What the third prince needs more is the support of some important officials in the court and the people, so that the Great Xia Kingdom can be stabilized from now on.

It takes a lot of brainpower to be able to do this.

Just thinking about it like this can't solve the problem, everything can only be calculated based on the actual situation, and there is a war between the Daxia Kingdom and the Dajin Kingdom. The prince has made great contributions and won the position of crown prince.

Between the two countries, let’s not say what is right and what is wrong.

In any war, it is the people who suffer after all.

In that case, after all, it is against one's own Buddha heart.

The common people in Daxia need help, so why not in Dajin?

"You pariahs, stop whispering and keep quiet."

At this time, someone from the officers and soldiers guarding outside the fence suddenly came over and shouted at Tang Seng and Mr. Private School.

Mr. Private School glanced at the officer, then turned his head away, hugged his thighs with his hands, buried his head between his legs, made a look of fear, and really stopped talking.

Tang Seng also glanced over there, then sat cross-legged in the same place, and began to chant scriptures silently.

The officer took a few more glances and saw that everyone in the fence was quiet, so he turned and left.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and after a while, the night fell completely. Most of the officers and soldiers returned to their camps to rest, leaving only a few three or two people in the distance, holding big guns and starting to fight. They talked nonsense, and even each of them took a piece of barbecue, bragging about their past experiences while eating.

I really don't know where they get their barbecue under such circumstances!

Most of them were looted from the people.

Tang Seng thought so in his heart, and seeing that no one was paying attention to the fence, he quietly took out the white flour cake from his arms and handed it to the person next to him.

Of course, Mr. Private School, he didn't leave behind, and gave him another one.

At the same time, he made a silent gesture to keep everyone quiet.

These people naturally understand this truth. In this world, even having a bite to eat is already a matter of high incense, not to mention such delicious white flour cakes, even ordinary officers and soldiers can't eat them with the rations issued by the court. arrived.

If they find out, they will definitely come in and snatch these pancakes.

They all turned around quietly, with their backs to the officers and soldiers, and began to eat and eat.

It took Tang Seng a long time to distribute white flour cakes to the three or four hundred people, and then returned to Mr. Private School.

this time. In order to avoid trouble, he stopped talking to Mr. Private School, but crossed his knees and closed his eyes, and began to think.

In the past, perhaps he would have rescued all these hungry people with his own strength, and then given them some food, so that they could go home and live a good life.

But now his thinking is different. With his personal strength, financial and material resources, he can settle these residents well.

However, this is not the key to solving the problem.

The root of the problem lies in the imperial court. If these things cannot be solved at the source, they can only teach people how to fish, not how to fish.

If the third prince's character can be determined, how to help him win the crown prince position without any trace, and then let him rule the world, is the most critical.

After assuming the throne, the stability and stability of the Great Xia Kingdom must also be ensured.

This matter is also urgent.

In this matter, be sure to downplay your own shadow.

Things are a little difficult!

For the time being, Tang Seng just thought about these things, but he didn't have a clear way how to operate it, and he could only wait until he got to the Dragon and Tiger Pass before thinking about it.

To do such a big event, you must first meet the third prince, and then you can understand how the third prince is.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle.

I believe that the third prince will have a more comprehensive understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the eldest prince, the second prince, and himself.

If the third prince can't achieve this level, and still doesn't know anything about his opponent, then that means, the third prince may have a heart of benevolence and no power of a king.

For such a person, helping him to the throne may not be a good thing for the third prince or the people of the world.

Time passed bit by bit.

As the summer night deepened, everyone else in the fence had already fallen asleep, or Tang Seng was still awake?

During this time, he heard a notification sound from the system, because he gave these residents white flour cakes and gained 20,000 merit points.

Although these merit points are not many, Tang Seng is very satisfied in his heart. Although he has just begun to come to this small world, he is happy to see the success of being able to do something for these poor people.

The genius had just shone brightly, and the barracks suddenly became lively.

Because another team of officers and soldiers came from outside, and they also escorted some emaciated civilians, the number of which was about three or four hundred.

It seemed that these people had traveled a long distance and were exhausted.

These people were pressed into the barracks, but they were not sent into the fence immediately, but the officers and soldiers came over and coaxed these people from the fence into the barracks, where they gathered together with the people who had just entered the barracks.

Then the people who had just arrived took a rest for a while.

The officers and soldiers still buried pots to make rice, and at the same time cooked some brown rice gruel for the people, which was barely sufficient.

Afterwards, those officers and soldiers also began to line up, as if they were going to make preparations for a long journey.

Finally, half an hour later, Tang Seng and others were escorted by more than 200 officers and soldiers to leave the camp and set off to the southeast.

Fortunately, Tang Seng distributed white flour cakes to these people yesterday, and there is food in their stomachs to satisfy their hunger, so they can still travel long distances.

Otherwise, just relying on those thin porridges would be useless.

The two hundred officers were only part of the army, and more champions remained.

Tang Seng was among the crowd, and deliberately approached the private school gentleman. Taking advantage of the officers and soldiers not paying attention, he asked softly, "Where is this direction going?"

Mr. Private School stared at the southeast direction, thought for a while and said: "It seems that we really lost Longhu Pass. Longhu Pass is in the southeast, Zijin Pass is in the east, and Fuyun Pass is between Longhu Pass and Zijing Pass. This direction is not Those who go to Fuyunguan should definitely be Dragon and Tiger Pass."

Tang Seng nodded silently, and stopped talking. Instead, he released his spiritual thoughts and looked southeast.

He didn't know the specific location of Longhu Pass, nor did he know the topography of Longhu Pass.

The focus of his observation is some important passes and places where a large number of officials and troops gather.

Needless to say, two places matching this feature were actually found seven or eight hundred miles away from this place.

One is in the southeast direction and one is in the east-southeast direction.

Moreover, through careful observation, Tang Seng found a large stele engraved with characters at the two important passes of Xiongguan, marking that one of them was Longhu Pass in the southeast direction, and the other was Fuyun Pass.

The two passes are about two hundred miles apart.

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