"Sir, your Three Immortal Soup, Drunken Immortal Wine, and the latest Sweet Osmanthus Wine are ready. Please enjoy them!"

Suddenly, a beautiful and crisp voice sounded. It was the Fairy Nichang who came over with a tray.

"Osmanthus wine!" Jiang Feng's mind moved, and he couldn't help but think of the agreement he had made with the fairy Chang'e in the Moon Palace."How does it taste?"

Jiang Feng took the osmanthus wine and drank it first.

After a moment, he couldn't help but show a pleasantly surprised expression. This osmanthus wine has a prominent fragrance, sweet and sour taste, mellow and soft, and is endlessly memorable. It can definitely be called a fine wine.

""Nichang, it's great. Your craftsmanship has improved a lot during my absence." Jiang Feng praised generously.

Fairy Nichang was also very happy."These are all top-quality ingredients given by adults. In addition, this wine has been brewed for hundreds of years, so it tastes naturally mellow."

"Well, how much wine has been brewed?"Jiang Feng then asked

"My Lord, there are ten jars of wine in the cellar, which will surely satisfy you. This small pot is just a drop in the bucket."

"Very good. Jiang Feng nodded with satisfaction, and then planned to take time to go to Guanghan Palace to fulfill his promise and let the fairy Chang'e taste the sweet-scented osmanthus wine.

"Oh, here are two Qianqing Dahuan Pills, which can help you refine the energy in your body. After it is completely refined, you can condense the Golden Immortal Dao Fruit."Jiang Feng suddenly remembered this and immediately handed over two pills.

To put it bluntly, this Qianqing Dahuan Pill is to help digestion. While protecting their heart meridians, it can also help them refine the energy bit by bit, thereby promoting their cultivation and advancing step by step.

""Golden Immortal Dao Fruit!" The two took it, their eyes widened, unbelievable.

The Golden Immortal represents supreme status and power in the Heavenly Court. Nezha, the great god of the Three Altars and Sea Assembly, the Four Seas Dragon Kings who control the clouds and rain, the Four Heavenly Kings who guard the Heavenly Gate, etc. are all in this realm.

They were originally ordinary heavenly soldiers and fairies, with the most humble status and identity in the Heavenly Court, at the bottom of the pyramid. The Golden Immortal Realm is something they dare not even dream of.

But because of Jiang Feng, they turned over a new leaf and achieved such a dreamlike achievement.


Immediately, the two knelt on the ground, expressing their gratitude.

Jiang Feng smiled, then walked straight to the Lingxiao Palace

""Call the stone monkey Sun Wukong to the palace!"

In the Lingxiao Palace, the ceremonial officer sang loudly.

Jiang Feng arrived at the right time, just when the stone monkey Sun Wukong was going to heaven.

For a moment, all the civil and military officials looked towards the palace gate, but after waiting for a long time, they still did not see the figure of Sun Wukong.

""Hey, old official, I'm here!" A playful voice sounded.

In the center of the hall, under the feet of Taibai Jinxing, a little man as small as a fingertip appeared, and then grew bigger and bigger, and in a blink of an eye he was shoulder to shoulder with Taibai Jinxing. It was the wise stone monkey Sun Wukong.

This Sun Wukong was extremely handsome, not like a stone monkey at all. He wore a phoenix-wing purple gold crown on his head, a chain mail golden armor, and lotus silk cloud shoes on his feet. He was majestic and heroic, and this outfit was obviously obtained from the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas.

After appearing, this Sun Wukong made mischief again, sometimes teasing the giant spirit, sometimes somersaulting in the hall, and sometimes snatching Taibai Jinxing's dust to play with. It was obvious that he was not a quiet person.

"Sun Wukong, why don't you pay homage to His Majesty!"The Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing was shocked and shouted

"Forget it," the Jade Emperor waved his hand and said nonchalantly,"This stone monkey has just arrived in heaven and does not know the etiquette. Forgive him for his innocence."

"My dear ministers, where should Sun Wukong serve as an official?"The Jade Emperor asked again

"Your Majesty," the head of the Personnel Hall, Wu Qu Xing Jun, immediately stepped forward and said,"There are no vacancies in any room or department in the court, except for the Imperial Horse Administration, which lacks a chief steward."

"Wu Qu Xingjun, if you ask him to take care of the horses, I'm afraid he won't agree.

Taibai Jinxing frowned and said

"This official position is already quite high." Wu Qu Xingjun said with a smile

"Oh?" When Sun Wukong heard this, his eyes lit up instantly,"Isn't this a small official?"

"It’s very big!"

"Very well, I will be the official." Sun Wukong was so happy that he danced with joy.

"Sun Wukong, are you willing to work in the Imperial Stables and become a horse keeper?" the Jade Emperor asked.

""Yes, yes." Sun Wukong nodded repeatedly.

Seeing this scene, all the civil and military officials couldn't help laughing secretly. This monkey was so easy to fool, what a fool!

Li Jing, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King, almost laughed out loud. Sun Wukong went to heaven and was conferred the title of Bi Ma Wen. Everything was going as planned in the Journey to the West planned by Buddhism.

In time, when the Journey to the West is over, Buddhism will gain supreme merit, and he can also get a share of it. His merit will be complete and he will reach a higher level.

Just when Li Jing was happy, suddenly, for some reason, he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, like a knife, tearing his heart and lungs, making him a little unbearable.

"Your Majesty, I suddenly have a severe stomachache. I am afraid I can't attend the morning court. Please allow me to go home and rest."Li Jing immediately resigned, with a layer of cold sweat oozing from his forehead.

"Oh……"At this time, the pain in his abdomen became even worse. Li Jing couldn't help but scream out in pain, holding his lower abdomen, his face was a little distorted.

"Li Jing, what's going on with you?"The Jade Emperor asked in confusion.

The civil and military officials also looked puzzled and confused.

"Immortals like me have long been free from birth, old age, sickness and death, and have not even experienced the three disasters and nine calamities. What happened to the King of Heaven?"

"Yes, Li Tianwang is a Taiyi Golden Immortal, how could he suffer from the diseases of mortals?"

"How strange!"

"Look, Li Tianwang's belly seems to be getting bigger."

"What's going on? Why is it getting bigger and bigger?"


Immediately, all the immortals and gods turned their eyes over and saw that Li Jing's belly was expanding in circles like an inflated ball.

"Oh, it hurts so much. It hurts so much.……"

Li Jing covered his belly, rolling on the ground in agony.

Bi Ma Wen, who was about to take up his post, saw this and turned around, walked to Li Jing, touched his belly, then shook his head and murmured in confusion:"You immortals in heaven are really weird, even men can get pregnant!"

"What did you say, you naughty monkey?" Li Jing was furious, but he was in so much pain that he couldn't even stand up.

"It's nothing, sir, you should take good care of yourself and don't get upset. When you give birth to the baby, I, the Horse Keeper, will definitely come to visit you."

After saying that, Sun Wukong laughed and walked away.

Hearing this, the immortals and gods could no longer hold back and laughed out loud.

The commander-in-chief of the three armies, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing, was pregnant and was about to give birth to a baby. This was really funny.

Jiang Feng and Princess Longji beside him looked at each other and laughed out loud in a very unpresentable way, even laughing like geese.

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