Journey to the West begins with the full-level monk Tang

Chapter 1458 The poor monk belongs to the third prince!

The general's dress is obviously different from other generals.

The armor on the body of the captured general was all white or black, but only the armor on this general was yellow, at least part of it was gold or gold-plated.

This is the only one among all the generals in the entire army.

Moreover, Tang Seng also saw that beside the general, there was a large flag waving in the wind, with the word "Zhen Guo" embroidered on it.

If Tang Seng still can't recognize that this person is General Zhen Guo, then Tang Seng will live in vain.

"The poor monk belongs to the third prince!"

Facing General Zhen Guo's questioning, Tang Seng said lightly.

"Third prince's people!"

General Zhen Guo's expression changed, and he narrowed his eyes slightly to look at Tang Seng.

"Why does the eminent monk stand by the third prince? Qin Feng is still alive now?"

Tang Seng said with a chuckle: "General Zhen Guo, you have asked so many questions in a row, how should the poor monk answer you? Well, the poor monk will answer each question one by one!"

His voice was not loud, but because of the use of mana, every sergeant in the barracks could hear him clearly.

It was as clear as if Tang Seng's words were spoken in their ears.

You know, how big is the area occupied by the coalition tents that are tent after tent?

That kind of spectacular scene can hardly be seen at a glance. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a ten-mile alliance.

But in such a large military camp, Tang Seng let every sergeant hear clearly. This kind of supernatural power has already shocked the sergeants in the distance.

Not to mention, there are some sergeants who are farther away. They are too far away from Tang Seng, and they can vaguely see Tang Seng's figure.

People farther away than them could not even see Tang Seng's shadow, but only heard Tang Seng's voice lying in the sky.

The voice continued to say: "The third prince is the new emperor of Great Xia. It is the heaven's idea. The person selected by the Buddha, whether it is the first prince or the second prince, don't fight, otherwise it will hurt the peace of heaven!"

"Nonsense, just because you are a monk who knows some sorcery, you have determined the emperor of Daxia with your empty teeth. Are you courting death?"

Hearing what Tang Seng said, General Zhen Guo immediately changed his face and gave a loud shout.

At this distance, he knew that if he wanted to shoot Tang Seng with a bow and arrow, he didn't have much confidence. As long as Tang Seng flew a higher distance into the sky, he would have exceeded the range of the bow and arrow.

You should know that shooting arrows horizontally and shooting arrows into the sky are two completely different concepts.

Shoot the arrow horizontally and the range is much farther.

Moreover, shooting arrows into the sky, and the rain of arrows from the sky will also hurt your own soldiers. If you are not sure of winning this kind of thing, you will definitely not try it lightly.

He was waiting for a one-hit-kill opportunity.

Moreover, he knew very well what Tang Seng meant by saying these words.

The reason why the son of heaven is the son of heaven is that he is called the son of heaven, the son of heaven.

Being ruled by the destiny of Great Xia, first of all, it has the upper hand in name.

Now Tang Seng said this in the name of the heavens, and it was God's will for the third prince to take charge of Daxia.

This kind of rhetoric is nothing to his General Zhen Guo, as long as he doesn't believe it. But for the sergeants of Daxia, it has a fatal effect.

You know, if the teacher is famous, he will gain the upper hand first, and then he will win half of it first.

Although he protects the eldest prince out of selfishness, what he wants to declare to the army is to maintain the dignity of Daxia, punish the people and punish crimes, and protect the orthodox rank of the eldest prince.

He operated this matter from the commanding heights of morality.

After all, among the three princes, the eldest prince is the eldest son. Since ancient times, in the absence of an edict to pass the throne, it is natural for the elder to ascend the throne.

The so-called elder, of course, refers to the First Prince.

In addition, General Zhen Guo has been in the army for a long time, and many generals are his subordinates, so naturally everyone responds.

On the other hand, Prime Minister Yun Cong controlled part of the Xia army, the imperial forest army in the imperial city, and the city army responsible for the defense of the capital.

Generally speaking, General Zhen Guo's army has an advantage in number, while Prime Minister Yun Cong has a favorable location, and the army under his control has many elites, such as the Imperial Forest Army.

Therefore, when the second prince did not return to the capital, General Zhen Guo just came to the capital and did not start a war immediately. Instead, he sent a messenger to deliver a letter to the prime minister in the city.

Knowing it with reason and moving it with emotion, he didn't ask Prime Minister Yun Cong to be able to stop the flag with just a letter.

His purpose of doing this is also for the world to see, that is to say, General Zhen Guo has exhausted his benevolence and righteousness, and it was not the General Zhen Guo's original intention to use the sword in the end, but Prime Minister Yun Cong's rebellion and plotting rebellion. In order to defend Daxia's dignity and protect the new monarch, I

I just moved my hand.

In this way, it can occupy some favorable positions in the history, and it does not need to be criticized by future generations. On the other hand, it also buys the hearts of the army and the people.

Because General Zhen Guo believed that in Xia Jing, whether it was the imperial forest army or the city army, not necessarily those people must be dedicated to the second prince and Yun Cong.

The main thing is that these people can break up on their own in the event of a war, so General Zhen Guo believes that with his strength, it should not be too difficult to defeat Prime Minister Yun Cong's army.

Of course, his strength is actual strength, and it is definitely not the strength of the current camp.

Because the old emperor died so suddenly, there were still many troops in the Great Xia who were too far away from the capital to be mobilized in time, and some mobilized troops were still on the way.

Some of the officers and soldiers who could be transferred in a short period of time went on to perform other tasks and did not participate in the siege of the capital.

Therefore, General Zhen Guo made a multi-pronged layout, waiting for the moment that was most beneficial to him before launching a thunderous blow.

Of course, this thunderous blow is based on his absolute rule over his own army, and it is also based on the highest point of Shi Chu's famous orthodoxy.

But now, what Tang Seng said is destroying this highest point.

It is also destroying the morale of the army he leads!

What is it that the third prince is the emperor recognized by the heavens?

Why did the Buddha choose the third prince as the new king?

This is simply nonsense!

If those soldiers really believed these words and collapsed, how would they fight the next battle?

Therefore, Tang Seng would not be allowed to continue talking nonsense, but immediately interrupted Tang Seng's words.

However, Tang Seng was not angry, he still said with a smile: "General Zhenguo, may I ask, why do you say that the poor monk is talking nonsense? Why do you say that the poor monk is looking for death?"

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