"What happened? Why is it dark?"

"what is going on?"

"Look, there is a giant above my head. So scary, and has such a terrible aura!"


Instantly, the entire Miro Palace was in chaos. Many heavenly soldiers and generals were overwhelmed by the powerful aura and could not help but prostrate themselves on the ground, even breathing was very difficult. The aura was too overbearing and powerful. For a moment, the air seemed to solidify and no longer flow. The atmosphere was unprecedentedly heavy and depressing.

Not to mention Zhao Xiaowu and others, even the Peacock King looked at the giant above his head and couldn't help but reveal a look of fear in his eyes. He felt as if he was suffocating.

"This is……"The Peacock King was horrified and could not believe it. How could a small Daluo Jinxian have such terrible means? This was a bit abnormal.

In the sky, as the shadow of the giant appeared, he stretched out a finger towards the Peacock King, and then slowly rolled down.

This finger was like a pillar that reached the sky, comparable to the Buzhou Immortal Mountain, heavy and thick.

On it, there were mysterious and unpredictable laws of the Great Dao, which was the most terrifying place.

Pangu, the great god, was born in the thirty-sixth grade Chaos Green Lotus. He was born with the law of power.

This is the first law ranked first among the three thousand laws of the Great Dao, which is dominated by power and crushes everything.

I saw that finger slowly rolling down, the movement was very slow, like a snail crawling, but it seemed to imprison time and space, locking the target, and it would be useless for you to escape to the ends of the earth.

Rumble, rumble...

A huge sound continued to be heard, and the space above the Miro Palace was shattered, as if it was made of paper and could not withstand a single blow. The law of power was too overbearing and tyrannical, ignoring everything, invincible, and nothing could stop it.

However, in a single encounter, the five-colored divine light of the Peacock King disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

The law of power is the origin of all forms of power, containing everything and encompassing everything. It is not a problem to create the world, so how can the five-colored divine light resist it?

"The law of power, Pan, Pangu God! How is this possible?"

Until this moment, the Peacock King seemed to realize something, and he felt a chill all over his body.

He tried his best to escape from this place, but found that there was an invisible force that imprisoned him and he couldn't move at all.

In his pupils, the finger gradually enlarged, like a finger of death, extremely terrifying.

The Peacock King could do nothing but watch and wait for death.

This feeling is the most terrifying.

"ah……"The Peacock King could not help but scream out in fear, he was more frightened than ever before.


In the next moment, the finger pressed down.

The Peacock King spat out a mouthful of blood on the spot, as if he had been hit hard, his body flew backwards, like a kite with a broken string, and finally fell heavily on the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

At this time, in the sky, the fierce aura of heaven and earth receded like a tide, all the strange phenomena disappeared, and the sky became clear in an instant.

This twelve-sky god-evil formation can only condense the phantom of Pangu, and can only strike once.

After one strike, all the energy is exhausted, and it is necessary to rely on the twelve-sky god-evil flags to recharge with the accumulation of time.

Many heavenly soldiers and generals immediately breathed a sigh of relief, looked up at the sky, and still looked like they were still in shock.

The scene just now was too terrible, like the end of the world.

In the pavilion in the center of the lake, Jiang Feng's eyes were fixed on the Peacock King, and he couldn't help frowning.

Although the Peacock King was injured by the shadow of Pangu, it was obviously a minor injury. His aura was still strong, as powerful as a prison.

After all, the Pangu God condensed by the Twelve Capitals of Heavenly Gods was just a shadow, and it was very blurry, and only a vague outline could be seen.

If it weren't for the manifestation of the powerful law, the Peacock King would not have been able to recognize it.

Even so, the Peacock King, who was the first person under the Saint, was able to injure him with one finger, which showed how terrible his power was.

However, Jiang Feng still had a backup plan.

After a brief pause, Jiang Feng turned on the Hongmeng Creation Sutra, mobilized all his magic power, and activated the Heavenly Evil Treasure Zhentian Coffin.

On the ground, the Peacock King felt pain for a while, and his blood and qi surged in his body, but he quickly adjusted his breath.

Just as he was about to turn over, a black coffin suddenly fell from the sky.

This scene was too abrupt and as fast as lightning, even the Peacock King had no time to react.

With a clang, the Peacock King was trapped inside.

Bang, bang, bang...

There were crisp noises coming from the Heaven-suppressing Coffin. It was obvious that the Peacock King was trying to break free, but it was in vain. The

Heaven-suppressing Coffin was a fierce treasure of the Heavenly Dao, equivalent to an innate treasure. Not to mention the Peacock King, even if a Heavenly Dao saint was accidentally suppressed in it, he would not be able to get out for a while.


Seeing this scene, Jiang Feng let out a long breath, as if relieved. The huge stone that had been hanging in his heart finally fell.

If he didn't have the Heaven-suppressing Coffin as a backup, it would be difficult to suppress the Peacock King.

After all, he was the son of Yuan Feng, and he had practiced for countless years. The five-color divine light was almost against the sky, and his strength was really terrible.

However, as long as you enter the Heaven-suppressing Coffin, no matter who you are, you will be dominated by Jiang Feng.

Even if it is a tiger, it has to lie down for Jiang Feng; even if it is a dragon, it has to coil up for Jiang Feng.

""Jiang Feng, you, you suppressed Kong Xuan?"

Princess Longji came to her senses after a long time, and said in disbelief.

The scene just now had a huge impact on her. Kong Xuan was the number one person under the saint, and his strength was ridiculous.

However, in just a moment, Jiang Feng suppressed him. This was incredible.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, Princess Longji would never have believed it.

"It's just a little peacock, I can easily suppress it!"Jiang Feng smiled, his face calm and composed.

"Let me out, let me out quickly, Jiang Feng, you actually used the fierce and strange treasure of the Heavenly Dao, you have no moral integrity!"In the Heaven-Suppressing Coffin, the Peacock King roared hysterically, almost going crazy.

Hearing this, Jiang Feng couldn't help but laugh,"Peacock King, you are the number one person under the Saint, but you came to assassinate me, a Daluo Jinxian. Now you are talking to me about martial ethics, are you worthy? Don't you feel ashamed?"

"What the first person under the saint, but just like that."Princess Longji hugged Jiang Feng's arm, full of pride.

"No, I am the number one person under the Saint, no one can defeat me. If you hadn't plotted against me and caught me off guard, how could I have been trapped by you?"

"If you have the guts, let me out and fight me openly, do you dare?……"

The Peacock King screamed like crazy.

He was born proud and ambitious, and obviously could not accept this result.


At this time, two sharp sounds of breaking through the air were heard, and the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother came in a hurry.

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