

"Yes, how can I give up? The holy position must not be lost. I must stop Li Yue. If it doesn't work once, I must stop him twice. If it doesn't work twice, I must stop him three times. I must make the journey to the west a complete success."

He put away the formation and said to Kong Xuan, "Let's go to Chang'an City quickly. Each of us will guard Chen Guangrui and Yin Wenjiao. We must not let Li Yue get close to them and change their fate."

The two flew towards Chang'an City at a very fast speed.

Shortly after the two left, a figure gradually solidified where Li Yue was.

Who else could it be but Li Yue?

He looked distressed and gritted his teeth and said, "It took me another 100,000 experience points to learn the third level of upright shadowless. Bodhi, you caused me such a big loss. I will pay you back now."

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