Bạn đang xem văn bản gốc chưa dịch, có thể kéo xuống cuối trang để chọn bản dịch. The Jing River Dragon King wanted to cry, and all the water tribes were as silent as cicadas.

"When the gods fight, the little ghosts suffer! What should we do now?"

At this time, the ninth son of the Dragon King, Tuolong, stood up and said, "Father, I think it is better to execute the revised will. . ”

The Dragon King of Jinghe River asked: “What do you mean?”

The crocodile said: “The God of Justice has come in person and has personally told us that if we don’t do as he says, our Jinghe River tribe will be destroyed. And my father and the fortune teller The bet is about to lose, but the God of Justice intervenes and the bet is reversed. Why not do it? "

The Dragon King of Jinghe frowned and said, "But if we go against the will of the Jade Emperor, how can we get away with it?"

The crocodile said: The golden-armored warrior testified, and the justice god changed the imperial decree. My father just had no choice. Even if the Jade Emperor blames him, he will not sentence him to death. "

"And even if the Jade Emperor blames him, saying that my father violated the heavenly law by withholding points, and wants to convict my father, it will be the God of Justice who will take over in the end. I will change the imperial edict myself, and I will definitely not do anything to my father."

"In this way, I can win the bet, protect the aquatic creatures in Jinghe River from being caught by fishermen, and avoid death. Father, this move has the best of both worlds. Ah."

After hearing the words of the crocodile, the Dragon King of Jinghe River immediately lost his worries and said happily: "My son's analysis is correct, just follow this method, just follow this method!"

But the golden armor warrior returned to the heaven and went straight to Enter the Pixiang Hall and report to the Jade Emperor about Li Yue's change of decree.

After hearing this, the Jade Emperor was furious: "How dare you!"

"You dare to change my will. Does Li Yue still have respect for superiors and subordinates, and the moral code of monarch and ministers?"

"If this continues, I, the Lord of the Three Realms, will 's position, does he want it too?"

"Send the order, dismiss Li Yue from office, demote him to the lower world, and never set foot in the heaven from now on."

No one could have imagined that Li Yue, who had always been more tolerant of Li Yue, The Jade Emperor actually made such a decision this time.

Li Yue stole all the peaches from the Peach Garden, ruined the Peach Festival, stole the elixir, and entered the Yue Lao Palace to arrange marriages. Which of these was not a capital crime? But the Jade Emperor did not punish Li Yue. Like, not even a word of criticism.

Only this time, the Jade Emperor exploded.

Only Taibai Jinxing knew the real reason why the Jade Emperor exploded this time.

Chang'e has been in the world for more than 30 years, and she has been with Li Yue for 30 years. After all these years, can the two of them still be clean under the entanglement of marriage?

The Jade Emperor smashed countless pearls and jades for this matter. He executed three maids in the Pixiang Hall and demoted many guards in front of the hall. The heavenly court was in chaos and everyone was in danger.

Even if there was nothing wrong, In the Pixiang Hall, he cursed Bodhi, calling him an old dog in the morning and damning him in the afternoon. He hated him to the core.

Who told Bodhi to mess up the relationship?

"Taibai, go ask Nuwa to fix the messed-up marriage." As for Nuwa, the Jade Emperor had already sent Queen Mother to ask for help. Nuwa said at first that the mission was more important and she had no intention of intervening in other matters, so she turned it down.

The Jade Emperor was not willing to accept this and kept sending people to ask for help. Nuwa was impatient. Later, he simply said that he didn't bring the red hydrangea, so he couldn't break the marriage.

So until now, the messed-up marriage has not been broken.

Taibai received the order from the Jade Emperor and went to Nuwa's palace again.

This time, Nuwa just said, "No, I won't see you," and sent him away. Taibai had no choice but to turn around and leave.

In Nuwa's palace, Nuwa snorted coldly, "Haotian is the Jade Emperor after all, but he is so It's really outrageous that the fairy can't forget it. Master Hongjun asked him to be the master of the three realms, but he got angry because of emotional matters, and was laughed at for no reason, which made the teacher lose face. "

"Yao Chi is right, then Chang'e and Li Yue The marriage should not be severed, so that Haotian will not have any chance to take advantage of it. "

"The Lord of the Three Realms should act like the Lord of the Three Realms."

Let's talk about the mortal world, Chang'an City.

Early in the morning of the second day, the Dragon King of Jinghe River The four generals of Qi, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, went straight to the sky above Chang'an City. Clouds were gathered at Chen, thunder sounded at Si, rain fell at Wu, and it rained heavily at Wei. However, he deducted 30 points from the rainfall points, and only 3 feet and 3 inches of rainfall were recorded. Eighteen o'clock.

After the rain stopped, the Dragon King of Jinghe River sent his generals back to his palace. He himself stepped down from the clouds and transformed into a scholar in white clothes like he did yesterday, and walked to the main street of Ximenli.

You see, he arrived outside Yuan Shoucheng's fortune-telling shop, strode in, and said nothing. He then smashed the shop sign, pens, inkstones, etc.

Yuan Shoucheng sat on a chair, motionless, just watching him smash.

The Dragon King also dismantled the door panel, crushed it with one foot, and cursed: "You You are a liar who talks nonsense and you are a liar who talks nonsense about good and bad fortune! Your divination yesterday was not effective at all.

, it said it would rain today, the time is right, but the points are wrong. I bet with you, since you lost, leave as soon as possible, I will spare your life!"

Yuan Shoucheng suddenly sneered: "I didn't lose, I don't need your mercy. But you, in order to win the bet, committed a capital crime. Humph, I recognize you, you are not a scholar, you are the Dragon King of Jinghe River. You arbitrarily deducted the rainfall points, which violated the heavenly rules. The Jade Emperor will punish you soon. Dragon King of Jinghe River, I think you will have to go to the Dragon Slashing Platform."

The Dragon King of Jinghe River was shocked when he heard this, thinking that this person was really good at calculating, and even knew the content of the imperial decree of the Heavenly Court.

"But he didn't expect that the God of Justice would change his will. In this way, it seems that he is not really capable. "

Although he was shocked, he was not confused. He said, "Since you know that I am the Dragon King of Jinghe River, you know that I can't go against the imperial edict. I make the rain fall according to the edict without any changes. Therefore, I, the Dragon King, will never go to the Dragon Slaying Platform."

"What?" Now it was Yuan Shoucheng's turn to be surprised.

He hurriedly counted with his fingers, and the content of the imperial edict he calculated was exactly the same as what the Dragon King of Jinghe River executed.

"What's going on? Why was the imperial edict changed?"

He hurriedly counted again, trying to figure out why the content of the imperial edict was changed and who changed it, but found that he couldn't figure it out.

"How could this be? ”

The Dragon King of Jinghe River returned victorious and thought he could rest easy, but before he could be happy for a while, someone from Heaven came.

“Dragon King of Jinghe River, you did not follow the order of the Jade Emperor to make rain, and you deducted points privately, which is a capital crime. Now you are being escorted to Heaven and will be beheaded at Dragon Terrace at 3:30 pm tomorrow.”

The Dragon King of Jinghe River was shocked and said, “Xiaolong is innocent, Xiaolong is innocent. The God of Justice changed the imperial order, and Xiaolong followed the order. Xiaolong is innocent, innocent!”

The Heavenly General scolded, “It’s useless for you to use the God of Justice to pressure me. Li Yue has been dismissed and demoted by the Jade Emperor, and he can’t protect himself.”

The Dragon King of Jinghe River sat on the ground, feeling as if he had died, and regretted it.

The Heavenly Soldiers and Generals escorted him to Heaven, but he was stopped halfway.

“Li Yue, what do you want to do? "The general was timid, and when he saw Li Yue, he felt fear.

Li Yue said, "Give me the Dragon King of Jinghe River."

The general said, "Don't even think about it, Li Yue. You have been dismissed from office by the Jade Emperor and demoted to the mortal world. You have no right to issue orders here."

"Really?" Li Yue smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. Go back and tell the Jade Emperor that I will protect the Dragon King of Jinghe River. If the Jade Emperor doesn't agree, think about the Peach Banquet that year."

"Now, you release him and get out. If you dare to say anything more, you will die here."

The general said in horror, "You...you want to learn from Sun Wukong and rebel against heaven?"

Li Yue raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, "I am not afraid of even the saints. Even if I really rebel against heaven, what do I have to fear?"

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