As soon as he entered, he felt a very strong aura, even more fierce than before. This kind of breath is extremely oppressive, and it has suddenly turned into a towering mountain, pressing heavily on Tang Seng's body.

Tang Seng's expression shook slightly.

'This is clearly the power that has surpassed the Dao! '

And beyond the Dao, it is naturally the power of heaven!

At the critical moment, a little dark aura emerged from Tang Seng's body, even though this aura was unusual, he blocked it back. For a while, the stress disappeared.

Tang Seng also breathed a sigh of relief.

Even though such pressure was resolved, Tang Seng didn't feel too relaxed.

He clearly knew the ferocity of such power.

Fortunately, it was only a substantial energy shock, not the supernatural power of the main character's evolution. Otherwise, Tang Seng must have been blasted out by such a force. That is him.

Changing to a monk in another Dao realm, I'm afraid it's not as simple as being thrown out.

I'm afraid that a face-to-face meeting will be crushed to pieces by such a force.

‘This is the place where the high heavenly sage controls! It is completely different from other existences in the Dao realm! If you want to survive in such an environment, you can't do without strength. '

But also at this moment.

Tang Seng sensed two deep gazes on him.

Tang Seng's expression moved slightly, only then did he realize that Taoist Longxiang and Taoist Qingcang were looking at him with smiles on their faces.

Perhaps sensing Tang Seng's gaze, the two couldn't help laughing loudly: "Congratulations, you passed the test!"

"You have withstood our test."

‘Is this also a test? ’ Tang Seng couldn’t help but said, “If I fail your test, what will you do next?”

Daoist Long Xiang said indifferently: "We will still treat you as a fellow Taoist, but we will not let you see the real core secrets of our place!"

Taoist Qingcang smiled helplessly: "Xuanzang, forgive us for being cautious. It was really a long time ago that we suffered a loss! And we paid an extremely painful price for it!"

Tang Seng's brows twitched, and he said, "I would like to hear the details."

Taoist Qingcang said: "Long Xiang, did you say it, or did I say it?"

Lord Longxiang said: "Come on!"

Taoist Qingcang nodded, and said seriously: "Since that's the case, let me tell you something! It's like this! Before you, nearly ten million years ago, the Taoist ancestor sent a fellow Taoist to set foot in the outer world!"

"This person is very talented, and he made a lot of noise back then! Of course, compared with you, Xuanzang, he is still much inferior! Back then, we also snatched him from a group of Taoist masters from this extraterrestrial place, and stayed in us. The first world forged!"

'First world? ’ Tang Seng froze for a moment.

When he heard about the second world just now, he thought it was the land of wind and desert.

Now I know it's not.

Taoist Qingcang saw what Tang Seng was thinking, and explained: "The first world is the first world created after we parted ways with the Fengmo Realm, we call it the first world!"

"We spent a lot of effort creating the first world back then!"

"The scale and total resources of the first world created are also several times that of the current one."

On the faces of Taoist Qingcang and Taoist Longxiang, a gloomy expression appeared involuntarily.

Tang Seng couldn't help but look shocked.

This second world is already so powerful.

One can imagine how fierce the first world was.

Taoist Qing Cang sighed: "But it's just that one. We spent countless years forging it, and we took it as the fundamental world, and it was destroyed in the hands of that guy."

Tang Seng asked, "What did that guy do?"

Taoist Qingcang said: "We thought he was our fellow Taoist, but we didn't expect him to be a spy! This guy has taken refuge in this place outside the world, one of the three major forces, Yunmo Taoist Palace long before we found him. It's a shame that we didn't know the person at the time and brought him into the first world. From the moment he entered the first world, we were exposed!"

"All members of Yunmo Taoist Palace have been killed!"

"We are not their opponents at all!"

"If you don't hold on for long, the first world will be occupied by them! If you didn't fight to break through the siege, I'm afraid you wouldn't see us!" Taoist Qingcang shook his sleeves.

Amidst the wheezing, another tyrannical breath erupted from his body.

The originally dark hall suddenly became very bright.

In the depths of the dark void, among countless tyrannical breaths, three coffins were suspended.

These three coffins were filled with unusual auras. Even though the other energies around were also extraordinary, they were still swept away by the breath above the coffin.

Tang Seng vaguely thought of something: "That's it?"

A pained look flashed in Taoist Qingcang's pupils: "There are three fellow Taoists and three senior brothers who entered the land beyond the sky before us!"

"It was thanks to their protection that we two juniors who had not set foot in the realm of heaven escaped unharmed! The price was that they were seriously injured and slept for hundreds of millions of years!"

Tang Seng was in awe and said: "The three senior fellow Taoists are selfless and admirable!"

Taoist Qingcang said again: "Later, we came here!"

"Over the years, despite our continuous collection, we can only forge the second world into this appearance! Compared with the first world, the current second world is much inferior."

Taoist Qingcang's breath suddenly became much deeper.

It can be seen that even an existence that has reached his level, when it comes to the events of the year, there are still some emotions that cannot be controlled.

Daoist Longxiang said loudly: "Xuanzang, when that man was in Tianwaitian, he called himself Yunzhongxian and came to the land beyond Tianwai. After he betrayed us, he changed his name to Xiaoyaozi again!"

"Now he is one of the elders of the Heavenly Dao of Yunmo Dao Palace. He has a high position and authority, so he is very important!"

"When I am strong enough, I must kill him!"

"Xuanzang, if you have that strength, please help us! Get rid of that traitor!"

Taoist Qingcang's eyes also fell on Tang Seng.

Tang Seng said sternly: "Believing masters and destroying ancestors like this, and harming people of the same way, everyone will be punished! Don't worry, fellow Taoists, if there is a chance, I will kill him and avenge everyone."

Taoist Longxiang looked at Tang Seng seriously, and said, "I'm very pleased that you can say that!"

Taoist Qingcang also nodded: "We can also see that your current cultivation has also reached the edge of a breakthrough. Why don't you take advantage of this and temper it well? After the tempering is successful, we will go and get rid of other things!"

Tang Seng said: "Okay!"

Taoist Longxiang and Taoist Qingcang looked at each other without hesitation, both of them shook, and directly exited the hall!


The door of the hall is closed.

In this huge space, apart from the existence in the three coffins deep in the void, only Tang Seng was left alive.

Tang Seng let out a long breath, sensed the breath here, and nodded: "The breath here is different from the breath outside!"

"The difference is that it is closer to the outer sky!"

"Perhaps it is also because they are forging here!"

Tang Seng also knows.

The reason why Taoist Longxiang and Taoist Qingcang really recognized him was also because the aura here blended with him and did not reject him! Not repelling him means that Tang Seng doesn't have any other aura that he shouldn't have!

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