"Golden Lion King, come out and die!"

Above Yandang Mountain, Jiang Feng led a hundred heavenly soldiers to face the enemy from above.

He was wearing armor, with his hands behind his back, looking domineering, like a king judging the world, full of momentum.

"What! Is this kid crazy? That's the Golden Lion King. How dare he yell like that? Is he tired of living?"

Wang Mang was stunned, but then he was relieved.

In his opinion, Jiang Feng was going to die anyway, so this was probably his stubbornness before death, preserving the last bit of dignity.


In the next moment, a stone door opened.

A group of strange-looking monsters swarmed out, some holding knives and guns, some holding swords and axes, all of them were ferocious and full of murderous intent.

In the middle, a monster was extremely majestic. He had a rough look and a full beard.

However, the beard was golden, and like his hair, it was shining like the best silk. Although he was in human form, his head was shaped like a lion's head.

Obviously, he was the Golden Lion King.

""Who are you, you rogue, that dares to run wild on my territory!"

The Golden Lion King roared to the sky, his voice was deep and powerful, like a huge bell.

At the same time, a wave of sound invaded, and sand and rocks flew everywhere.

All the heavenly soldiers were shocked. It was worthy of being a big monster in the Xuanxian Realm, it was really terrifying!

Jiang Feng was unmoved, still calm and composed, then, he looked down with disdain,"Listen, Golden Lion King, I am Jiang Feng, the captain of the Heavenly Court Law Enforcement Hall. You have occupied the mountain and become the king here, killing people without blinking an eye, making this place suffer and the people unable to make a living. Your crime is unforgivable!"

"Therefore, this captain has been ordered to flatten Yandang Mountain. If you are willing to surrender, this captain may leave your body intact!"

"Good guy, you are really brave. I admire you!"Wang Mang gave a thumbs up sincerely, but in his heart he already regarded Jiang Feng as a dead man.

"Destroy Yandang Mountain! Leave my body intact! Just you? Haha……"

The Golden Lion King suddenly burst into laughter, as if he had heard a huge joke, and couldn't stop laughing.

"Congratulations to the host, you have been successfully rejected by the Golden Lion King and obtained a silver-level treasure chest. Do you want to open it?"

At this time, the system's prompt sounded.

Jiang Feng raised a barely noticeable arc at the corner of his mouth,"Open it!"

"Congratulations to the host for opening the silver-level treasure chest and obtaining the top-grade innate spiritual treasure Immortal Binding Rope, ten six-thousand-year-old peaches, and a pot of Three Lights Divine Water!"

""Shit, it's so generous!" Jiang Feng almost cried out in surprise.

He had been in seclusion for two years, practicing the Hongmeng Creation Sutra and the Eight-Nine Mysterious Art, and had already digested the previous ten three-thousand-year peaches. He didn't expect to be rewarded with ten six-thousand-year peaches at this time.

This was enough for him to squander for a while.

As for the top-grade innate spiritual treasure, the Immortal Binding Rope, it goes without saying that it is extremely powerful.

Such spiritual treasures may not be possessed even by the Golden Immortal level.

What shocked Jiang Feng the most was the Three Lights Divine Water, which is the first healing holy medicine in the prehistoric world.

The Three Lights Divine Water is golden, The Sunlight Divine Water, the silver Moonlight Divine Water and the purple Starlight Divine Water.

The Sunlight Divine Water can wear away blood, essence, bones and flesh, the Moonlight Divine Water can corrode the soul, and the Starlight Divine Water can dissolve the true spirit.

However, when these three kinds of divine water are combined into one, they can remove all toxins in the world, heal all wounds and diseases, bring the dead back to life, and turn bones into flesh. It is truly the first healing holy medicine in the prehistoric world.

Even saints may not have it.

This holy medicine only exists in legends. Jiang Feng didn't expect that the system would reward him with a pot of it.

"You don't know how to live or die, take my sword!"

Instantly, the Golden Lion King attacked.

His magic power surged all over his body, and the Xuanxian aura burst out, like a storm, overwhelming the mountains and seas.

All the heavenly soldiers were frightened by his aura, and they retreated involuntarily. In an instant, they were defeated, like a pile of loose sand.

The realm is like the mountain, and the Xuanxian is completely superior to the Tianxian, which is extremely terrifying!


In the next moment, a sharp sound of breaking through the air was heard.

The Golden Lion King held the Immortal Sword and slashed a sharp sword light at Jiang Feng, destroying everything.

The cultivation of the middle stage of the Xuanxian, coupled with the middle-grade innate spiritual treasure, the Immortal Sword, that kind of power showed a sweeping momentum.

I saw that the sword light passed along the way, trees were broken, forests were destroyed, mountains collapsed, and the ground cracked, destroying everything, a terrible mess.


Jiang Feng's pupils suddenly shrank, and he quickly dodged.

However, he seemed to be a little short, and a tuft of his black hair was cut off by the sharp sword energy.

"You think you can flatten Yandang Mountain with just this ability? You are overestimating yourself!"

The Golden Lion King was full of disdain. Then, he held the Immortal Sword and slashed again.

Jiang Feng hid again, and a chase began. The

Golden Lion King chased him relentlessly, killing him with every move, and was extremely ferocious.

Jiang Feng ran for his life, looking extremely embarrassed.

""Haha, struggle, but no matter how hard you struggle, you'll just die!"

Wang Mang smiled sinisterly, gloating over the misfortune.

However, he didn't realize that although Jiang Feng looked embarrassed, he was able to dodge by a hair's breadth every time and turn danger into safety.

""It's time!"

Suddenly, a gleam of light flashed in Jiang Feng's eyes.


He turned into a flash of lightning and dodged again with lightning speed.

But this time, the place where he dodged happened to be where Wang Mang was.

The Golden Lion King followed closely like a leech, and without saying a word, he chopped down with a sword.

Jiang Feng dodged again, but Wang Mang was……


Wang Mang, who was immersed in ecstasy, saw this, his face turned pale, his pupils bulged, and cold sweat flowed down his forehead.

In his pupils, the destructive sword light continued to expand, like the hand of the god of death, erasing everything.

At this moment, he suddenly realized.

But he had no chance.

This scene was too sudden, and the sword was like lightning. He didn't even have time to use the life-saving means prepared by his brother Wang Ming for him.


There was only a light sound, and there was no suspense. Wang Mang was chopped to pieces by the Golden Lion King on the spot, and his body and soul were destroyed and no longer existed.


At this time, Jiang Feng stopped and let out a long breath.

That's right, his previous embarrassing dodge was just a disguise, aimed at killing someone with a borrowed knife and taking Wang Mang's life.

Since Wang Ming wanted to kill him, he would kill Wang Mang first to return the gift.

""Okay, little lion, I won't tease you anymore. It's time for you to surrender!"

In mid-air, Jiang Feng put his hands behind his back and said calmly.

At this moment, his previous embarrassed look was swept away, like a wolf, showing his ferocious fangs, showing his ferocious appearance.


The Golden Lion King suddenly roared wildly, his face was extremely ferocious.

He is the dignified Golden Lion King, but at this moment he was called a little lion.

This is a great humiliation, which must be washed away with blood!


The sharp sword light slashed across, splitting the mountains and cracking the peaks, destroying everything in its path.

But this time, Jiang Feng was as still as a mountain, letting the sword light slash at him.

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