In Dalu County, Tang Seng left only Mr. Private School alone.

This person was originally weak, but now he has all-round talents in civil and military affairs, and he is definitely qualified for this position.

Moreover, Dalu County is very important. The front is the frontier fortress, while the rear gradually penetrates into the hinterland of Daxia. A large amount of food and supplies are involved here, and horses need to be transported and dispatched. Only by arranging him here can the third prince rest assured.

To be honest, the current third prince has too few people available.

It is also fortunate that there are these Qingchuan camps and death camps, otherwise, the third prince must have been unable to move an inch.

The most important thing is that Tang Seng, whom he relied on most in the past, suddenly left Fuyun Pass, and has never been seen since.

Without this arm and support, the third prince Qin Feng knew that he could only rely on himself, and tried his best to use the existing resources at hand.

So, still need speed.

Hurry back to the capital as soon as possible!

The third prince did not stay too long in Dalu County, after arranging the affairs here, he left the place with the Qingchuan Camp and Death Camp.

Without even taking a bite of rice, he continued on his way, heading towards the capital.

Not long after leaving Dalu County, the sky was already dark.

After driving for sixty or seventy miles in the summer dusk, the team rested and drank their horses by the edge of a small lake.

People also ate some dry food casually, and set off again.

I ran until the sky was bright, and I came to another county called Linwen County.

The third prince knew very well that such a county was also the only way for the eldest prince and the second prince to return to the capital.

Since the First Prince was able to keep his own people in Dalu County, he would definitely not let Linwen County go.

This county is not much different from Dalu County in essence, but it is slightly larger than Dalu County, and the city walls are also higher.

At this time, the morning light is just emerging, and according to common sense, there should not be too many sergeants guarding it.

However, when the Third Prince came near the city wall, he saw hundreds of soldiers guarding the city wall overnight, and even on the wall made of loess, some rolling wood and stones could be vaguely seen.

Although there were not many of them, the third prince was still a little surprised to find such things that would only be prepared during a big war in this city.

It seems that the First Prince and Second Prince are well prepared!

The appearance of the third prince and his party had already attracted the attention of the people in the city.

Before they arrived at the city, the sergeants on the city had already appeared one after another, and there were many archers among them.

Arrows were attached to the bows stretched open one after another, and the arrow points were directed at the large group of people below the city without firing, but it seemed that they might be shot at any time.

Looking at those military uniforms, they are all local armies of this Linwen City, not the troops left behind by the First Prince and the Second Prince.

However, from among these people, the third prince did not see anyone with different costumes.

Maybe it's hidden somewhere and didn't show up!

Thinking so, the third prince took the lead and galloped for dozens of steps, then stopped his mount and shouted to the top: "This commander, the general of Longhuguan, the third prince, Qin Feng, is passing through Linwen City, please answer the city's general, and start the journey." Let the city gate go!"

"I'm sorry, Your Highness the Third Prince, the First Prince has an order not to let the Third Prince into the city! If the Third Prince wants to rush to the capital, please take a detour."

A general on the top of the city said loudly.

In fact, if you want to pass through Linwen City, you don't have to go through the city gate.

This city is only about ten li in radius, so it is not really that big. As long as you bypass this city, you can go to the capital from other directions as well.

However, it was summer at this time, and there were flourishing crops planted in all directions. There was only this official road, which entered from the south gate of Linwen City and exited from the north gate.

In a word, if you want to take the main road, you must pass through Linwen City.

If you don't go to Linwen City, you will definitely destroy a lot of crops!

For the third prince, it is absolutely impossible to destroy the crops, and as the third prince, if he goes back to take over the throne of Daxia, if he passes through a small Linwen county and has to take a detour, that would be too shameless .

The third prince asked directly without any thought: "Who are you? Are you from the eldest prince?"

"Hehe, that's right. My official Linwen County Lieutenant is in charge of the county's defense. The eldest prince has already ordered that the third prince is absolutely not allowed to enter the city. If you must return to the capital, please take a detour. That's all for the next official. , Your Highness the Third Prince, please don't embarrass me and get down!"

Although this person was dismissed one by one, his tone of voice was very arrogant, and he didn't seem to take the third prince seriously at all.

The third prince glanced back and asked, "Who is going to attack the city?"

"I go……"

A young man immediately stepped out and stood in front of the third prince.

"Zhao Dahu, be careful."

The third prince nodded and said.

"Yes, handsome!"

Zhao Dahu nodded, and with a gesture, a steel knife appeared in his left and right hands at the same time.

Then, with his toes on the ground, he rose into the air, jumped two or three feet away, and rushed straight towards the city wall.

Although this move is beautiful, it is nothing among the warriors of the Qingchuan Camp.

The warriors of the Qingchuan camp all know this, and some of them are even stronger than Zhao Dahu. This is the benefit of Tang Seng's body modification for them.

It has reached the limit of physical fitness that ordinary mortals can possess.

That Zhao Erniu can be a defender, but I, Zhao Dahu, can't?

Although Zhao Dahu knew that the importance of the third prince to him would definitely be far more than that of Zhao Erhu who switched and offered the city, but he also knew in his heart that the third prince promoted anyone not only by the recognition of ability, but also by virtue of military merit.

So, this time, he volunteered.

"Let the arrow!"

Just as Zhao Dahu moved, there was a sudden shout of anger from the city.

Following this shout, arrows rained down from the top of the city, shooting at Zhao Dahu who had rushed to the root of the city.

Almost at the same time, several boulders on the city wall were thrown down by the defenders and smashed towards Zhao Dahu.

Beside the Third Prince, a warrior from the Qingchuan Camp took off his spear from his horse and was about to throw it towards the city, but was stopped by the Third Prince.

"Don't worry, let them see Qingchuan Ying's ability, and see how Zhao Dahu took down Linwen City by himself!"

As the third prince said so, the sergeant nodded slightly, and hung the spear on the horse's back again.

At this moment, Zhao Dahu's body was like an ape's, with the point of his knife piercing the city wall, his body was already climbing up the city wall obliquely.

But the arrows that were shot at him were because his speed was too fast, so fast that before the rain of arrows fell, he had already avoided them.

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