"Brother Shengseng, please tell me, where is this place? Who are those monsters, those monsters, and those guys who don't recognize monsters? It seems that they are all afraid of Brother Shengseng!"

At this time, Her Majesty the Queen was even more confused. He pulled Tang Seng's sleeve and asked.

Tang Seng stood on the mountain peak and looked around, then took Her Majesty's little hand, and pointed from a distance: "Your Majesty, look at this side... this side... this side... and this side..."

Tang Seng pointed to different places one after another, and with one point he waited until he took Her Majesty around for 360 degrees before continuing: "All these places are built for you by your holy brother!"

"Ah... These are all the sites of the holy monk brother?"

This time, Her Majesty the Queen was a little surprised.

It doesn't matter how big the place is, after all, with the strength of her holy brother brother, if she wants to be the king of any country, it is more than enough.

However, it is different here.

Her Majesty the Queen saw that everyone here can fly, and they are very fast.

When she looked around, she also saw an extremely majestic and mighty city not far away, but that city was far from comparable to the capital of the daughter country.

Moreover, this is only what he saw in front of his eyes, and the places beyond his sight, how many territories and how many powerful people there are, and how many people are there?

is unknown.

"Brother Shengseng, you are really amazing, and I am so proud of you." His eyes fell on Tang Seng again, and Her Majesty's face showed a look of admiration.

Tang Seng held Her Majesty's little hand affectionately, and said softly, "Your Majesty, by now you should know why your elder monk was ten years late, right?"

"In the past twenty years, I have never missed a day of you, but I am a man, and a man must have a sense of responsibility, a sense of mission, and a sense of responsibility. If I have nothing, how can I be worthy of my Majesty the Queen? If I am How can a poor and white little dick deserve to be as rich and beautiful as you."

"So, in the past twenty years, I have gone through countless hardships and dangers, constantly improving myself, making myself good enough and strong enough, so I have the courage to come here, take you to enjoy the glory and wealth of the world, and live together with you!"

Tang Seng spoke very emotionally, and wiped his tears from time to time.

Her Majesty the Queen stared fixedly at Tang Seng, listening to his words, and when Tang Seng finished speaking and looked at her with sincere eyes, Her Majesty grabbed Tang Seng's ear and said, "Scumbag, you lied to me again!" Yes, your eyes flickered when you lied to me, and I saw your eyes flicker."

"I didn't, I didn't lie to you, you said I lied to your money or your color!" Tang Seng asked back with a strange expression.

"You scumbag, you are a big liar, you are a big liar anyway, how can you compensate me?"

Her Majesty is acting coquettishly again. At this time, she is sweet and happy in her heart. She wants to bring back all the shortcomings and regrets in the past, so that the memories will be complete.

"Your Majesty, your holy monk brother did not lie to you. The reason why he was so late looking for you is because the holy monk brother is still doing another very important thing. Look at this!"

As he was speaking, Tang Seng made a gesture, and a crystal clear pill appeared in his hand, and he delivered it to Her Majesty the Queen: "Your Majesty, this is a unique panacea in heaven and earth, called Meimei Pill. It is the holy monk brother Gathering the essence of the sun and the moon, exhausting countless treasures of heaven and earth and countless years, it is refined into a elixir of rejuvenation. Twenty years of time pass by in a hurry, and it is not a short moment in a long life. Take this pill With the pill, Her Majesty the Queen can regain her face from twenty years ago. Therefore, Brother Shengseng was only twenty years late because of this pill."

"Really, brother holy monk, you didn't lie to me this time, did you? After taking this pill, can you really go back to the way you were 20 years ago? Brother holy monk, the reason why I have been depressed for so many years is Because of the passage of time, the late heroes are always piled up, and the beauties are always beautiful. I am afraid, I am afraid that the years will pass, I am afraid that I will not see you, and I will turn into a handful of loess, and I am afraid of seeing you, seeing you At that time, I was already gray-haired. Although we met, it was too late, and the taste changed. I can’t go back to the past, and I can’t express how many regrets. If I can really change back to the way it was 20 years ago, then I will completely forgive you Already!"

Looking at the elixir in Tang Seng's hand, Her Majesty the Queen spoke with a look of reminiscence on her face, which was sad and moving.

"Of course, Your Majesty, you can take it now, and you will be able to return to the way you were twenty years ago in no time, and you will remain youthful forever without changing!"

Tang Seng also nodded with anticipation, his voice was full of joy, making his woman happy, fulfilling her wish was also a happy thing for him.

What's more, as a scumbag, I have already lied to others many times in a short period of time.

"Brother Saint Monk, do you have a mirror?"

Her Majesty the Queen took the white pill and asked after a little hesitation.

"for you!"

With a gesture, Tang Seng took out a square mirror and held it in front of Her Majesty the Queen.

Her Majesty looked at herself in the mirror obsessively, and then said leisurely: "Brother Saint Monk, I want to remember the way I am now, although I am a little old, but I am what I am now, and I have had the first love with you." Once again, I became a husband and wife. I also used the current appearance to meet you again, and I felt a thousand joys. Therefore, this appearance is my lucky appearance. I may not return to the current appearance in the future, and please remember Brother Shengshen , what she looks like now."

"I want to go back to the way I was twenty years ago, because I met you for the first time in the most beautiful time at that time. Since then, there has been no one else in my heart. I promise each other with all my heart, and I will make people feel haggard for you. As Brother Shengseng said, I met you at the right age at the most beautiful age. I think these twenty years are not missed, but a fortune. But I am still willing to start everything from twenty years ago, from the beginning!"

Having said that, Her Majesty the Queen took a deep look at Tang Seng and put the elixir into her mouth.

Then he stared fixedly at the mirror in front of him, expecting a miracle to happen.

Sure enough, after more than ten breaths, Her Majesty's face in the mirror began to change slowly.

Those small wrinkles began to disappear slowly, and the skin became smoother and full of elasticity. It is not an exaggeration to say that the skin is better than snow.

In addition to the changes in her skin, her lips have also become more colorful, forming a sharp contrast with her snow-white skin, and her eyes are more pure and clear, with a variety of styles.

The most shocking thing was that a trace of blackness began to appear on her originally bald head, and more and more hair covered her originally white scalp.

"Ah... my hair!"

Her Majesty was completely stunned.

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