Fairy Zixia looked into the Miro Palace, her two jade hands intertwined, as if she was a little hesitant.

At this time, Jiang Feng's loud voice came out,"Fairy Zixia, what brings you to my Miro Palace?"

Turning her body, seeing Jiang Feng, Fairy Zixia smiled brightly,"God Jiang, I came here specially to thank you."

"Fairy, please move into the hall to talk." Jiang Feng made an invitation gesture.

Fairy Zixia nodded, then followed Jiang Feng and walked into the Miro Palace with lotus steps.

"Jiang Tianshen, thank you for your help that day. If it weren't for you, I really don't know what to do."

Thinking back to the scene when the giant spirit drunkenly broke into Zixia Palace, Fairy Zixia still felt a lingering fear.

If Jiang Feng hadn't arrived in time, the giant spirit would have become even more aggressive. If something really happened, she, a small fairy, could only allow herself to be bullied.

"Fairy, you are too polite. It is my duty and I cannot refuse it. Jiang Feng smiled faintly.

"Oh, by the way," Fairy Zixia said, as if she suddenly remembered something,"I prepared some purple orchids. Thank you for the great grace of the gods. I hope you don't dislike them!" As soon as the voice fell, Fairy Zixia waved her jade hand, and the bright purple light spots fell down.

Immediately, hundreds of purple orchids appeared on the ground, gathered together, fragrant and purple, with a unique taste.

With Jiang Feng's current realm and status, Fairy Zixia couldn't give him any expensive gifts, so this was her part of her heart.

"How could it be? Thank you, Fairy Zixia!" Jiang Feng thanked him politely. Fairy Zixia couldn't help but be delighted. God Jiang Tian was in a high position, but he was conscientious in his duties and so humble and polite. Such a talent was rare.

After a pause, Fairy Zixia suddenly said,"God Jiang Tian, I have to go to Yaochi to serve the Queen Mother. I'll take my leave first."

"Wait," Jiang Feng immediately called out to Fairy Zixia, then walked up to her and asked seriously,"Fairy Zixia, can you stay overnight tonight?"

""Ah?" Fairy Zixia's eyes widened, and she froze in place, not knowing what to do.

Apart from the hateful giant spirit, no one in heaven had ever said such rude words to her.

But what was even more strange was that for some reason, she couldn't get angry at all.

On the side, Zhao Xiaowu and others were shocked. He was indeed the boss. This way of confession was straightforward, simple and rough. He was really a hero of our generation. After a long while, Fairy Zixia suddenly reacted. She looked very flustered and didn't dare to look at Jiang Feng's eyes.

"Jiang Tianshen, what are you talking about?"

After saying this, Fairy Zixia immediately fled from the Miro Palace at the fastest speed in her life.

"Congratulations to the host, you have been successfully rejected by Fairy Zixia and received a bronze-level treasure chest.

Do you want to open it?"The system prompt sounded, and Jiang Feng couldn't help but frowned,"What? Why is it a bronze-level reward? It shouldn't be!"

Jiang Feng was very confused. Although Fairy Zixia was just a fairy maid, she was deeply favored by the Queen Mother because of her service to her. She was rewarded with many benefits on weekdays, so she had already broken through to the Xuanxian realm.

Logically speaking, it should be a silver-level treasure chest.

Jiang Feng frowned, but soon he figured it out.

The level of reward for being rejected is divided according to the target's realm and emotional fluctuations. In other words, although Jiang Feng was rejected, Fairy Zixia's emotions did not fluctuate too drastically.

In other words, Fairy Zixia's willingness to refuse is not very strong.

"Oh my god! Could it be that Fairy Zixia, she, she likes me?"

"There is no doubt that it must be the story of me descending from the sky and saving the beauty without fear of power in Zixia Palace that moved Fairy Zixia and made her fall in love with me at first sight.

Jiang Feng thought narcissistically.

"If that's the case, I'll work harder and it shouldn't be a problem to capture Fairy Zixia."

Jiang Feng's eyes flickered, and I don't know what he was planning in his heart.

"I didn't expect the system to have this function, which can help me discern other people's thoughts. If I meet a fairy in the future, I will express my feelings without saying anything. If I am rejected, that's just what I want. If the other party agrees for the first time, then it's not a loss. It's not bad to have a fairy wife.

Wonderful, wonderful!"

Jiang Feng thought happily in his heart, and then communicated with the system and opened the bronze treasure chest.

Although it is probably of no use to him now, no matter how small the fly leg is, it is still meat.

"Congratulations to the host for opening the bronze treasure chest and obtaining 100,000 Immortal Yuan Pills and ten mid-grade innate spiritual treasures!"

As expected by Jiang Feng, these rewards are not useless. They can be given to Zhao Xiaowu and others to improve their strength.

"God Jiang is so lucky. It has only been a few days since he took office and a beautiful woman came to give flowers to bribe you, the God of Justice?"

At this moment, a gentle and pleasant voice was heard, with a hint of jealousy.

Jiang Feng turned his head and saw Princess Longji jumping towards him.

Jiang Feng hurriedly stepped forward and said,"Princess, you are joking. This is a small gift from Fairy Zixia to thank me. It can't be considered a bribe!"

"No, no, I came here because I suddenly remembered something and I want to ask you something. Princess Longji suddenly became serious.

"Princess, please tell me everything Jiang Feng knows. Jiang Feng bowed and said

""Okay," Princess Longji nodded, then stared into Jiang Feng's eyes and asked,"That day in the Heavenly Army Camp, I lied for you because we have some friendship. But today, tell me honestly, where did the peaches come from?"

"this……"Jiang Feng frowned deeply, and was in a dilemma for a moment, hesitating to speak.

The matter of the system was his most private secret, and no one could reveal it.

Moreover, even if he told it to others, Princess Longji might not believe it. This was simply as outrageous as a fairy tale.

"Secret!"Finally, Jiang Feng whispered two words.

Princess Longji frowned deeply, and then said,"Okay, I won't ask any more questions, but you must agree to my three conditions."

"What? It's over now."

Jiang Feng was shocked. He was worried that Princess Longji would get to the bottom of it, but he didn't expect it to be revealed so casually.

"Princess, don't mention three conditions, I will agree to all three hundred conditions." Jiang Feng said without thinking.

If it weren't for Princess Longji, he would have been convicted of stealing peaches, and Jin Zha would have killed him without mercy, and there would be no glory for him now.

Princess Longji just nodded slightly, but saved his life. Now it was only natural for her to put forward a few conditions. How could Jiang Feng dare not comply?

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