Caught off guard, Fang Zun and the others turned pale with fright, and said angrily, "Who!"

"Damn it!"

"Bastard!" The other Taoist masters were also stunned, their eyes widened, and they stared at the sky above Fang Zun and the others. Seeing a group of strong brilliance, it slammed down fiercely.

next moment!

More and more terrifying shock waves swept up.

Fang Zun and the others were also blasted out by the tyrannical aura just like the previous twelve Taoist masters.

In this way.

The supernatural power that exploded from Tang Seng's body hit the void all at once. Papapapa, the deep void directly blasted a hole.

It all happened so suddenly.

Tang Seng was stunned for a moment, but at this moment, a clear, very friendly voice, which he could understand without understanding the meaning of Dao, slammed into Tang Seng's ears: "Hurry up, we are here to support you! "

'It's them! '

Tang Seng was ecstatic in his heart.

He didn't say much, and blasted directly into the void.

Opportunities created by others.

Nothing should be wasted.

If he stayed a little longer, all their efforts might be in vain.

All of a sudden, a deeper and more domineering aura emerged from Tang Seng's body one after another.

Even though he had penetrated into the void, he didn't stagnate in the slightest. Just like before, layers of aura faded from his body. After passing through dozens of voids in a row, he stopped.


This time he was not facing one or two Taoist masters.

Instead, there are more than twenty people.

None of these Taoist masters are ordinary.

Even if a slight flaw is revealed, all previous efforts may be wasted and fall into their control.

here we go.

Tang Seng breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a low voice: "When we get here, those guys shouldn't be able to catch up! In addition to the existence of those who came to save me and dragged their bodies, it is impossible for them to set up a plan for me in advance. It's like killing an ancestor!"

Think here.

The profound aura in Tang Seng's pupils also became heavier.

At this moment, he sent out his divine thoughts crazily again, and after confirming that there was no tail, he really felt relieved.

Also at this time!

Tang Seng's expression changed suddenly, and he slapped his body with a slap.


A little nimble brilliance washed out of his body.

In an instant, this bit of aura passed and turned into a jade. The moment the jade appeared, a deep voice came from inside: "Fellow Daoist, please come here!"


In the aura, there is another breath, spinning out.

Tang Seng grabbed it in his hand, sensed it carefully, and raised his eyebrows: "This aura is clearly the aura of one of the two who rescued me just now!"

"And they should be the ones sent by Taoist ancestors to this land beyond the sky, different from those who hide in the wind and desert!"

"Since they invited me, no matter what, I should go for a walk!"

Tang Seng didn't hesitate either. He took a deep breath and took a while to fully restore the breath that had dissipated before. Then he opened the void again, and followed the guidance of the breath, and went straight to that direction.

at the same time!

Shazu, who was forced to retreat by Jianguang, and the other twelve Taoist masters stared fiercely at the stalwart body behind Jianguang, and said angrily, "Bastard thing, it's so big!" How dare you sneak up on us!"

"Today's hatred, we cut it down! From now on, we will never die!"

"Don't think that if you cover your face, we won't be able to find you!"


"My master will kill you one day!"

One by one roared loudly, with very ugly expressions on their faces. You know, the suppression of Tang Seng was in an instant, but it was such an instant that it was destroyed by such a person.

How could they be in a good mood?

Every depressed mood washes inside and outside the physical body.

What's more, now that they were wounded, they could only watch helplessly as the dancing sword light curled up that figure and went straight into the void.

They do.

The same is true of Fang Zun and other four Taoist masters on the other side.

At this moment, they were also in a mess. In a short period of time, they didn't have the power to counter the violent attack, and they could only watch helplessly, tearing away their violent power, and letting the person who Tang Seng left leave.

The only thing that is better is Fengchi Sanyou.

The backs of these three were all covered with cold sweat.

Even though their aura had recovered a little, they didn't dare to jump out.


It is a person, and it can be seen that such two people are definitely not ordinary people. Rushed up, what else could it be other than courting death?

There was a strange and gloomy atmosphere in the huge scene, and it was churning. For a moment, apart from the wind and waves washing over from all directions, there was no other sound flowing out. Here, it seems to be completely silent!

It's just that this silence lasted less than a few breaths before it was broken by a high-pitched crackling sound.

"I hate it so much!"

All the Taoist masters looked shocked, and looked towards the source of the voice one by one.

Seeing the blood robe standing tall, he suddenly raised his head and screamed, and at the same time as the roar, a mouthful of blood sprayed out from his mouth like a fountain. Immediately afterwards, this already swaying breath, like a balloon with a hole broken, plummeted down. In the midst of swaying, he fell directly to the point where he was about to fall under the Taoist master!

follow closely!

The blood robe covered his heart with his hands again, and knelt directly in the void.

At this moment, the blood robe has a ferocious and terrifying face, which is very ugly: "My Taoist swears, if I don't kill this beast Xuanzang with my own hands, I will call Chaos Heavenly Rank and kill me!"

As soon as this statement came out.

Another rumbling breath fell from the sky and landed on the blood robe.

Invisibly, this ancestor of the blood killing hall has a little more connection with this void!

Seeing this scene, the Taoist masters were all trembling, and there was a little fear on their faces.


Their fear is not the blood robe.

If it was the ancestor killing before this, they would be afraid and understandable.

After all, this guy is powerful.

But the current Sha Zu, his strength has plummeted, and he is about to fall under the Taoist Lord. His brutal strength is less than 30% of the original. This kind of strength, even compared with some existences who have just entered the Taoist level, is still inferior, let alone them? They also knew that all of this was due to the drastic change in mood caused by killing the ancestors and not killing Tang Seng.

Killing ancestors in such a state is nothing compared to them.

What they were really afraid of was the words that the blood robe yelled out!

With cultivation bases like theirs, they would never swear easily. Once the oath is made, it will become an extremely fierce binding force, and it is okay to complete the oath.

If you can't finish it!

The supreme will of the land beyond the sky will fall.

No matter how strong the person who swears is, he will definitely die!

But now, under the fury of the blood robe, he actually made an oath, which is tantamount to sending his own life into the hands of the supreme will in the depths of the void, unless Tang Seng is killed.

Otherwise, ten deaths and no life!

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