Quicksand River, Sand Monk!

After this difficulty, Tang Seng Tianding's team of three apprentices and one horse was completely perfect, and it was completely possible to start the Black Westward Journey.

But thinking of Monk Sha, Tang Seng frowned slightly, because he remembered a saying from his previous life.

It is said that in the original book, Tang Seng reincarnated ten times before he became Tang Seng. The nine lives before him were all monks, and they all embarked on the road to the west.

But those previous lives were all mortal bodies, without the protection of his apprentice Sun Wukong, and without the escort of gods and Buddhas all over the sky. Every time they walked to the Liusha River, they lost their lives.

The necklace of nine skulls hanging around Monk Nasha's neck is Tang Seng's first ninth life.

Because Monk Sha is a water monster who eats passers-by, he is a real evil monster.

Even if he used to be the shutter general of the Heavenly Court, it can't change the fact that he has become a man-eating water monster.

In this case, Tang Seng and his enemies can be said to be irreconcilable!

In the original book, Guanyin Bodhisattva came forward and asked Monk Sha to take off the skull on his neck and turn it into a boat to help Tang Seng cross the Liusha River, and used this method to resolve the hatred in it.

In the original book, Tang Seng is just a mortal, who can be manipulated by others, but now Tang Seng is a time traveler, who fully possesses the strength of the tough Avalokitesvara, so it is completely impossible to understand hatred so simply.

At that time, no matter how you say it, you have to get some benefits before allowing Monk Sha to join the team.

Thinking in this way, Tang Seng ordered Monkey King and Zhu Bajie to speed up and head straight for Liusha River.

Two days later, in the early morning, Tang Seng and others finished the meal that Monkey King bought. Tang Seng touched his stomach with satisfaction, and then said: "Wukong, I just had a full meal, sleep for a while, you go to explore the road ahead." , see where we are?"

Sun Wukong nodded, slapped Zhu Bajie, and said, "Idiot, pack up your things and wait for Master to sleep peacefully!"

Zhu Bajie nodded aggrievedly, and could only get up and start to pack his things, while Monkey King rose up on the clouds and flew towards the west.

"Come on, Bajie, I will take good care of you for the teacher!" Tang Seng said with satisfaction, then lay down on the rattan chair, closed his eyes and began to take a nap.

This rattan chair was made by Xiong Da in the world of Chaos Beads, and it was specially used to please Tang Seng. In this rattan chair, Xiong Da cast a formation, which can quickly put the person lying on it into a peaceful sleep.

Tang Seng liked this gift very much. After setting aside a large area to prevent Wu Wu from entering and bullying Xiong Da, he accepted this gift and took it out to sleep for a while from time to time. It can be said to be very comfortable.

After a while, when Tang Seng woke up, the sun was already in the west. Sun Wukong was leaning on the tree trunk and was taking a nap. When he heard the sound of Tang Seng getting up, he immediately opened his eyes, jumped down from the tree, and said, "Master, you are awake!" ?”

As he said that, Monkey King slapped Zhu Bajie on the head, who was lying on the side while sleeping soundly, and cursed: "You idiot, are you still sleeping? Master is awake, and you are still sleeping here, why are you acting like a pig?"

Zhu Bajie sat up in a daze, covered his head, and said with an aggrieved face: "Brother Monkey, if you hit me on the head again, you will be fooled! Also, I am a pig in the first place."

When Sun Wukong heard that Zhu Bajie dared to refute, his eyes glared, and Zhu Bajie was so frightened that he quickly got up and ran behind Tang Seng.

"Okay, Wukong, stop making trouble, tell me, where are we now?" Tang Seng shook his head and asked.

Hearing Tang Seng's question, Monkey King gave up the idea of ​​continuing to teach Zhu Bajie, and said: "Master, there is an extremely wide river twenty miles ahead. This river is eight hundred miles wide, and there are no boatmen and boatmen around. Bridge, and this river is full of sand, the current is extremely fast, like half of the water and sand flowing together, if we don't use mana, it may be difficult to cross this river!"

Hearing this, Tang Seng's eyes lit up and he asked, "Wukong, have you read the name of that river? But it's called Liusha River?"

Eight hundred quicksand realms, three thousand weak water depths. Goose feathers can't float, and reed flowers sink to the bottom. This is the original record of Liusha River.

Sun Wukong was taken aback for a moment, and then said in amazement: "Master, how did you know that this river is called Liusha River?"

Tang Seng shook his head and didn't explain, but he was a little excited. He finally arrived at the Liusha River, and he was about to enter the story of Monk Sha. This is really great.

These two days on the road were really boring. Now that we have finally reached the Liusha River, the peaceful life will soon be interesting!

"Since that's the case, I don't want to waste any more time, let's get on the road!" Tang Seng stood up, put away the wicker chair, and said.

Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie didn't dare to hesitate when they heard the words. One led the horse and the other carried the burden, and quickly set off on the road.

A group of people are all cultivated, so the twenty miles are covered quickly.

Tang Seng dismounted from the white dragon horse, looked at the incomparably wide river in front of him, and suddenly a sense of heroism arose in his heart, and an idea of ​​wanting to conquer this river slowly arose.

After walking two steps forward, Tang Seng saw a dilapidated boundary tablet, which read: Liusha River, three large characters, and behind the monument, there was a poem recorded: Eight Hundred Quicksand Realms, Three Thousand Weaknesses water depth. The goose feathers cannot float, but the reed flowers sink to the bottom.

"Yes, in the previous world, I have never seen such a magnificent river of quicksand, it is simply a spectacle!" Tang Seng opened his arms and sighed.

Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie looked at each other, and they had long been accustomed to whether Tang Seng said something he didn't understand.

After admiring the spectacle of the Liusha River for a while, Tang Seng calmed down, pondered for a while, and then thought: This monk Sha is in this Liusha River. According to the original records, Zhu Bajie and Sha Monk fought at the bottom of the Liusha River, and Zhu Bajie was just Slightly better, it is very likely that this Monk Sha's cultivation is at the peak of Xuanxian or the early stage of Jinxian.

At this time, Tang Seng has already begun to plan how many merit points he can get from Monk Sha, because Zhu Bajie has proved that even if he is a member of the Buddhist scriptures group, he can obtain corresponding merit points by defeating him before surrendering.

Now Tang Seng is extremely hopeful that Monk Sha is an early Golden Immortal, because after the Golden Immortal is defeated, he will give 10,000 merit points!

But a difficult question was posed in front of Tang Seng. He couldn't swim. What should he do to lure Monk Sha out of the water?

At this moment, there was a surge of water in the middle of the Liusha River, and a red-haired savage rose from the water. Nine skulls hung on the neck of this savage.

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