What surprised the gods the most was the arrival of Hou Tu Huang Di Ji.

This ruler of the underworld, Ping Xin Niangniang, had never participated in the Peach Festival held by the Queen Mother.

Of course, she was not here in person, but only an incarnation. But even so, it showed her sincerity, at least a signal to show goodwill to the Jade Emperor of Heaven.

""Little Immortal Jiang Feng greets all the great emperors. Please come in!"

Jiang Feng stepped forward, bowed slightly, and said in a neither humble nor arrogant manner.

"On this happy day, congratulations, congratulations!"Empress Pingxin congratulated Jiang Feng in a gentle voice, as if she and Jiang Feng were good friends for many years.

Seeing this scene, all the immortals were shocked.

Jiang Feng had a close relationship with Empress Nuwa, which was known to everyone in the world. Could it be that he also had a close relationship with Empress Pingxin in the underworld?

They couldn't figure it out. Jiang Feng was just a judicial god in the heavenly court. How could he be with the two most noble women in the prehistoric world and maintain such a close relationship? This was incredible.

However, the other four emperors didn't say a word. They just looked at Jiang Feng curiously, nodded slightly, and then stepped into the Lingxiao Palace.

Jiang Feng didn't care. These emperors were all arrogant and self-righteous. It was normal that they didn't take him seriously.

Today's Peach Festival was actually a formality. It was just a formality. As long as the face was acceptable, it would be fine. Jiang Feng didn't ask for too much.

""The members of the Chan Sect are here!"

At this time, the ceremonial officer's loud and clear voice came.

Not long after, a large group of immortals in gray Taoist robes came.

Among them, Jiang Feng saw old acquaintances, Taiyi Zhenren and Chi Jingzi who were beaten out of the Lingxiao Palace by him last time.

In addition, there were Guangchengzi, Yuding Zhenren, Huanglong Zhenren, Lingbao Dafashi, Daoxing Tianzun and Qingxu Daode Zhenjun.

Except for Cihang Daoren, Wenshu Guangfa Tianzun, Puxian Zhenren and Jiliusun who had already joined the Western Buddhist sect, the remaining eight golden immortals of the Chan Sect were approaching the scene.

These eight people All of them have a strong and powerful aura, and their cultivation is profound. The worst ones have entered the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

Although during the Conferred God Tribulation, they were cut off the three flowers on their heads, the five qi in their chests, and their cultivation disappeared by the Nine Bends of the Yellow River Formation of the Three Heavenly Fairies.

But after so many years, they have long recovered. Not only that, with the help of the vast amount of merit after the completion of the Tribulation, their cultivation has become more advanced and unfathomable.

Among them, Guangchengzi, who is at the head of the Eight Golden Immortals, is the most terrifying, a quasi-saint.

Moreover, he has a The extremely powerful and best-grade innate spiritual treasure is called Fantian Seal.

When the Wu clan was still alive, the water god Gonggong and the hot-tempered fire god Zhurong did not get along with each other and often fought. On one occasion, the water god Gonggong directly smashed the Buzhou Mountain with his head.

Afterwards, Yuanshi Tianzun intercepted half of the Buzhou Mountain and refined it into the Fantian Seal with his superb refining skills.

This best-grade innate spiritual treasure is good at attacking. It is extremely powerful and powerful. With one seal, it can suppress everything and is unmatched.

Following him is Jade Ding Zhenren, Yang Jian's Master.

Being able to teach a disciple like Yang Jian who is called the God of War, his strength is naturally beyond doubt, and now he has also become a quasi-sage.

There are a total of nine disciples of the Chan Sect attending the Peach Festival today. In addition to the eight golden immortals headed by Guangchengzi, there is another person who is the most eye-catching.

He has white hair and beard, and his face is very peaceful. He looks like an immortal, but his position is just behind Guangchengzi.

Jiang Feng looked at it carefully for a moment, and then a light flashed in his mind, and he suddenly realized,"It turned out to be Jiang Ziya!"

That's right. This person is the man who presided over the ceremony of deifying the gods, Jiang Ziya, who had a flying bear on his back.

He was actually just an ordinary mortal with a dull talent, and could not be compared with Shen Gongbao, who became a spirit from a leopard.

But he was born with great luck. Under the careful guidance of Yuanshi Tianzun, he made rapid progress.

With a saint behind him to guide and cultivate him, even a pig can take off.

As a man who was destined to deify the gods, Jiang Ziya naturally gained a huge amount of merit after the deification calamity was completed. It was based on this that Jiang Ziya refined the infinite merits, and his cultivation was soaring all the way, and he has now become a quasi-saint.

"Jiang Feng greets everyone, please come in!"

Jiang Feng smiled and greeted them.

Seeing this, Taiyi Zhenren and Chi Jingzi both snorted coldly and turned away, not giving Jiang Feng any face.

Guangchengzi and the other eight golden immortals were of the same blood, so they didn't even say hello. Only Jiang Ziya smiled and nodded, and walked away.

Jiang Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head, not caring.

"The Immortal Zhenyuan of Wuzhuang Temple in Wanshou Mountain arrives"

"The Immortals of Penglai Arrive"


Next, some powerful immortals who had no sect or school but could not be ignored by all forces arrived.

Jiang Feng could not help but smile and hurried to greet him,"Brother Zhenyuan's arrival really makes my heavenly palace glorious. Please come in, please come in!"

Zhenyuan Daxian also laughed heartily,"Brother Jiang is getting married today, and it is also the Queen's birthday. It's a double happiness, congratulations."

The two brothers who had become sworn brothers exchanged greetings, and Zhenyuan Daxian was invited into the Lingxiao Palace. Taibai

Jinxing and other civil and military officials hurried forward to entertain them. They talked happily, and the whole Lingxiao Palace was lively and full of joy.

After waiting for a long time, the loud voice of the ceremonial officer came faintly,"The Buddhist sect has arrived."

Jiang Feng couldn't help but smile. This is the Western Buddhism. The heart is higher than the sky. At any time, it must put on airs and talk about pomp and circumstance. It will appear as the finale to show its status.

Not long after, a burst of Buddha light shone, radiating light everywhere, covering the entire Lingxiao Palace, extremely dazzling.

Soon, headed by Tathagata Buddha, a large group of bald heads came into view, dazzling people unable to open their eyes.

In addition to Tathagata Buddha, there are ancient Buddhas such as Dipankara, Maitreya Buddha, Medicine Buddha, Amitabha Buddha, Dingguang Happy Buddha, Juliusun Buddha, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Manjusri Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Thousand-handed Tathagata, Vairocana Tathagata, etc.

These are all supreme figures of the Great Leiyin Temple of Western Buddhism, there are dozens of them, seven Buddhas alone, and the worst is the Bodhisattva position, which shows how powerful they are.

Moreover, this is only the apparent ones, such as the Peacock King, the Golden Winged Peng Eagle, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and some more obscure supreme beings are not present.

Just as Jiang Feng was about to open his mouth to greet him, a large group of immortals and gods suddenly emerged from the Lingxiao Palace, and they all came forward to show their goodwill, as if they were welcoming their ancestors.

Sure enough, the bigger the fist, the more powerful it is. There will be countless people rushing to fawn on him. This is a universal truth.

In response, the old bald donkeys all had red faces, and their mouths were grinning from ear to ear, obviously enjoying this scene.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng couldn't help but snorted in his heart,"Laugh, laugh as much as you can, when you find out that the monkey didn't make a scene at the Peach Festival, or even became a Golden Immortal, you old bald donkeys will still be able to laugh?"

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