Then, he processed Jiang Feng's employment, first adding him to the immortal register, and issued him an immortal identity card, as well as a silver-gray battle armor exclusive to the law enforcement team leader, and an ordinary acquired spiritual spear.

Finally, he handed Jiang Feng an immortal book, on which were densely written many heavenly rules, no detail was left out.

Of course, there were also Jiang Feng's specific duties.

As a law enforcer, the reference is the heavenly rules. Anyone who violates the heavenly rules is in violation of the criminal law and must pay the price.

However, Jiang Feng is only a law enforcement team leader, and he cannot manage all lawbreakers. He can only manage the heavenly soldiers below his level.

But this power is already very great. You have to know that in the heavenly court, the largest number is the heavenly soldiers.

"Brother, be careful in everything!"

Before leaving, Li Hong patted Jiang Feng on the shoulder and gave him a warning.

Jiang Feng remembered this friendship deeply and vowed in his heart that he would repay Jiang Feng generously when he became successful in the future.

A drop of water should be repaid with a spring, this is Jiang Feng's code of conduct.

In this world where the weak are the prey of the strong, it is rare to have a brotherhood, and it must be cherished. After leaving the Personnel Hall, Jiang Feng smiled and was in a good mood.

From then on, he was also a person with power, status and position.

Soon, Jiang Feng came to the Salary Hall again.

After joining the immortal register and becoming a true member of the Heavenly Court, every immortal can receive a salary every month.

Ordinary heavenly soldiers can receive ten immortal yuan pills every month.

This is the immortal pill refined by Taishang Laojun. , although not very advanced, but refining one can also increase the cultivation of Taoism by ten years.

And a team leader like Jiang Feng can receive thirty Xianyuan Pills every month.

After showing his identity card, Jiang Feng successfully received thirty Xianyuan Pills.

Without stopping, Jiang Feng went straight to the Law Enforcement Hall. As a new official, he naturally had to report first and see his subordinates.

The Law Enforcement Hall is located in the twenty-fifth heaven.

The Heavenly Court is divided into thirty-three heavens. The higher it is, the higher the status.

For example, the almighty Jade Emperor lives in the Jade Palace on the thirty-third heaven, and the Lingxiao Palace, the meeting center, is also located here.

It can be seen from this that the status of the Law Enforcement Hall is very high. After all, it is the power that controls criminal law. heart.

However, the authority of the Law Enforcement Hall is also limited.

Generally speaking, if a being above the Golden Immortal breaks the law, it is not under the jurisdiction of the Law Enforcement Hall, and must be reported to the Jade Emperor for the decision.

This world, after several catastrophes, has been severely damaged and is gradually declining.

For example, in the early days of the prehistoric times, the golden immortals were worse than dogs, and the grand occasion of Daluo everywhere was long gone.

In today's heaven, the golden immortals are already rare masters, with high positions and power, and cannot be easily moved.

After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Feng finally arrived at his destination.

In front of him, there was a palace that was simple and majestic, like a blue dragon lying horizontally, majestic and spectacular.

On the plaque in front of the palace, three large characters of"Law Enforcement Hall" were engraved with iron hooks and silver paintings. word.

Soon, Jiang Feng walked forward, and after showing his identity card, he was guided by a team of heavenly soldiers to the square at the end of the Law Enforcement Hall, the Heavenly Soldiers Camp.

As the punishment and violence agency of the Heavenly Court, the Law Enforcement Hall is powerful and influential. Although there are many palaces, none of them belongs to Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng heard that the Lord of the Law Enforcement Hall is Li Jing, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King.

Li Jing's name is well-known in the Heavenly Court. He is the commander-in-chief of the three armies, and almost all the heavenly soldiers and generals are under his jurisdiction. The Lord of the Law Enforcement Hall is just a concurrent position.

Even if Jiang Feng becomes the captain of the law enforcement team, he is still far from it, and he does not even have the qualifications to meet him.

At present, Jiang Feng belongs to only a small Heavenly Soldiers Camp.

"Kill, kill, kill……"

Arriving at the Heavenly Soldiers Camp, there were many Heavenly Soldiers wearing bronze armors practicing in unison.

Thousands of people came together, and a murderous aura arose, iron-blooded and cold.

In addition, Jiang Feng also saw tents one after another.

After searching for a while, Jiang Feng finally came to the 97th tent in the east.

""It's here!" Jiang Feng smiled. He was the squad leader of the 97th team of the first legion of the Yulin Army of the Law Enforcement Hall.

The heavenly soldiers of the Law Enforcement Hall were named after the Yulin Army, and there were ten legions in total.

Each legion had 10,000 heavenly soldiers, led by a captain, with 10 captains and 100 squad leaders.

Jiang Feng was just one of the squad leaders, which showed the strict hierarchy of the Heavenly Court.


Then, Jiang Feng could not help but frown.

In the entire Heavenly Soldiers Camp, many Heavenly Soldiers were either training or carrying out their missions, but in his tent, a hundred Heavenly Soldiers were lying in a pile, doing their own things, all with a listless look.

But thinking about it carefully, he was relieved. After all, without a leader, it was inevitable that there would be a situation of disunity.

"Hey, who are you? Why are you standing in front of our tent?"

At this time, a celestial soldier noticed Jiang Feng and immediately stepped forward to ask

"Oh, I am Jiang Feng, your team leader, and I am here to report for duty. Jiang Feng smiled and stated his identity.

""What! Captain, how is it possible?"

A scream resounded throughout the tent, full of disbelief.

Jiang Feng cast his eyes over and saw a man lazily lying on a chair at the back, with several heavenly soldiers beside him massaging his legs and shoulders, calling him"Brother Mang" one after another, seeming to be of high status.

He reacted most strongly. Hearing that Jiang Feng was the new captain, he immediately stood up, rudely pushed aside several heavenly soldiers, and walked in front of Jiang Feng.

""Do you have any proof?" Brother Mang asked in a cold voice.

Jiang Feng immediately took out his identity card.

Brother Mang took it, looked at it for a moment, and clenched his fist unconsciously.


Suddenly, Brother Mang threw Jiang Feng's identity card to the ground.

Jiang Feng's brows jumped, and his expression suddenly became gloomy,"What do you mean?"

"Oh, it's nothing, I was just careless."Brother Mang replied with a faint smile.

As he spoke, he took another step forward and stepped on Jiang Feng's identity card.

"Captain Jiang, what I mean is that we are brothers from now on."

"As brothers, we have to share the good fortune. You just took office, so you should have received 30 immortality pills from the Salary Hall. Why don't you share them with your brothers?"

Brother Mang put his hand on Jiang Feng's shoulder, with a sinister smile on his face.

"Share my Xianyuan Pill?"

Jiang Feng frowned even deeper.

Xianyuan Pill is the most core cultivation resource for the lower-level heavenly soldiers in the heavenly court. Each one is extremely important. How can I share it?

Moreover, this so-called Mang Ge stepped on his identity card and smiled sinisterly. It was clearly blackmailing him.

"Good fellow, he was blackmailed right after taking office?"

Jiang Feng smiled bitterly in his heart. He didn't expect that the position of a small captain would be so eye-catching. He was given such a warning right after he came.

However, did they really think that he, Jiang Feng, was a soft persimmon that could be easily manipulated?

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