"Monk, you are the one who is arrogant!" The leader was furious.

When he came here this time, he was very well prepared, just wanting to kill Tang Seng in one go. Who would have thought that with such a breath burning, the monk in front of him still looked indifferent.

He can't stand it.


The leader of the monster, who evolved from an outsider's evil spirit, roared wildly, and under the impact of the billowing black breath, his figure exploded, and he went straight to Tang Seng, with no reservations about his ferocious and terrifying breath.

"Death is imminent, and you are still talking nonsense! Now, the commander will let you see what true strength is!" At this moment, the scene was already rumbling with cold breath, bursting out on a rampage.

But in an instant, Tang Seng was already surrounded.

The monsters who followed this guy all roared excitedly.

As a subordinate of the leader.

They have extremely strong confidence in their leader.

It is determined that as long as their leader takes action.

People like Tang Seng are bound to die.

Invisibly, this group of monsters also swayed, and with a deeper and more explosive breath, they joined together as one. In the whole scene, the pressure suddenly became heavier. Just when they thought that Tang Seng must be suppressed by their boss.

In that dark aura, suddenly a blood-colored wave of light stirred up!

There was an earth-shattering impact and it exploded.

Tang Seng's figure rushed out directly, and then in front of them, he held the blood-colored big ax that was burning in the blood-colored waves, and slashed across the air, with a bang and a bang.

The black wave that led the evolution was like a piece of rotten black cloth that exploded in two.

next moment!

The incomparably tyrannical boss in their eyes was also shaken by the aftermath of the bloody ax burning, and he couldn't retreat tens of thousands of feet all the way. In the huge void, dark flames swept across all directions.

At this moment, not only the commander, but even the monsters who surrounded him, were rushed towards the side one by one by such a ferocious aura.


The scene fell silent for a moment.

It's just that this kind of silence lasted less than a few breaths before it was broken by the screams from the monster's mouth.

Howls and even tragic shouts impacted the void in all directions.

With just one blow, Tang Seng smashed their confidence into being riddled with holes.

For a moment, the eyes of many monsters falling on Tang Seng were full of fear. They are all genuine creatures. Although due to lack of strength, they can't speak words that Tang Seng can understand like the commander, but they also have their own thinking.

They have their own emotions!

Right now, Tang Seng's berserk attack directly maximized their emotions.

Now they have not collapsed on the spot, which is already the best performance.

Tang Seng didn't pay attention to these minions, his deep eyes just fell on the commander, and he sneered again: "As I said, your strength is not enough! But if you don't believe it, who can you blame?"

"Okay, enough nonsense, you can die!"


The piercing breath pushed Tang Seng's figure across the tens of thousands of feet of void, approaching the commander in an instant.

Tang Seng grinned, raised his arms horizontally, and the bloody ax swung up again, heading straight for the commander.

'die! '

The leader who fell into the void stared at the boss, how could there be any trace of his arrogance and domineering a moment ago? He has reached his level of cultivation, and he is also aware of fear!

Especially at this critical moment of life and death.

But even though there was panic on this guy's face, and he didn't have much fear, he just opened his mouth and made a strange rhythm.

When Tang Seng's eyebrows moved, he knew it already.

The blood-colored ax that was about to fall towards the commander was raised violently. Amidst the whistling sound, the piercing blood-colored brilliance burned one after another, but immediately wrapped his body from top to bottom.

Seeing this blood-colored brilliance directly transform into a layer of blood-colored armor, the tyrannical defensive aura evolved on the spot.

at the same time!

Sifangxu fluctuated violently suddenly, and three consecutive dark auras evolved into three offensives that were not inferior to the commander, hitting Tang Seng's bloody defense viciously.

Hearing the crashing sound again, it suddenly exploded.

The defense that burned from Tang Seng's body couldn't withstand their impact at all.

A face-to-face encounter has already been blown to pieces from top to bottom.

And Tang Seng, who was under such an impact, was also attacked so brutally, Hong's figure became unstable, and he fell backward. How fiercely he chased just now, how fast he fell now.

The sound of wheezing and wheezing shook the audience.

But the solid void was also crushed by his body, with cracks.

In this way, all the way back tens of thousands of feet, Tang Seng stabilized his figure just now, and with deep eyes, he glanced at the three auras that were similar to those of the commander, and the commander who also surrounded him with a trimming aura, and smiled: " Are you finally willing to come out?"

These guys are already here.

Tang Seng has already sensed it!

This may be the true confidence of the leader.

Just relying on such improved strength, this guy doesn't have the guts to kill him.

The Commander looked at Tang Seng viciously: "Monk, I really didn't expect your strength to have reached this point. This Commander really underestimated you! But now, your good luck is gone!"

"Did you see these three people beside this commander!"

"They are the commanders of Dongtianguan, Beitianguan and Xitianguan corresponding to your Tianwaitianguan respectively! The strength of each of them is not inferior to this commander! Now add this commander."

"Our four commanders will fight together, even if you, a monk, has three heads and six arms, and your cultivation base is extraordinary, you are definitely not our opponent."

The commander's eyes stared fiercely at Tang Seng, as if he wished he could eat Tang Seng in one bite.

to be honest.

The things in front of him were not what he wanted.

What he was thinking about was, relying on his own strength, to suppress and kill Tang Seng alone.

After all, this is his domain.

He also has absolute autonomy.

But now, he can't take down Tang Seng, so he can only share such credit with other companions. Under the circumstances, it would be strange if he was in a good mood.

And the other three commanders who came up also said one after another: "Tang Xuanzang, I have heard of your name for a long time! I thought you, a monk, were just like that, but now I know that you, a monk, are not as expected. It’s so unbearable! This is fine! If your strength is really that bad, the meaning of our coming here will be gone!”

"Hehe, little monk, you are finished this time!"

"We will definitely kill you!" The remaining three commanders exchanged glances with the commander without hesitation. Amidst the screams one after another, another tyrannical aura pushed their bodies, and they exploded again.

The bitter black wind and waves have suddenly evolved to the extreme, and they are also enveloping!

At this moment, the atmosphere of killing was extremely strong.

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