Journey to the West begins with the full-level monk Tang

Chapter 1421 Transformation of the Whole Camp

"I am willing to swear allegiance to the third prince!"

The defenders of Longhuguan below also shouted at this time.

However, their statements have no sense of rhythm and sound messy.

"Everyone, be silent, shout after me!"

At this time, Lin Kuohai showed the demeanor of being the commander of the Death Battalion. He ran down the city wall in three steps and two steps, and came to the front of more than 3,000 soldiers of the Death Battalion, shouting loudly.

"Brothers in the death camp, swear allegiance to the third prince to the death, go through fire and water, and do whatever you want!"

"Brothers in the death camp, swear allegiance to the third prince to the death, go through fire and water, and do whatever you want!"

Following Lin Kuohai's shout, more than 3,000 newcomers to the Death Battalion in the rear also shouted in his rhythm.

"Brothers in the death camp, swear allegiance to the third prince to the death, go through fire and water, and do whatever you want!"

Lin Kuohai shouted again, and then the brothers continued to shout.

As their emotions became more and more agitated, the team of more than 3,000 people shouted, like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, resounding through the Dragon and Tiger Pass.

"Brothers, I, Qin Feng, will not treat my loyal brothers badly!"

The third prince was also infected by this emotion, and said loudly as he looked at the death camp below, which was still in a state of disgrace.

It is conceivable that in a short time, these people will definitely change the world, change their appearance, and become the elite.

Next, Lin Kuohai, the newly appointed commander of the Death Battalion, brought a group of soldiers of the Death Battalion back to the barracks to rearrange their accommodation.

Now that this group of people has been reclassified as a death camp, they will naturally not live in the original camp and need to be resettled. Of course, all the weapons and equipment in the army, as well as other treatment, are also higher than those of other camps. sergeant.

Perhaps it will only be slightly worse than Qingchuanying.

This difference in treatment was reflected that night.

At midnight, all the sergeants in the Death Battalion had an extra meal.

The main content of the extra meal is a piece of meat, a piece of meat from a high-level monster.

Tang Seng deliberately cut the meat of the monster into smaller pieces, so that the sergeants could absorb it by themselves without taking the pill, without any other side effects.

When the sergeants of the Qingchuan camp brought a pot of meat into a tent, one of the sergeants sniffled and said, "It's delicious meat!"

The rest of the people also gathered.

"Stand up, everyone has a share!"

The Qingchuanying brother looked at the eight death-defying battalion soldiers who had gathered, how could they not know the benefits of this meat.

It's a pity that with their physical strength, they have reached their limit to reach their current level. If they eat more, it will be fragrant at most, and there is not much benefit.

Everyone looked at the meat eagerly, and immediately fell silent.

They knew very well in their hearts that since the third prince had already made a promise to the death camp, their treatment in the future must be different from that of others.

However, they couldn't think of the use of these meats even if they tried their best.

So I didn't think too much about it.

However, the sergeant who was brought by Tang Seng said: "Brothers, you can't just eat these meats in such a muddle. I feel that the body will become stronger, and whether it is eyesight, ear strength or speed, there will be earth-shaking changes. It can be said that this is the most rare opportunity in your life, and it is a great thing. Brother, I just ate meat. The way it is now. So, in the future, your behavior must truly be worthy of this piece of meat!"

When he said this, everyone was a little dumbfounded!

No one thought that such a piece of meat, which might just be a little more fragrant than other meats, would have such great benefits.

The transformation of Qingchuan Camp is obvious to all.

They were originally just like me, just peasants who cultivated the land, but overnight, they all became very powerful, and everyone envied them, but they couldn't understand it.

Today, the answer is finally revealed.

"Understood, we all understand, the brothers of the death camp, swear to the death to be loyal to the third prince, go through fire and water, and will not hesitate!"

Several sergeants repeated their previous oath.

Seeing that he had conveyed Tang Seng's meaning clearly, the sergeant of the Qingchuan camp put down the meat and said, "You must keep it secret, because if you eat meat, others will eat your meat to strengthen your body. Keep it secret, it will be dangerous if people know about it!"

When everyone heard this, they stuck out their tongues unconsciously, but they firmly remembered the sergeant's words in their hearts.

I swear to keep my mouth shut and never speak out easily.

Otherwise, if it is known by others, you can kill yourself and eat the meat in your stomach!

After everyone agreed one after another, the sergeant of the Qingchuan camp turned and left the tent.

However, this scene was being played out simultaneously in all the big tents of the Death Battalion.

Destined, this is a night of creating legends!

After daybreak, the 3,000 soldiers in the Death Battalion, after cutting bones and washing their marrow in the middle of the night, and absorbing the energy in the meat of high-level monsters, all were surprised to find that, just as the sergeant of the Qingchuan Camp who delivered the meat said, they really The body has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Not only did their bodies become extremely strong and strong, but they also became extremely powerful, as if they were possessed by gods.

This physical change is so miraculous that some death camp brothers even began to use some heavy objects such as boulders and horses to test their weight in order to test this change.

After trying it out, they found that now they were able to lift a huge stone very easily without any effort.

No matter it is, the high jump and long jump are far more times than before.

In the death camp, the faces of more than 3,000 people were filled with indescribable joy.

This kind of thing is too miraculous, it is a good thing that they can't think of, and they can't even dream of it.

Even with this strength, not to mention fighting, even hunting is enough to make a living.

However, in the military camp, they remembered the oath between them. Once they had these abilities, they would have a bigger goal.

Hunting is a fart!

They are well aware of the embarrassing position of the third prince, and from the current situation, the third prince has a lot of capital, and it seems that he can compete with the first prince and the second prince.

Because of this, some sergeants who knew each other began to gather together and discuss in a low voice.

"Death camp, everyone assemble immediately!"

Just when everyone was talking happily, Lin Kuohai suddenly walked into the camp with more than a hundred brothers from the Qingchuan Camp.

These Death Battalion brothers didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly lined up. Although they were not very neat, they looked decent.

"Everyone, follow this command and send out the battalion to train in the woods!"

Lin Kuohai waved his hand and led the crowd to the distant woods.

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