Princess Longji was not displeased at all by Jiang Feng's sudden strong hug, but a happy smile filled her mouth.

Even though she was traveling through this terrible endless chaos, she instantly felt an unprecedented sense of security by relying on Jiang Feng's body.

Unconsciously, Princess Longji's jade hands also embraced Jiang Feng's waist.

In this way, the couple snuggled up to each other and embarked on the journey back to heaven.

After being promoted to Daluo, Jiang Feng's strength advanced by leaps and bounds. At this time, activating the Lidi Flame Flag can maximize the power of this top-grade innate spiritual treasure. As long as he does not encounter chaotic turbulence or chaotic storms, he can roam freely in this endless chaos.

During the whole process, the two did not speak, but relied on each other, feeling each other's temperature, heartbeat and even breathing. The relationship obviously became closer and the feelings gradually heated up.

After an unknown amount of time, the two finally jumped out of the endless chaos and entered the Three Realms.

"Welcome back Jiang Tianshen!"

Jiang Feng had just removed the flaming flag from the ground and hadn't even caught his breath when suddenly, a loud voice shook the heaven and earth and spread throughout the nine heavens, shocking everyone.

Jiang Feng frowned and looked ahead. He saw a crowd of people not far ahead. It turned out that the heavenly soldiers and generals from the heavenly court had gathered here, all wearing armor and waiting in formation.

"God Jiang, welcome back. His Majesty has ordered us to welcome you here. Please get on board!"

Taibai Jinxing came forward with a smile, holding a dustpan in his hand. Then he bent down, pointed at the golden carriage behind him, and made an invitation gesture.

"This, this is His Majesty's Eight Scenery Carriage!"

Jiang Feng was stunned, suspecting that he had seen it wrong.

This Eight Scenery Carriage is the Jade Emperor's car, which is extremely luxurious. There are eight kinds of scenes engraved on it, namely, the sunset in the fishing village, the return of the sails in the distant harbor, the dusk snow on the river and sky, the night rain in Xiaoxiang, the wild geese falling on the flat sand, the clear mist in the mountain city, the autumn moon in Dongting Lake, and the evening bell of the smoky temple. It is simply low-key, luxurious and meaningful.

Moreover, it is pulled by nine dragons and nine phoenixes, escorting it all the way, with great pomp.

Although these dragons and phoenixes are not purebred innate dragons and phoenixes, in today's era, they also represent supreme dignity and symbolize status and power.

On weekdays, only the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother have sat in this Eight Scenery Carriage, but now, the Jade Emperor actually used it to welcome Jiang Feng's return, which shows how much he values Jiang Feng.

""God of Heaven Jiang, please get on the carriage!" Taibai Jinxing said again.

Jiang Feng nodded and got on the Eight Scenes Carriage with Princess Longji.

Then, under the command of Taibai Jinxing, the Eight Scenes Carriage set off, driven by nine dragons and nine phoenixes, and escorted by 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals, and returned directly to the heaven.

On the Eight Scenes Carriage, there were ten beautiful fairies serving, and from time to time they handed some delicious fairy fruits to Jiang Feng's mouth. It was so refreshing.

"What a grand ceremony, could it be that the Jade Emperor is traveling?"

"It doesn't look like that. The person on the Eight Scenes Carriage is clearly a young man. Hey! He looks familiar!"

"You may not know this yet, but this is the Jade Emperor welcoming Jiang Feng’s return!"

"My goodness, who on earth is this Jiang Feng? He actually asked the Jade Emperor to send his own Eight Scenery Carriage, accompanied by 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals, to make such a grand show? Even the Tathagata Buddha in the West doesn't have this kind of treatment."

"The young man's name was Jiang Feng, the god of justice in heaven. It was said that he was a direct disciple of Nuwa. Before, Lingji Bodhisattva followed the Buddha's order to kill Jiang Feng, but Nuwa came down from the sky and killed Lingji Bodhisattva."

"It turned out to be him. No wonder he was treated like this."

"This is nothing. According to gossip, the Jade Emperor is planning to marry his daughter Princess Longji to Jiang Feng. Look, Princess Longji is also on the Eight Scenery Carriage. How sweet this couple is. It's so enviable and jealous."

"The direct disciple of Nuwa, the god of justice in heaven, married to Princess Longji, and the son-in-law of the Jade Emperor. This is the peak of my life that I never dared to dream of. What virtue and ability does Jiang Feng have? Heaven is so unfair!"


Jiang Feng's momentum along the way naturally attracted the attention of the creatures of the three realms.

If looks could kill, Jiang Feng would have died countless times.

Such high-standard treatment is too jealous.

Of course, the Western Buddhists also noticed this scene, and they were all angry and wanted to cut Jiang Feng into pieces and grind his bones to ashes.

In today's era, the power of Buddhism is so huge that if it is second in the three realms and six paths, no one dares to claim to be the first.

On weekdays, all sects and schools are flattering and in awe.

But now, a Buddhist Bodhisattva died because of Jiang Feng. This is undoubtedly a slap in the face of Buddhism. They naturally feel humiliated and furious.

However, no matter how angry they are, they can only swallow their anger.

Because the person who made the move is Nuwa, the supreme existence that even Zhunti Jieyin is afraid of, they can only keep quiet and pretend that nothing happened


Not long after, escorted by 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals, they finally arrived at the South Gate of Heaven with a mighty and unimpeded journey.

""Welcome back, God Jiang Tian!"

At the South Gate of Heaven, many heavenly soldiers and generals shouted in unison, as if they were welcoming the Jade Emperor, and their morale was extremely high.

Jiang Feng leisurely got off the Eight Scenery Carriage, and his pupils shrank again.

At the South Gate of Heaven, it was actually the Queen Mother who was welcoming him.

""My dear Jiang, welcome back. It was my fault before, I hope you don't mind!"

Queen Mother said with a smile.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but waved his hand,"Your Majesty, you are too polite, let's just let it go."

""My dear, please come this way!"

The Queen Mother made an invitation gesture and personally led the way for Jiang Feng.

Under her leadership, Jiang Feng went straight to the Lingxiao Palace, located in the thirty-third heaven.

Along the way, the garrison and patrolling heavenly soldiers and generals all shouted loudly, welcoming the return of Jiang Tianshen and showing great respect to him. Many fairies also held garlands in their hands or scattered flower petals to celebrate Jiang Feng's return.

It can be said that the Jade Emperor put a lot of effort into this return ceremony for Jiang Feng, which was full of formality and showed sufficient sincerity and attention.

And that's not all.

In the Lingxiao Palace, many immortals and gods gathered, and the Jade Emperor sat high on the throne of the Emperor of Heaven, looking forward to it.

In front of the immortals and gods, there were all kinds of delicacies from mountains and seas, fine wines and delicacies. It was obviously a grand banquet.

""Welcome back Jiang Tianshen!"

Many civil officials and generals shouted in unison, including Wenquxingjun, Leigong Dianmu, Wuquxingjun, the Four Heavenly Kings, Nezha, the Great God of the Three Altars and Seas, the Barefoot Immortal, Taibai Jinxing, Huodexingjun, Shuidexingjun, etc. The Pagoda-Bearing

Heavenly King Li Jing was also among them, but his face was a little gloomy, and he was obviously very reluctant.

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