At the critical moment, Jiang Feng immediately raised the Lidi Yanguang Banner and propped up a protective light shield.


In the next moment, the flying knife slashed and came, and the crisp sound of fine iron clashing was heard.

Immediately afterwards, a sound like breaking porcelain sounded.

In just a glance, the defensive light shield that Jiang Feng propped up was declared broken and collapsed in an instant.

But fortunately, the power of the flying knife was also exhausted and turned back.

Jiang Feng breathed a sigh of relief, but there was a lingering fear.

He looked up and saw a familiar figure at the end of his sight. He was wearing a golden robe, and the whole person was like a big sun, emitting infinite light and extremely hot.

In his hand, he dragged a treasure gourd, and the flying knife just shot out from this gourd.

That's right, this person is the ancient demon prince Lu Ya Taoist who just robbed the Tianlao.

The flying knife he used was one of his trump cards, the Immortal Slaying Flying Knife, which was made from a congenital gourd. It was a top-grade congenital spiritual treasure with extremely amazing lethality.

Just now, its power was fully demonstrated. As the prince of the demon clan, he had noble blood and extraordinary talents. He was born in ancient times. By now, his cultivation had already reached the peak of quasi-saints, so he broke the flame flag off the ground with one blow.

At this time, there were two men standing on the left and right beside Taoist Lu Ya.

The one on the left was tall and strong, neither gloomy nor masculine, with a face like a three-year-old child, looking quite immature, and his breath was also very weak. It was obviously the Nine Infants Demon General who was rescued from the Heavenly Prison. The one on the right was thin, wearing a white robe, with a single horn on his head, a long goatee under the corner of his mouth, a kind smile, and a folding fan in his hand, revealing a sense of peace and wisdom.

But the aura released from his body was extremely terrifying, not much different from that of Taoist Lu Ya.

Jiang Feng frowned at first, then seemed to remember something, and his pupils widened.

"Bai Ze, the leader of the ten demon commanders of the ancient demon court!"

Jiang Feng was extremely surprised. He never thought that after such a tragic war between wizards and demons, the prehistoric continent was shattered, and among the ten demons of the ancient demon court, Bai Ze and Jiuying actually survived.

This Bai Ze is extraordinary. He knows astronomy, geography, and knows the past, present and future. He is extremely wise. He is the military advisor of the ancient demon court. His status is very important and he is highly regarded by the demon emperor Jun.

The demon emperor Jun was able to establish the ancient demon court and establish great trust and majesty among the demons, making the demons unprecedentedly glorious. Behind this, Bai Ze's advice is indispensable.

In the ancient demon court, Bai Ze is known as the demon saint and the leader of the ten demon commanders. His status is comparable to that of the demon emperor Fuxi.

""Jiang Feng, today, even if Nuwa comes out, she can't save you. Prepare to die!"

Taoist Lu Ya twisted his voice, as if it was squeezed out from the gap between his teeth, which was frightening.

Obviously, he still hated the fact that Jiang Feng had played tricks on him in the lower world before, and he couldn't stand it.

As soon as the voice fell, Taoist Lu Ya moved his mind, and the Immortal Slashing Flying Knife whistled towards Jiang Feng as if it had a spirit, destroying everything.

Moreover, on the Immortal Slashing Flying Knife, there was a layer of red-gold flame attached, burning fiercely, and even the space could not bear it, and it collapsed layer by layer.

"Sun's True Fire!" Jiang Feng's eyelids jumped involuntarily.

He had never thought that Taoist Lu Ya had inherited this innate fire from his father.

Although the flame looked inconspicuous and its range was not very wide, its power was no less than that of the Candle Dragon Holy Fire.

A flying knife that could kill immortals was terrifying enough. Now with the addition of the innate fire of the sun's true fire, the power was doubled, and the Flame Light Banner could not withstand it at all.

Jiang Feng was sure that in an instant, the protective light shield of the Flame Light Banner would be shattered, and he would also be hit by the flying knife that could kill immortals and suffer the burning power of the sun's true fire. The consequences would be disastrous.

"It seems that the only way is to use the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation!"

Jiang Feng made a decision immediately.

The speed of the Immortal Slashing Flying Knife was too fast. It passed through the air like a flash of lightning. Once it was used, it would accurately lock onto the target. It would not return unless it was stained with blood or lost its power. Jiang Feng did not have much time to think.

""Brother Jiang, let me lend you a helping hand!"

At this moment, suddenly, a sound like a huge bell rang out, deafening, as if a thunder had exploded, and even Jiang Feng felt his ears buzzing.

At the same time, a figure appeared beside Jiang Feng. It was as if he had been waiting there in advance, and Jiang Feng didn't notice it at all.

Turning around, he saw a burly man in front of him, with broad shoulders and back, a strong body, more than two meters tall, more than three times larger than Jiang Feng, full of muscles all over his body, like a small mountain, mighty and tall, giving people an extremely strong visual impact.

Just standing in front of him, you will feel suffocated involuntarily, and have a sense of humble insignificance.

""The big brother of the Wu clan, Dijiang!" Jiang Feng stared, suspecting that he had seen it wrong.

He would never have thought that at this critical moment, the big brother of the Wu clan, Dijiang, would jump out from the underworld and stand up.

In an instant, Jiang Feng was ecstatic, and his heart was full of joy.

No wonder he didn't realize it at all. This big brother of the Wu clan was born to master the law of space, and his application of the law of space was superb and reached the pinnacle.

Except for the saints, there is no one in the world who can match his attainments in the law of space.

With the help of this big brother, Jiang Feng can be said to be like a tiger with wings. Even if the Tathagata Buddha came in person, Jiang Feng would not be afraid at all.

Then, a horrifying scene suddenly appeared.

The flying knife of the immortal slashing driven by Taoist Lu Ya broke through the air, and the real fire of the sun was lingering on it, as if it were the nine heavens of ice and fire, reaching the sky. The earth was shaking, and the sky was shattered.

However, facing this incredibly lethal Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife, the Wu Clan's eldest brother Dijiang stood still, his eyes full of ridicule, as if he was looking at a small toy.


In the next moment, the Wu Clan's eldest brother Dijiang suddenly punched out.

There was no brilliant brilliance, no complicated techniques, and no surging mana fluctuations. It was just a long punch, simple and direct, pure physical strength.

But even so, the Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife seemed to have hit the Buzhou Immortal Mountain, suffered a huge force, and was instantly ejected.

Taoist Lu Ya was shocked, and hurriedly used the Xiantian Gourd to take back the Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife.

When Taoist Lu Ya held the Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife in both hands, his heart was broken. His Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife was actually bent, and there was a gap on it.

"This this……"Taoist Lu Ya's hands were shaking, and his eyes almost popped out.

On the other hand, the Wu clan's eldest brother Di Jiang's iron fist was completely unscathed, not even a white mark was left.

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