Jin Zha's smile suddenly froze on his face, turning iron blue."Jiang Feng, you won't cry until you see the coffin. This captain asks you, if you didn't steal these peaches, where did they come from?"

""Well," Jiang Feng had already prepared a response, and immediately replied,"Princess Longji gave it to me."

Suddenly, there was a dead silence.

Then, there was a burst of crazy laughter.

"Ha ha……"Jin Zha laughed so hard that he fell backwards, like crazy,"Wang Ming, what did he say? My ears haven't been good these past few days, did I hear it wrong? He said that Princess Longji gave it to him?"

"Yes, that's right." Jiang Feng nodded affirmatively.

Wang Ming also laughed,"Jiang Feng, do you want to make me laugh to death so that you can inherit my inheritance? Even if you lie, you should draft it in advance and make a lie that is somewhat credible, okay?"

"Who do you think you are? Why don't you take a piss and look in the mirror? Have you ever seen Princess Longji? Do you know what Princess Longji looks like? This is not the way to climb up the social ladder."

Wang Ming scolded him.

"Third brother, did you see it? This is your subordinate, do I need to say anything more?"Jin Zha sneered. Nezha frowned, speechless.

Obviously, he also thought that Jiang Feng was a lunatic and hopeless.

Princess Longji was of such status that even he found it difficult to approach her, let alone Jiang Feng?

He was just a captain, and he and Princess Longji were completely unrelated!

Jiang Feng, however, looked calm, and then said calmly:"Captain Jin Zha, I wonder what you are laughing at? Whether it is true or not, just ask Princess Longji and you will know."

"Okay, I will let you die knowingly. Come, go to Qingluan Palace immediately and ask Princess Longji for clarification."Jin Zha immediately ordered

"Haha, is there any point in struggling to the death?"Wang Ming sneered, and regarded Jiang Feng as a dead man.

Jiang Feng said nothing, but in his heart he had written Wang Ming on the death list.

He thought that he had defeated Wang Ming before and the other party had no power to fight back, but he never thought that this jumping clown would come to cause trouble again.

Not long after, the men sent by Jin Zha came back.

"How is it? Did you find out clearly? Jin Zha asked impatiently.

"Captain, the princess is here!" the subordinate replied immediately

""What!" Jin Zha was shocked."It's just a small matter, but Her Royal Highness the Princess would come here in person?"

""Her Royal Highness the Princess has arrived!"

Suddenly, a long voice came.

Jiang Feng looked intently and saw a large group of people and horses appear in his sight. The most eye-catching thing was a large sedan chair with colorful lights. At this moment, it was surrounded by stars and the moon. There were hundreds of guards around it, and several fairies were serving on the side. It was a grand ceremony.

Then, the jade curtain was lifted, and a familiar figure came into view.

She was wearing a purple fairy dress, with a stunning appearance, charming and lively, like a purple elf. It was Princess Longji.

"Meet the princess!"

Jin Zha and Nezha both bowed.

"Please excuse me. I am here to see Jiang Feng. What happened?"

Princess Longji waved her hand and walked straight towards Jiang Feng.

Everyone was shocked. Princess Longji actually knew Jiang Feng.

How could this be possible? Jiang Feng was just a captain of the Law Enforcement Hall. This status was far from perfect.

Jin Zha was stunned and had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Princess, didn't you send……"

Jiang Feng suddenly spoke, wanting to send a signal to Princess Longji to help him out.

After spending some time together, Jiang Feng felt that he got along well with Princess Longji, and she should help him.

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Jin Zha.

Jin Zha was not a fool, and he immediately pushed Jiang Feng aside, and then stepped forward and said,"Your Highness, can you give Jiang Feng the peaches?"


Princess Longji frowned, full of doubt.

Jiang Feng winked and sent a signal.

Princess Longji was not a fool. Seeing the situation at the scene, she knew most of it.

"Oh, I remember now," Princess Longji's beautiful eyes lit up, and then she said,"A few days ago, my mother gave me some peaches, but I thought there were too many and was afraid they would go bad, so I gave a few to Jiang Feng. Is there any problem?"


Jin Zha, Wang Ming and the others were all speechless, their faces froze, as if they had eaten a dead mouse.


Jiang Feng breathed a sigh of relief, a huge stone in his heart finally fell.

Then, he stepped forward and said:"Captain Jin Zha, what do you think? I'm right, aren't you saying that Princess Longji's peaches were also stolen?"

"you……"Jin Zha was speechless, his face turned pale

""Jiang Feng, what are you so proud of?" Suddenly, Wang Ming jumped out like a dog, with an appearance of taking advantage of the power of others,"How could the princess give you the peaches? You must have used some tricks to make the princess bewitched!"

""You little dog slave, who do you think you are? Do you have the right to speak here?" Princess Longji was furious, her voice was fierce.

She exuded the aura of a golden fairy, and was full of pressure.

Wang Ming was so scared that he shrank his neck and his face was as pale as paper.

"Wang Ming, withdraw!" Jin Zha's voice came out faintly, and then he said:"Your Highness, this is a misunderstanding, I will take my leave first!"

After saying that, he was about to lead his people away.

""Stop!" Suddenly, a deep and extremely angry voice was heard,"You can't tell right from wrong, you beat people for no reason, and you want to just walk away like this?"

Jiang Feng clenched his fists, making a series of crisp bone cracking sounds, the blue veins on his fists bulged, filled with explosive power.

Hearing this, Jin Zha paused, turned around, stared at Jiang Feng with his eyes, a smile of interest appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then he said lightly:"Well, what else, what do you want? What can you do to me?"

Jiang Feng's face was fierce, and his teeth were almost broken.

But at this moment, Nezha said:"Jiang Feng, let them go!"

Jin Zha snorted coldly, and then led his men away in a swagger.

Then, Nezha shook his head, sighed, and also led his men away

""Jiang Feng, are you okay?" Princess Longji came forward and asked with concern.

"It's okay."Jiang Feng shook his head.

Princess Longji frowned and opened her mouth, wanting to say something comforting, but she felt it was too cruel and swallowed it in the end.

"Jiang Feng, I have to go to Yaochi quickly to return the Cloud Realm Plain Flag to my mother. I will come to see you when I have time."

After saying that, Princess Longji also said goodbye and left.

"If I don't take revenge, I'm not a gentleman!"

Looking at the direction where Jin Zha and Wang Ming disappeared, Jiang Feng was furious, but he could only suppress his anger temporarily.

"Quick, untie Xiaowu!"

Jiang Feng reacted and ordered immediately.

"Xiaowu, you have suffered."

At this time, Zhao Xiaowu was lying on the ground, turned into a bloody man. There was not a single piece of healthy flesh on his body. He could not sit or lie still, and grimaced in pain.

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