However, Tang Seng suddenly laughed!

The expression of the top saint in black changed slightly, and he became angry on the spot: "You bastard, you are going to die, and you can still laugh?" Under this situation, it is obvious that he has taken the absolute initiative, but the kid in front of him, But he still had a smile all over his face, as if he was laughing at his strength.

The top saint in black couldn't bear it.

At this moment, a more manic aura washed out of this guy.

"It's really something I don't know!"

"If I don't give you a little power, you really don't take this deity seriously!" Huhuhu, this kind of aura connected with the previous aura, turned into a more terrifying crit, and directly pressed on Tang Seng.

In a trance.

Tang Seng in front of him has been covered by his power.

Just wait for the whole thing to fall.

Once it fell, in the eyes of the top saint in black, the aura was dim, and Tang Seng, who was obviously about to die, would definitely die cleanly, without any more struggles!

Seeing this scene, the king of heaven smiled more: "This little bastard is finally going to die! Haha, it's good to die. A bastard like this shouldn't live. Only death is the best thing for us all." Good thing! Brother Dao, work harder and kill him!"

This extraterrestrial demon king had hot eyes, which flashed out completely uncontrollably.

Of course, his figure is not slow, just behind the top saint in black.

Under such a domineering aura, Tang Seng seemed to have no room for struggle. It's just that just when these two thought that Tang Seng was bound to die, the smile on Tang Seng's face became stronger and stronger, and what overflowed with the smile was his breath.

Such an aura that was not expected by the top sage in black and the king of heaven.

As soon as this kind of breath erupted, it was already extremely strong, but it instantly wiped away the dark wounds on Tang Seng's body. Just listening to Kaka's voice, it exploded directly. The domineering, domineering aura of the top saint in black, who thought he could easily kill Tang Seng, was completely caught off guard by this aura.

One couldn't meet, the huge black sword light was forced to tear a big hole by such a breath.

Immediately afterwards, there was another burst of momentum, rolling towards the top saint in black in the opposite direction.

This guy was stunned, and looked at this scene in disbelief: "Impossible!" At this moment, like the previous Sombra King, disbelief was written all over his face.

The person in front of him was clearly injured by him!

Obviously seriously injured, I dare not say that I will definitely die, at least I don't have the strength to struggle, just wait for his breath to rush up, and I can kill the existence in an instant.

But now.

There was no trace of that aura in Tang Seng's body.

This guy's aura is tyrannical, like a mountain rising from the ground, easily destroying his aura from top to bottom.

Especially at this time.

There was also a ferocious aura that could not be suppressed at all, and it landed on his defenseless body unreasonably.

bang bang bang!

But in an instant, the top saint in black felt that the bones hidden in the flesh and blood were shattered. An unprecedented feeling exploded directly.

The mind of the top saint in black was blank.

It was Tang Seng in front of him who refreshed his cognition. He could swear to heaven that he had never seen anyone like Tang Seng.

But also at this time.

Tang Seng's chilly voice rang into his ears: "Things that are impossible to happen with others, everything is possible with me! Old man, you and I have no grievances or enmities, but you keep doing it again and again." You have to persecute me, intending to put me to death!"

"You asked for everything today!"


There was also a fierce breath, crushing it fiercely.

Directly completely enveloped the top saint in black.

The black-clothed top saint under such a breath is like a bird completely blocked by Tang Seng's powerful aura. In all directions, there are copper walls and iron walls, and there are even more violent injuries inside and outside his body. strength.

Things have come to this point.

It wasn't that he wasn't strong enough, but that he was careless just now. Tang Seng did his mental calculations and didn't care, so he seized the most suitable opportunity and dealt him a heavy blow.

It made things like this!

At this moment, the face of the top saint in black was extremely ugly. Invisibly, a more ferocious aura evolved from him. In any case, he is also a powerful top saint, and he is not a top saint at the general level. There are still necessary means of strength.


He still misjudged the situation.

Tang Seng at this moment, even if he can't kill him with it.

It is also necessary to completely dissolve his fighting power.

How can you give him a chance when you have already controlled the absolute initiative?

Hear that bang again!

The aura of the black-clothed top saint was finally ignited, and was instantly swept by Tang Seng's explosive aura.

Seeing such a momentum, before it took effect, it had already exploded into pieces from top to bottom.

As the person involved, the top saint in black exclaimed: "Why is this happening!" In the blink of an eye, there were streaks of black aura emanating from his pores, turning into a layer of black soft armor, and turning into a defense again. It's just such a defense, how can it withstand the impact of Tang Seng's tyranny.

Not a face to face.

The defense collapsed again, and the body of the top saint in black trembled a few times before shaking and falling out.


Although this layer of defense failed to withstand Tang Seng.

The most important thing is to protect the top saint in black and let him save his life. Of course, although his life was saved, the painful injuries still fell on him. In an instant, the top saint in black fell tens of thousands of feet away, and his originally exuberant aura plummeted in a straight line.

At this time, he was the same as the Black Shadow Heavenly King who was severely injured by Tang Seng.

Not to mention being seriously injured, but with a strong body, he was relieved by Tang Seng in this way. In a short time, this guy didn't even have the strength to act, not to mention jumping out to fight Tang Seng.

"Bastard!" The black-clothed top saint lying on a desolate land in the distance was startled and angry, and there was an uncontrollable fear in such an angry face, which evolved, "Why is this happening!"

He still can't figure it out!

Very good.

That's all!

This is completely impossible to happen.

It shouldn't be!

Tang Seng obviously has no strength!

Immediately afterwards, another wave of negative emotions erupted: "The strength of this little beast is very strange. With my current strength, it can no longer be of much use!" If you continue to stay here, I am afraid that your life will be lost! '

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