The purple-yellow gourd was obtained by Master Tongtian, and was refined into a water-fire gourd, which contained two water-fire unicorns.

The last two purple-green gourds and the purple-black gourd disappeared in a big melee and have never appeared in the world since then.

The system rewarded Jiang Feng with a purple-green gourd.

Each of these innate gourds can be refined into a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, which is highly malleable and its value can be imagined.

As for the third reward of ten top-grade innate spiritual treasures, it goes without saying.

""Jiang Feng, have you thought of a solution? The wind seems to be a bit strong, why don't we retreat first!" Princess Longji suddenly said with some concern. Jiang Feng came to his senses and found that it was indeed the case. The Yellow Wind Monster probably tried his best to turn this place into a world of yellow sand. The wind was so strong that his Flame Flag kept jumping, and it seemed that it could not hold on.

"Princess, don't panic, I have a solution."

After saying that, Jiang Feng took out the Wind-Fixing Pill and poured his own magic power into it crazily.

As he activated it, the Wind-Fixing Pill shone brightly, illuminating the world of yellow sand like a small sun.

Then, a magical scene appeared. The yellow sand that was blown up by the Samadhi Divine Wind suddenly disappeared when it came into contact with the light of the Wind-Fixing Pill, as if it had never appeared.

In just a blink of an eye, the yellow sand disappeared without a trace, the sky was clear, and everything returned to normal.

"Wind-Fixing Pills! You even have Wind-Fixing Pills? Why didn't you take them out earlier?"

Princess Longji stared at Jiang Feng with her beautiful eyes, as if she was looking at a monster.

"I just remembered it too."Jiang Feng played a fool, and then quickly changed the subject,"Princess, hurry up, don't let this Yellow Wind Monster get away."

Princess Longji reacted, holding the Qingluan Sword, and rushed forward like lightning.

At this time, King Huangfeng was almost scared silly. He would never have thought that the other party actually had the Dingfeng Pill, which was specifically designed to treat him.

Clang clang clang...

A series of collision sounds were heard. With the Dingfeng Pill restraining him, King Huangfeng's Samadhi Divine Wind could not play a role, and he was defeated in just three or two moves.


He spurted out a mouthful of old blood, which flew all over the sky, and then fell heavily to the ground. There were many sword marks on his body, and blood was dripping, as if an old dog was lying on the ground dying.

"You dare to be so arrogant with such little strength, I will chop you into pieces!"

Princess Longji raised the Qingluan Sword and was about to kill him.

King Huangfeng was frightened to death and quickly knelt down to beg for mercy, crying:"Your Highness, please don't kill me. I am a disciple of Lingji Bodhisattva of Lingshan Mountain in the West Heaven. You can't kill me, you can't kill me!……"

"Hmm? Are you really a disciple of Lingji Bodhisattva?"Princess Longji frowned and asked

"It is absolutely true, I dare not deceive Her Royal Highness!"

Hearing this, Princess Longji was in a dilemma. The Western Buddhist sect is very powerful, with two saints behind it, and it is not easy to offend.

If she kills the Yellow Wind King, the Buddhist sect will pursue it in the future. Even if she is a princess of the Heavenly Palace, I am afraid it will not be easy to let it go.

"Don't threaten me with Buddhism, do you think I was scared? Even if you want to die, it's not that easy. Killing you is too easy for you."

Jiang Feng said coldly, and then knocked out the Yellow Wind King with a punch.

""Jiang Feng, what should we do?" Princess Longji stared at Jiang Feng and asked him to make a decision.

This little girl seemed fearless, but in fact she had some concerns.

Jiang Feng had already prepared a plan,"The death penalty can be avoided, but the living punishment cannot be escaped. Take it back and imprison it in the sky prison to make it suffer.""

"Anyway, he committed the crime first. Even if the Western Buddhists come, we still have the law to follow."

"Just do as you say."Princess Longji smiled happily. Unconsciously, she actually took Jiang Feng as the leader and listened to his advice.

Then, Princess Longji rushed into the Snake Cave, liberated her younger brothers, comforted them, and sent all the mortals who survived by chance back to their kingdom safely.

After doing all this, Jiang Feng and Princess Longji took King Huangfeng back to the Heaven.

The two went straight to the prison on the 29th floor.

The one in charge of guarding this place was the God of Hell, Nan Dou Xingjun. When he learned that Her Royal Highness the Princess was coming, he hurried forward and said with a smiling face,"I didn't know that Her Royal Highness the Princess would come. I'm sorry for not welcoming you. I hope you can forgive me!"

""Nan Dou Xingjun, this princess wants to imprison a criminal, open the prison quickly!"

Princess Longji ordered.

This prison was also formed naturally, and it existed when the thirty-third layer of heaven was discovered. It was shrouded by an inexplicable power. If there was no key to open the prison, even a quasi-saint would find it difficult to break it open with brute force.

"As you command!" Nandou Xingjun did not dare to neglect it, and immediately took out the key to open the Heavenly Prison,"Princess, please!"

This Heavenly Prison is a key place in the Heavenly Palace. No one is allowed to enter without permission. Ordinary prisoners are not qualified to be imprisoned here, and they are all in ordinary prisons.

The prisoners who can enter here are all from important backgrounds.

When you step into the Heavenly Prison, a dark and damp breath hits you in the face, and at the same time there are all kinds of cruel, bloodthirsty and dark negative breaths. If you have a low level of cultivation, your soul will be infected on the spot and become an idiot.

""Your Highness, there are nine cells in this prison. Now, only the last two cells are still empty. Please come this way!"

Nandou Xingjun led the way in front. He snapped his fingers, and the oil lamps on the walls on both sides suddenly lit up, emitting a dim light.

Jiang Feng and Princess Longji followed behind, their nerves unconsciously tensed up, and they were a little frightened.

In the first cell, there was a black monster, humanoid, with broad shoulders and back, and a majestic body, like a mountain.

The aura it exuded was extremely dark, vaguely seeming to be the opposite of immortals, completely opposite, a kind of aura that Jiang Feng could not understand at all, unfathomable and difficult to figure out.

""Could this be the pure demon clan from the early prehistoric times?" Jiang Feng guessed in his heart.

In that distant early prehistoric times, the Demon Ancestor Luo Hou suddenly appeared and secretly instigated the three innate clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn, thus setting off the Longhan catastrophe.

The three innate clans fought fiercely, and the battle was so fierce that the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and they were in a desperate situation. In the end, all three were injured.

The Demon Ancestor Luo Hou took advantage of the situation to rise, and wanted to use the fierce aura of this catastrophe to fight a decisive battle with the Taoist Ancestor Hongjun to win a ray of opportunity and compete for the position of sainthood.

Unfortunately, in the end, he was one step behind and lacked a trace of luck, and was defeated by the Taoist Ancestor Hongjun.

From then on, Luo Hou returned to heaven, the demon clan perished, and was submerged in the vast river of history.

But before his death, Luo Hou made a great wish that if the world fell, the demon clan would perish, and if the world was born, the demon clan would prosper.

Facts have proved that although Luo Hou fell, the demon clan under his command did not really die out, and they appeared sporadically in every era thereafter.

"Jiang Feng, this is……"

Suddenly, Princess Longji stopped and looked towards the seventh prison. Her pupils widened and her face showed fear. She leaned towards Jiang Feng unconsciously and even put her arms around Jiang Feng's arm, as if she felt safe this way.

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