Taking out the diary, Jiang Feng immediately wrote down the secret of the Holy Hidden Art on it.

Then, he put away the Heaven-Suppressing Coffin, summoned Zhao Xiaowu and Fairy Nishang, and issued an order that not a single word about the many strange phenomena in the Miluo Palace should be revealed.

Then, Jiang Feng went into the room and immediately refined the Zhoutian Star Banner based on the existing materials.

Not long after, the God of Wu Qu came to the palace to meet the emperor and advised the Jade Emperor that the Monkey King Sun Wukong had nothing to do all day, and traveled around, made friends, and became brothers with the gods and immortals. He was afraid that this monkey would cause trouble again if he continued like this. According to the plan made by the Western Buddhist sect, the Jade Emperor immediately arranged a job for Sun Wukong to guard the Peach Garden.


At the same time, in the Great Leiyin Temple in Lingshan Mountain in the West, the Tathagata Buddha sat on the high seat and recited the scriptures. Suddenly, the ancient Buddha Dipankara asked,"Tathagata Buddha, I wonder if there is any reply to the appointment of the Peacock King."

Upon hearing this, the Tathagata Buddha frowned and said,"According to the time, the Peacock King should come back to report the news, but there is still no news!"

"This shouldn't be the case. A long time has passed. Logically speaking, with the ability of the Peacock King, he should have completed his mission and returned long ago!"

"Could it be that the mission failed?"

"It is impossible that the Peacock King was instigated to rebel, otherwise why has he disappeared until now?"

"This is really strange!"


There was a lot of discussion among the Buddhists, but no one could figure it out.

"The Peacock King was converted by the Buddha Mother Cundi and has long since converted to Buddhism. Without the power of a saint, how could his heart be shaken? He cannot be instigated to rebel." The ancient Buddha Ran Deng was extremely confident and continued,"As for the failure of the mission, this is probably unlikely."

"Although Jiang Feng made rapid progress, he was only a Daluo Jinxian. The Peacock King was the number one under the Saint, and had been at the peak of the Quasi-Saint realm for a long time. His innate magical power, the Five-Colored Divine Light, was said to be able to sweep away anything. Who could stop him?"

"Moreover, he carried out the attack in secret, as fast as thunder. Even the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother were too late to rescue him. How could he fail?"

All the Buddhist disciples nodded in agreement.

But at this moment, Guanyin Bodhisattva suddenly said,"Report to the Buddha, according to the spies in the Heavenly Court, the God of Justice Jiang Feng is still alive and well, and has set a date for his wedding with Princess Longji, which will be at the Peach Festival in the near future."

"What! This little bastard is still alive?"

"Unscathed? How is that possible? Did the Peacock King not carry out his mission?"

"That shouldn't be the case. The Tathagata Buddha had passed on the instructions of the Jieyin Buddha and the Cundi Buddha Mother, and the Peacock King dared not disobey. In my opinion, the mission must have failed."

"How could the number one person below the Saint fail in assassinating a Daluo Jinxian? How invincible is this little bastard?"

"Could it be that Nuwa has taken action again?"


In an instant, the entire Great Leiyin Temple was in an uproar, with everyone talking at once, as if a pot had exploded, and the whole hall was in an uproar.

The news that Jiang Feng was not hurt at all made them unable to remain calm.

Western Buddhism has always been invincible and unstoppable, but in the matter of Jiang Feng, they have suffered repeated setbacks, especially this time, which seriously hit their self-confidence.

The Buddhist high-level officials were quite decisive and ruthless, and sent the Peacock King, the first person under the saint, but he never returned. This was incredible.

What exactly happened?

This is the question that filled the minds of all Buddhists.

"Previously, I communicated with the Buddha Lord and the Buddha Mother and concluded that Jiang Feng was an anomaly in the ancient world, unfathomable and impossible to predict. He was a major threat to the Western Buddhist sect, so he needed to be eliminated as soon as possible. I didn't expect this to be the result."

""Venerable Guanyin, have the spies in Heaven reported what happened specifically?" Tathagata Buddha asked hurriedly. However,

Guanyin Bodhisattva shook his head and said,"I don't know the details. I only know that a huge noise was heard from the Miluo Palace that day, dark clouds covered the sun, and it shook the Heaven. I don't know anything else." Tathagata

Buddha frowned even deeper. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't imagine what kind of means Jiang Feng used.

"Tathagata Buddha, this matter is really strange, we need to send someone to investigate."Randeng Ancient Buddha immediately made a suggestion

""What the ancient Buddha said is very true," Tathagata Buddha nodded in agreement,"Originally, our Buddhist sect had a clear view of the heavens and everything was under control, but because of Jiang Feng's sudden appearance, all the rhythm was disrupted."

"The current Heaven Palace is as deep as the sea and difficult to fathom. We need to send a capable person to explore it, and we must be careful and cautious."

"I have a candidate in mind and will arrange it as soon as possible. At the same time, I will also investigate the situation of the monkey. Perhaps it is because the Journey to the West is approaching, and the evil spirit between heaven and earth is getting stronger and stronger. As one of the protagonists of the Journey to the West, Sun Wukong is actually difficult to predict."

"Buddha, according to the spies, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven Sun Wukong has been assigned by the Jade Emperor to guard the Peach Garden, and everything is going as planned." Guanyin Bodhisattva reported. The

Buddha's face was a little solemn,"I don't know why, but I still feel uneasy. Everything will be considered after the investigation."


Miro Palace.

Jiang Feng refined ten Great Zhoutian Star Banners, and then he used up all the materials, so he stopped.

It just so happened that the Great Sage Equal to Heaven, Sun Wukong, was arranged to enter the Peach Garden, so he could start planning the next step.

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng couldn't help but take out two Huangzhong plums.

When he was in the Wa Palace, he picked a total of five Huangzhong plums from the tree. He consumed three of them to break through to the Daluo Jinxian, and the remaining two came in handy at this time.

"Huang Zhongli, Jiang Feng, you actually have this legendary fruit!"In the room, Princess Longji's beautiful eyes were wide open, filled with desire.

"It's nothing, baby, here, this one is yours, I have other uses for the other one." Jiang Feng immediately stuffed one of the yellow plums to Princess Longji.

Princess Longji had achieved Taiyi Jinxian for some time, and her realm had long been stabilized, meeting the conditions for swallowing and refining the yellow plum.

As for the Monkey King Sun Wukong, that's even easier.

That's right, Jiang Feng wanted to make both Princess Longji and Sun Wukong into Daluo Jinxian in the shortest possible time.

""Jiang Feng, you are the best to me." Princess Longji's face was full of joy, and she threw herself into Jiang Feng's arms.

Jiang Feng just smiled,"Your Highness, please keep this yellow plum for now, and don't eat it tonight. We have more important things to do."

After that, Jiang Feng hugged Princess Longji by the waist like a princess, and walked straight to the jade bed.

Princess Longji's pretty face turned red with shame, and she buried her head deeply in Jiang Feng's arms, but she did not resist.

However, just when she got to the bed, she seemed to remember something, and she couldn't help but push Jiang Feng away,"By the way, you didn't eat the enlightenment pill last time, did you?"

Princess Longji looked serious, and there was still some lingering fear in her eyes. Last time, she couldn't get out of bed for a long time.

She didn't want to experience this feeling again in her life.

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