"Congratulations to the host for completing the task!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining 500,000 merit points."

Hearing the sound of the system, Tang Seng was happy for a while, then he was stunned.

Originally, he thought that he would get a lot of benefits after completing this task, but he didn't expect that he worked hard to complete this task, and even subdued the entire evil ghost clan, but in the end, he only got 500,000 merit points.

The 500,000 merit points, if placed in the past, would definitely make Tang Seng ecstatic.

But now it seems a little thin.

After all, if he wants to be promoted to the first level now, he is counted by 100,000 cultivation points.

However, Tang Seng was just a little taken aback and put the matter behind him.

Tang Seng stepped forward to help the queen up, and then spoke.

"Since you evil ghosts are willing to submit to me, then I will also meet your conditions."

"First of all, regarding your first condition, I hope you will take your ghost clan warriors back, and then prepare for the whole clan to migrate."

"At that time, I will move this space tunnel to the place I prepared for you, that is, you can live in that place after you migrate over."

"As for your second condition, I'm busy with affairs, and I can't help you solve it myself."

Hearing this, the queen frowned, and then looked at Tang Seng suspiciously. After all, Tang Seng agreed just now.

Then the Queen heard Tang Seng ask.

"I heard that your evil ghosts respect the strong, so if your strength is raised to the level where you can crush the Great Elder, can you solve this matter by yourself?"

Hearing this, the Queen's eyes lit up.

Then she nodded quickly and said: "What the holy monk said is correct. The truth between me and the great elder is precisely because our strengths are similar, and there is no way to overwhelm one of them."

"That's why I will continue to entangle like this. If I have the cultivation base that can crush the Great Elder, then I will easily solve this matter."

"Also ask the holy monk to grant me great strength."

"I will always be loyal to the Holy Monk."

Speaking of which, the queen knelt on one knee and said to Tang Seng with an excited face.

The queen is also a smart person. She knows very well that since Tang Seng asked this question, there must be a way to help her improve her cultivation.

And Tang Seng also nodded, and exchanged a quasi-sage-level experience card directly from the system.

The person who experienced the card was not famous, so Tang Seng didn't care, and the time limit for the experience card was only one day.

Then Tang Seng helped the queen up and handed him the experience card.

With the queen's puzzled expression, Tang Seng explained how to use the experience card, and then the queen's eyes became excited and frenzied.

Tang Seng has just asked, and the strength of the great elder of his evil ghost clan is at most around the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian.

So this quasi-sage-level experience card can completely crush it in an instant.

Looking at the queen Tang Seng in front of him, he spoke.

"With this experience card, you can easily eliminate the strength of the Great Elder. Then you can take your group to migrate through this space tunnel."

"I still have important things to do, so I don't care too much about it. I will send someone to hand over to you at that time."

"As for the task I entrusted to you evil spirits, I will tell you later."

"Before that, your mission is to grow the evil ghost clan."

Tang Seng said lightly.

Hearing this, the queen quickly put away the experience card and said, "Yes! I will follow the order of the holy monk.

Tang Seng nodded and waved his hands and said, "Okay, now that we're done talking, then you should take these people back quickly, I'm going to be busy too."

After hearing the words, the Queen saluted Tang Seng again and then left.

However, just as the queen was about to leave the room, Tang Seng suddenly seemed to remember something, and spoke again.

"By the way, don't blame me for not reminding you, the surrender between the two of us at this moment is nothing more than a verbal agreement."

"You can tear up this contract at any time, but I hope you can think carefully before tearing up the contract."

"If you can bear my anger, you can go back to your world directly, and then destroy in the space tunnel of your world, and see if I can find you."

"That's all for now, I hope you don't make mistakes."

What Tang Seng said made the queen sweat continuously.

Then the queen quickly knelt down on the ground and said, "Saint monk, please don't worry, our evil ghosts will never break the contract. After I have settled the Great Elder, I will follow the orders of the holy monk and move the evil ghosts here."

Hearing this, Tang Seng nodded and said, "Okay, let's go."

Then the queen stood up and walked out of the room.

After walking out of the room, the queen couldn't help but took a deep breath, because when he faced Tang Seng just now, he found that Tang Seng was really scary.

This kind of horror does not come from the crushing of his cultivation and momentum, but from the fact that everything about him has been completely seen through by Tang Seng.

Tang Seng saw through all the little thoughts he had or didn't think about.

The situation is truly dire.

Afterwards, the queen took the saint and those warriors directly back to the different world.

And Tang Seng used his great magic power again, and received this space tunnel into the world of Chaos Orb.

Moreover, he also placed this space tunnel in a very remote place to ensure that no one could enter by mistake.

After all this is done, this matter is temporarily over.

Tang Seng took Zhu Bajie and the others on the road to the west again.

During the three days of waiting for the queen, Tang Seng did not stay idle, but entered the world of Chaos Orbs, directly subdued Tongbei Ape, and added a halo of loyalty to him.

Then Tang Seng went to the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons, and contained all the demons in the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons in the Chaos Orb, even the Queen of Ten Thousand Demons was no exception.

After all, his world of Chaos Orbs is completely a real great world, but the world of Chaos Orbs at this time is still a bit empty, and it urgently needs to be filled by all kinds of creatures.

The monsters in the Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters are all spiritual monsters who worked hard to cultivate after being enlightened.

Rather than the kind of monsters who feed on people since childhood, all kinds of devoid of conscience.

So for these monsters, Tang Seng maintained a tolerant attitude and subdued them.

Tang Seng can be said to have made a lot of money in this catastrophe.

First, he harvested a big Luo Jinxian-level Tongbei ape.

Then all of the Ten Thousand Monsters Valley was taken away in one pot.

Now he has added a large number of members to his Chaos Orb World.

Then he also subdued the evil spirits from another world.

This family of evil spirits can not only fill the population of his world, but also play a dark game for his future invasion of other worlds.

It can be said that the harvest this time is really not cheap.

Compared with the 500,000 merits he gained by completing the task, these gains can be said to be more important and more valuable.

Of course, what is indispensable is that the real protagonist of Daleiyin Temple, King Huangmei, was also trapped in the world of Chaos Pearl by Tang Seng.

Tang Seng planned to cast a halo of loyalty on the yellow-browed king when he was free.

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