"Luo Yu, I didn't expect you to be so secretive. Don't forget to take me with you when you become rich."

Liu Jiajia made an invitation to take her with her in a double row with a slightly stiff smile.

"Next time for sure."Luo Yu declined calmly.

Seeing his lukewarm reaction, Liu Jiajia felt very uncomfortable.

She felt that there was a sad and thick barrier between her and Luo Yu.

Since they could leave early after the test, Luo Yu turned around and prepared to leave with his sister after chatting with a few familiar classmates.

Suddenly, he saw Principal Wu rushing towards them.

The test was still going on. Why was the principal here instead of staying on the stage?

"Principal." The head teacher hurried over to greet him.

Principal Wu nodded slightly and immediately said,"Which one is Luo Yu?"

"Hello, Principal. I am Luo Yu. Luo Yu said politely.

Looking at Luo Yu, Principal Wu showed admiration,"Yes, you are handsome and elegant, just like me in my youth.""

"I want to talk to you on behalf of the school. Come with me to the principal's office."

Here, Principal Wu led the way.

Luo Yu followed him to the principal's office on the top floor of the office building with doubts.

After they sat down casually, Principal Wu smiled awkwardly.

"I'm so sorry that I only discovered your talent when I was about to graduate."

"If you encounter any difficulties in your cultivation, please feel free to ask. The school will definitely support top students like you."

Seeing that the usually dignified principal was also polite to him, Luo Yu was filled with emotion.

Sure enough, no matter which world it is, only strength can determine everything.

However, Luo Yu also understood the rules. The principal must have some intention when he took the initiative to offer funding.

Therefore, he did not take the initiative to ask, but asked,"Is there anything the school can help me with?"

Seeing Luo Yu being so responsive, Principal Wu nodded, and then got straight to the point,"It's like this, in view of your excellent grades, the school would like to invite you to serve as the school's honorary student dean."

"Of course, there is a monthly allowance of 10,000 ninja yen."

"You don't have to do anything, just put your name on the list and get paid."

After listening to Principal Wu's explanation, Luo Yu immediately understood.

This is to use his deeds to promote the school.

As for the benefits. A monthly salary of 10,000 is considered a middle income in the eyes of ordinary people.

But compared to the evil money, upgrading materials are still more attractive.

Thinking of this, Luo Yu immediately opened the two panels of the main ninjutsu.

【Shadow Clone Upgrade Required: Book of Ninja 0/2 or Nameless Heritage Fragment 0/10】

【Fire Style - Great Fireball Technique Upgrade Required: Scroll of Ninja 0/1 or Nameless Inheritance Fragment of Fire Style 0/50】

""What is the scroll of ninja?" Luo Yu wondered in his heart.

The system answered in time,"The reward for the host after he advanced to Genin."

To advance to the first level of Genin, the double value needs to reach 100, so don't think about it for now.

The key is to replace the material of the nameless inheritance. To upgrade the ninjutsu from proficiency to perfection, the required fire escape nameless inheritance has increased five times!

Quantitative change leads to qualitative change. After this upgrade, won't it be able to take off directly!

"Principal, do you have fifty fragments of the Nameless Heritage? I want the Fire Escape ones."

After hearing Luo Yu's request, Principal Wu was confused,"Yes, I do, but why do you need so many of them?"

Fifty fragments are equivalent to five complete Nameless Heritages.

As the lowest-level cultivation material, absorbing the Nameless Heritage can quickly improve one's cultivation.

But if used too much, the effect will be diluted.

Why does Luo Yu need so many Nameless Heritages?

To raise pigs ?

"I have a special hobby of collecting."Luo Yu was mysterious.

Seeing that Luo Yu was not going to explain clearly, Principal Wu did not ask.

Perhaps Luo Yu had a special physique, which allowed him to absorb a large amount of nameless inheritance without developing drug resistance.

Otherwise, how to explain why he was so inhuman?

Of course, let the medical masters of the Ninja Association study these mysteries. After all,

Luo Yu was such a genius that he would soon be taken care of by the Ninja Association.

He only needed to take care of Luo Yu and Tengyang No. 3 Middle School.

Thinking of this, Principal Wu immediately took out the storage box from the drawer under his desk. He unfolded the scroll and took out five balls of light emitting dim flames.

These balls of light were the nameless inheritance that was good at fire escape.

It couldn't be more profitable to buy Luo Yu's image endorsement with this little thing.

Principal Wu was a famous old ninja after all, and he had to go to the secret realm for training every month, so there were a lot of low-level inheritances that he didn't need piled up in the storage scroll.

Otherwise, he really couldn't take out so many nameless inheritances at once.

Seeing this, Luo Yu's little hand trembled, and five complete nameless inheritances of fire escape were put into the storage scroll by him.

"You also have a storage scroll?" Principal Wu was a little surprised.

"Well, a rich lady I met online gave it to me."Luo Yu opened his mouth and said.

Principal Wu almost vomited blood.

He bought the storage scroll when he was young, and he saved money and did a month's mission in the Ninja Association.

After the deal was settled, Luo Yu left his bank card number and phone number, greeted the principal, and then walked downstairs without recognizing his relatives.

He wanted to go home quickly to upgrade his ninjutsu.

As soon as he walked out of the office building, he met Chen Qi who had been lying in ambush for a long time.

"Luo Ge, I've been waiting for you for a long time. Why did the old principal call you over?"

"Do you want to give your granddaughter……"

Chen Qi looked nervous.

He had a distant cousin who could be introduced to Luo Ge, so he couldn't let the principal get there first.

"What are you thinking about? The principal wants to discuss with me about giving me an honorary title in the school after graduation."

Luo Yu explained with a frown on his face.

Chen Qi was obviously relieved,"That's good."

At this time, Luo Qingyu came from the direction of the parents' waiting area,"Xiao Yu, the morning test is over, let's go eat."

"Could this be... my sister-in-law?"Looking at the other person's exquisite figure, Chen Qi's eyes darkened.

It seems that there is no hope for my cousin.

"Are you Xiaoyu's friend?"

Luo Qingyu put her hands on her hips and looked at Chen Qi, just wanting to clarify.

From Xiaoyu's point of view, this person should call her sister.

But when she thought that the difference between sister and sister-in-law was not that big, she let it go.

"Don't talk nonsense, this is my sister."

Luo Yu said firmly that he couldn't take advantage of this!

He also has rice noodles!

Chen Qi smiled knowingly,"I understand, then I won't disturb your world of two people."

"Remember to start the test at 2 p.m."

"Sister-in-law... Goodbye, sister."

Chen Qi waved to Luo Qingyu and walked away tactfully.

"This kid is quite sweet, but a little stupid. He almost messed up my generation."

Luo Qingyu said with a smile.

At noon, Luo Yu and Luo Qingyu returned to the apartment.

Due to time constraints, Luo Qingyu simply cooked a pot of noodles.

After eating the noodles, Luo Yu immediately returned to the bedroom.

After confirming the strengthening of the Fireball Technique with the system, the five nameless inheritances just obtained in the storage scroll disappeared immediately.

Then, a series of system prompts appeared in front of Luo Yu.

【Fire Style - Great Fireball Technique Level +1! 】

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