Journey to the West begins with the full-level monk Tang

Chapter 916 Kill the Taoist master Hanguang!

Rao Hanguang Taoist thought that his cultivation base strength was extraordinary, and when faced with such an impact suddenly, his complexion changed terribly with fright. At this moment, where is the bearing of a middle-level Taoist master?

Some are just terrified!

All of a sudden, this guy roared again, and all kinds of vicious auras emerged from his body without any money. In just an instant, the rushing breaths had already wrapped his body from top to bottom, turning into a layer of extremely strong defense.

this moment!

The heart of Taoist Master Hanguang also seemed to have been stabbed several times by countless blades. He was already riddled with holes and on the verge of collapse.

‘Damn it, I’m a middle-level Daoist, and you want to kill me even with a trash like you? Just wishful thinking! As long as this Daoist resists your critical attack, the power of several other comrades will naturally sweep up, and together with me, they will once again form a crushing trend against you. At that time, we will work together, no matter how weird you are, there is no other possibility except to be killed by us! '

Seeing this scene, other Taoist masters showed furious expressions on their faces: "My boy, I really underestimated you! Your strength is stronger than we imagined. But what is this? Your No matter how powerful you are, you are only one person, and there are so many of us, it is more than enough to kill you!"

"If you are sensible, stop quickly, there is still room for things to change! Otherwise, we will kill you!"

"stop it!"

In any case, they didn't want to see Daoist Hanguang being bombarded and killed in front of them. If such a thing really happened, the face of these famous Taoist masters would be completely lost.

At that time, other existences with the same status as them will definitely laugh at them.

At this moment, they were even more anxious than Taoist Master Hanguang. The buzzing and vibrating sounds sounded one after another. It is true that their supernatural powers are washing away at a faster speed.

With enough strength, they wanted to snatch the cold light Taoist master from Tang Seng's hands.

It's just a pity.

They take it for granted.

As Tang Seng who has already taken control of the situation, no one can stop him from killing Master Hanguang. As long as this guy is killed, the remaining few are no longer a problem for him.

Perhaps, there is still a chance to catch them all.

After all, they are all a group of middle-level Taoist masters, and the surging physical energy and blood energy is very impressive.

If it is seized, the Heavenly Dao points will inevitably skyrocket again.

At this moment, Tang Seng didn't seem to hear, didn't see, let alone feel, the fierce aura roaring from all directions, he only had the cold light in his eyes.

He has only one mind.

That is to kill the cold light Taoist master, kill this person, and cut off an arm of the encirclement power of this group of middle-level Taoist masters.

By the way, find the initiative he wants!

Anyway, these guys can't be killed!

So Tang Seng is fearless!

Seeing the defense of Taoist Master Hanguang swelled up, Tang Seng sneered: "A little weak force is worthy of fighting against me, you are too overconfident!" All of a sudden, the deep avenues of the Dao turned into huge mountains and rivers. , It hit the defense of Taoist Master Hanguang heavily.

This guy's defense is as fragile as a piece of paper in front of the fierce Shanheyin.

If they didn't meet each other, they would already be smashed into pieces from top to bottom. And the cold light Taoist master who was in it faced the critical attack of Tang Seng's supernatural power without any resistance.

In an instant, the owner of the Cold Light Dao Domain had his body exploded by Tang Seng's supernatural power, and wounds piercing through his body appeared impressively all over his body.

The cold light Taoist master who was still aggressive just now is now weak and on the verge of death!


At this moment, this guy was also desperate, and he still wanted to shout with his head up.


Tang Seng didn't want to give him a chance, and said with a sneer, "Death!" The endless power continued to strike violently, and Taoist Master Hanguang's body was already riddled with holes, and he exploded directly.

All the breath belonging to the cold light Taoist disperses.

no doubt.

This guy has been killed by Tang Seng!

Tang Seng's figure moved slightly, and he conveniently put away all the physical energy left by this guy. The next moment, there was another ferocious aura, swimming through the whole body, turning into a layer of defense, covering the whole body.

Because, the crit attacks of other Taoist masters have come!

Boom boom boom!

A series of detailed and terrifying supernatural powers fell viciously on Tang Seng's body!

The defense that had just evolved collapsed instantly. Soon, Tang Seng was just like the Taoist Master Hanguang falling into his supernatural powers just now, his huge body was completely covered by the supernatural powers of these Taoist masters rushing up!

The deeper and more terrifying aura of tyranny swept across all directions.

this moment!

Tang Seng's breath is gone!

even so.

A group of Taoist masters who had already surrounded were still puzzled, and continued to exert their supernatural powers, madly attacking Tang Seng's submerged area: "Little beast, you really deserve to die!"

"I said it all, let you stop, tell you to stop, are you deaf? This is what you will end up fighting against us!"

"You are too presumptuous!"

"If I don't kill you with my own hands, it will be hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart!" At this moment, they were extremely irritable. Master Hanguang died in front of them, even if they finally killed Tang Seng.

The impact on their face is irreversible.

They can already see the mocking and mocking faces of other Taoist masters.

Thinking of this, these guys are especially angry. Apart from the anger, a deeper and more domineering aura naturally washed over them. At this moment, they only have one thought.

Get rid of Tang Seng!

First vent the depression in your heart!

Otherwise, I am afraid that there will be shadows left in the state of mind.

for a while!

The shock wave presented by this huge scene is even more fierce.

so and so!

I don't know how long it has been!

This group of guys finally took away their supernatural powers, and said with a gloomy face: "Even if this kid has three heads and six arms, he should be killed by us!"

"For sure, no matter how fierce this guy is, his cultivation still lagged behind after all, that is, just now he took advantage of the cold light and was not prepared enough, so he found a loophole and did such a thing. But it is different now. That's right, what else can we do but die?"

"That's right, this kid is too arrogant! A mere junior is also worthy of fighting with us, I really don't know what it means!"

"A little bastard like this shouldn't have a path other than death! Otherwise, if he lives, it will be a serious threat to each of us."

"He must die!" For a moment, the pupils of the Taoist masters shot out, and a deeper wave of light stared at the area destroyed by their magical powers.

They want to be sure!

Is Tang Seng dead?

Even though they believed that Tang Seng must die, they still wanted to see it with their own eyes.

only if.

Only then will their restless mood calm down. For a moment, the violent wind and waves blew past, and an empty area appeared in their pupils.


Don't say Tang Seng's figure is gone, even the energy torrents filling it are all gone.

It was as if they had been completely vaporized by their supernatural powers!

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