The emperor was sitting in front of the desk, not listening to the songs or watching the dances.

The Jade Emperor sat in front of the desk, not listening to the songs or watching the dances, and was in a bad mood.

At this time, the guard of the South Heaven Gate sent someone to report that Bodhi Patriarch wanted to see him.

When the Jade Emperor heard that it was Bodhi, his anger increased three times, and he shouted: "No!"

"Your Majesty, Bodhi Patriarch said that there is a way to kill Judicial... Kill Li Yue."

The Jade Emperor shouted: "If I say I won't see you, I won't see you. Let him get out of here."

After he followed, the Jade Emperor picked up the jade cup on the table and smashed it directly. The fairy fruit in the cup rolled all over the floor.

"Damn old dog Bodhi, you killed my Chang'e, and now you deliberately mock me. How unreasonable, how unreasonable, ah ah ah!" The Jade Emperor was furious.

"Come here, hang a banner outside the Heavenly Gate again, saying that Bodhi and dogs are not allowed to enter."

The Jade Emperor roared, and finally vented his anger. He set out to Yaochi and found the Queen Mother.

"Yaochi, I beg you to ask Sister Nuwa to mess up the marriage with the red ball. In fact, if this continues, the Heavenly Court will really become a laughing stock in the three realms."

"And the pilgrim team, Li Yue messed up the marriage, and sooner or later something big will happen. This is related to the quantitative calamity. If you are not careful, it will trigger the quantitative calamity, then it will be a big deal."

The Queen Mother sighed: "Okay, I will ask again, but you have to be prepared. After all, whether it can succeed or not is not up to me."

The Queen Mother left Yaochi and drove to Nuwa's palace, and arrived in a moment.

"Junior sister Yao Chi, did Haotian ask you to come to me?" Nuwa asked.

The Queen Mother said helplessly: "It's just a show for him."

Nuwa chuckled and said: "Chang'e and Li Yue are already together, why doesn't Haotian give up?"

The Queen Mother: "Who said it wasn't? Just because of this, he was jealous and found a reason to dismiss Li Yue from his post and demoted him, making the Heavenly Court have an enemy for nothing."

"Oh, I really can't figure it out. Chang'e was the wife of the great wizard Hou Yi, but she was just a widow. Why is he so obsessed with her? Losing his mind for a widow, and losing the face of the Lord of the Three Realms for nothing."

"If he wasn't a quasi-saint, he wouldn't be able to tie the red thread. , I'm afraid he has tied me and Chang'e together a long time ago."

Nuwa said: "This is called everyone has their own preferences. Isn't Li Yue also fascinated?"

The Queen Mother shook her head and said: "It's different. Li Yue fell into the love net of marriage because of Bodhi's design, not by himself."

Nuwa snorted coldly and said: "Western guys are shameless."

The Queen Mother sighed again, stood up and said goodbye: "Junior sister, go back, the marriage between Chang'e and Li Yue must not be broken, otherwise Haotian will be doomed."

If the Jade Emperor heard this, I'm afraid I don't know what he would think.

It turned out that it was not that Nuwa was unhappy, nor that she didn't bring the red hydrangea, but that the Queen Mother had been interfering and didn't want this marriage to be broken.

Nuwa nodded and said: "I save it, you can go with peace of mind."

Outside the South Heaven Gate, the messenger came back from the Pixiang Hall and said to Bodhi Patriarch: "The Jade Emperor doesn't see you, please go back!"

Bodhi snorted coldly and didn't care.

He came here to see the Jade Emperor's joke in person, but unfortunately the Jade Emperor didn't let him in.

"Haotian must be unhappy, but I can't see it. It's a pity!" He turned and left.

At this moment, Taibai Jinxing came out of the South Gate of Heaven with several heavenly soldiers.

"Hurry up, the Jade Emperor ordered to hang it higher."

Under the command of Taibai Jinxing, several heavenly soldiers unfolded a banner and hung it in the center of the South Gate of Heaven. The words on it were really conspicuous.

After hanging it, Taibai Jinxing urged: "Go quickly, go quickly, to avoid disaster!"

Bodhi was also very curious, so he stopped and turned to look carefully.

"Bodhi and dogs are not allowed to enter..."

Before he finished reading, Bodhi's face instantly turned purple.


"Haotian kid, how dare you insult this old ancestor? I can't stand with you. I'm going to kill you and feed you to the dogs!"

Bodhi's voice resounded throughout the Three Realms and Six Paths, it was so hysterical.


In the Pixiang Hall, the Jade Emperor laughed heartily.

"Come here, hang the same banners outside the East, West and North Gates of Heaven. I want to make Bodhi's reputation in the Three Realms completely stinky."

Bodhi's face was extremely gloomy. He came to the mortal city of Chang'an and immediately caused a heavy rainstorm.

This rainstorm lasted for five days and five nights, and the water in Chang'an City was over the waist.

Guanyin was compassionate and couldn't bear it anymore. She came to plead again and said: "

Old Ancestor, if this continues, Chang'an City will be destroyed. "

"Haotian kid, you're bullying me too much!"

Bodhi cursed angrily, and finally withdrew his magical powers, and Chang'an City was saved. But even so, there were heavy casualties, and corpses were everywhere.

"Guanyin, how are things arranged?"

Guanyin said: "It has been properly arranged. The Dragon King of Bahe will go to the Dragon Slashing Platform at noon tomorrow, and Cao Weizheng will be responsible for beheading him. He has asked Li Shimin to save him in his dream, and Li Shimin has agreed to this. "

Bodhi nodded and said: "This matter is crucial, you keep a close eye on it. I will hide in the dark, and once Li Yue shows up, I will kill him immediately. "

"Once Li Yue dies, no one will destroy the Journey to the West plan, and we can worry about the end of the Journey to the West. "

Bodhi's plan was very good, but Li Yue did not show up until the Bahe Dragon King was beheaded by Wei Zheng.

"Grandmaster, Li Yue has not shown up yet. Could it be that he knows that the Grandmaster has a way to kill him?" Guanyin asked.

Bodhi said: "It's impossible. Don't worry. He will show up sooner or later."

But the Bahe Dragon King's soul did not disperse after his death. Li Shimin clearly promised to save him, but he did not do it.

He was killed by Wei Zheng, and he held a grudge, so he came to Li Shimin in the middle of the night to ask for his life.

Look at him, holding a dragon head, step by step towards the palace, just about to go in, but suddenly the palace wall shone with golden light, the evil dragon's soul was illuminated by the golden light, and it screamed, and its soul power began to dissipate rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, only the true spirit was left.

"Not good!"

Guanyin exclaimed, and hurriedly took action to save the evil dragon's true spirit, finally avoiding the end of complete extinction.

"Damn, who set up the formation in Taiji Palace? "Bodhi also discovered the situation here, and his face turned black.

At this time, the evil dragon's soul dissipated, even the life soul was annihilated, only a wisp of true spirit remained, and the memory was naturally gone.

"What can we do? The Bahe Dragon King has lost his memory, how can he seek revenge on Li Shimin?"

"This... is it in vain again?" Guanyin's eyes were dull, not knowing what to do.

Bodhi said angrily: "This must be Li Yue's plan. He had already calculated what happened today and set up a formation around the palace in advance. This formation is specifically for dealing with ghosts and gods. It is usually hidden and invisible. In addition, we did not check it carefully, so we suffered his calculations. Damn it!"

Long before Jin Chanzi was reincarnated and born, Li Yue pretended to be a Feng Shui master in Chang'an City. At the invitation of Li Shimin, he set up a formation for the palace.

Prepare for a rainy day, for today. Although it can't cause much trouble to Bodhi, it's good to be disgusted.

Guanyin asked: "Ancestor, what should we do now? "

Bodhi said angrily: "What else can I do? The Bahe Dragon King is worthless, so let's find the Weihe Dragon King. I don't believe that Li Yue can succeed this time."

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