"A small underworld is worthy of inviting my husband to be its guest? What the hell is going on here? If you don't tell the truth, I will kill you right now!"

Princess Longji's eyes were cold and sharp, and she raised the Qingluan Sword in her hand and was about to attack.

Previously, because the Peacock King of Western Buddhism came to kill Jiang Feng, she became particularly sensitive and cautious, and was very worried about Jiang Feng's safety.

It was too weird that the underworld sent the Black and White Impermanence to invite Jiang Feng to be their guest, so Princess Longji had to be cautious.

Jiang Feng hurriedly stopped them when he saw this,"Forget it, Longji, they are just servants doing their job, don't make things difficult for them"

"In that case, I will accompany you to the underworld. Jiang Feng continued

"ah……"The Black and White Impermanence were dumbfounded, wondering if they had heard wrongly. Jiang Feng was so easy to talk to, and he agreed immediately?

Frankly speaking, even they felt that this matter was a bit strange, but they could not disobey the orders of their superiors, so they could only bite the bullet and come.

""Jiang Feng, you can't go. It's too dangerous. Who knows what the person behind the scenes is up to?" Princess Longji hugged Jiang Feng's arm, her fair face full of worry.

"It doesn't matter," Jiang Feng waved his hand nonchalantly,"I just wanted to go to the underworld, but I just haven't made the time. Now that they invite me, how can I not go?"

Jiang Feng's words were true. He did have this plan, but it had never been put on the agenda.

To fight against Western Buddhism, it is not enough to rely on the development of one's own strength. It is difficult to make up for the time. Therefore, Jiang Feng has long wanted to win over some external forces, form an alliance, and unify the front. The underworld is a good target for winning over.

Although the underworld is nominally under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Court, in fact, the situation in the underworld is very complicated and has never really belonged to the Heavenly Court.

This time, he went there to test the waters of the ruler of the underworld and see if there is a chance to win them over.

"No, I won't let you go," Princess Longji hugged Jiang Feng's arm tightly, refusing to let go,"Do you know that the Western Buddhist sect has already reached into the underworld, and the Buddhist Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is stationed there."

"This Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is unfathomable and much more powerful than the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. It is said that he possesses the power of the Buddha."

"Yes, it must be the work of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. The Peacock King of the Western Buddhist sect failed to kill you, so he wanted to lure you to the underworld and surround and annihilate you. If you really go there, it would be like a sheep walking into a tiger's den, and the consequences would be disastrous!"

Princess Longji repeatedly reminded, her pretty face more solemn than ever before.

"Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!"

Jiang Feng knew that this person was truly unfathomable. Before he entered the underworld, he had made a great vow to the Tathagata Buddha that he would not become a Buddha until hell was empty. Because of this, he always retained the position of Bodhisattva. In fact, he had already been qualified to become a Buddha, and he was probably on par with the ancient Buddha Ran Deng.

Next to the underworld, there was a sea of blood in the underworld, and its owner was the extremely terrifying leader of the Styx.

This person was born before heaven and earth, one of the three thousand guests in the mortal world, and existed in the same era as the great figures such as Ran Deng Zhen Yuan.

He once imitated the goddess Nuwa to mold people out of clay and created the Asura clan, with great ambitions. He wanted to become a saint through merit, but unfortunately the Asura clan was born with defects and was murderous by nature. They also lacked the most critical Hongmeng purple energy, so they could never get what they wanted.

But his strength is unquestionable. Since he was born, he has been accompanied by the two swords of killing, Yuantu and Abi, and relying on the Netherworld Blood Sea, he is almost immortal.

The blood sea is not dry, and the Styx is not extinguished. Its horror is enough to imagine.

But such a terrifying supreme existence was suppressed by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in the Netherworld Blood Sea and never took a step out.

From this, the tyranny of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is evident.

However, Jiang Feng also has his own thoughts.

"Longji, don't worry, this is definitely not the work of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. The Peacock King has been suppressed by me, and the Western Buddhist sect has not yet figured out the situation, so how could they act rashly?"

"Even if those old bald donkeys wanted to kill me, they would never invite me to the underworld openly. In my opinion, the one who invited me this time is probably the real ruler of the underworld."Jiang Feng guessed

"The real ruler of the underworld!"Princess Longji frowned, then seemed to think of something, and her eyes lit up,"You mean, Lady Pingxin?"

Lady Pingxin is the real ruler of the underworld.

She created the six reincarnations, perfected the way of heaven, and established the underworld, so that the souls of the three realms and six paths have a home, can be reincarnated, and have immeasurable merits.

"That's right."Jiang Feng nodded.

He had previously used the Twelve Gods and Demons Formation. Although it could conceal the truth in the Miro Palace and not be known by outsiders, it could not be concealed from the Queen Mother Pingxin in the underworld.

This formation was created by the witch clan, and the Queen Mother Pingxin was the only surviving ancestor witch, Hou Tu.

In the past, before the final battle between the witch and the demon clan, Hou Tu transformed into the Six Paths of Reincarnation to complete the Heavenly Path, so she did not participate in the final battle and survived.

I think she must have noticed the existence of the Twelve Gods and Demons Formation, so she wanted to ask Jiang Feng to go down and ask clearly.

"Don't worry, Longji, I know my limits. There will be no danger this time."

Jiang Feng put his arm around Princess Longji's shoulders and comforted her as she sat down on the jade bed. Then he winked at the Black and White Impermanence and immediately his spirit left his body and went down to the underworld.

Princess Longji had just reacted when Jiang Feng was left with only a body.

"you……"Princess Longji was so angry that she stamped her feet and immediately went out to consult with the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother.


Under the guidance of the Black and White Impermanence, Jiang Feng's soul floated all the way down and soon entered the underworld.

This was a gray world, dark and gloomy everywhere, and from time to time there were bursts of miserable ghost howling, which was creepy.

"Lord Yama, I am so lucky that I have invited Lord Jiang to come down to the mortal world."The Black and White Impermanence reported to a middle-aged man with a square face and wearing underworld clothes.

This man was their immediate superior, Yama, one of the Ten Yama Kings.

Jiang Feng was secretly shocked when he saw this. The aura of Yama was extremely powerful. He was actually a quasi-saint. This showed the rich foundation of the underworld.

This made him more determined to win him over. The Ten Yama Kings in the underworld alone were ten quasi-saints. This was just the appearance.

"King Yama greets Palace Master Jiang, please come this way!"

Although he is a quasi-saint, King Yama did not put on airs, but greeted him with a smile and respect.

Jiang Feng nodded, and finally, under the leadership of King Yama, he went deeper and finally came to a palace.

Pingxin Palace, the plaque in front of the palace had these three characters written in a flamboyant style.

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