"Give me your life!"

Mo Liqing took the lead. He held a Qingfeng sword in his hand, and his magic power surged. He swung it, and in an instant, the four forces of earth, fire, water and wind took shape, condensed together, and slashed down at Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng stood still like a mountain. He stretched out two fingers, accurately clamped the Qingfeng sword, and then flicked it lightly. Mo Liqing was hit hard and flew backwards. Although

Mo Liqing's fighting power was higher than Jin Zha and Mu Zha, he was still no match for Jiang Feng.

As he practiced the Hongmeng Creation Sutra, it was easy for him to fight against opponents of higher levels.

Seeing this, the other three kings also joined the battlefield and surrounded Jiang Feng.

"Come on, what can the Four Heavenly Kings do to me?"

Jiang Feng's eyes were blazing, as if there was a ball of fire in them, which was a surging fighting spirit burning.


Suddenly, Mo Lihai plucked the strings of the zither.

He flipped his palm, took out a jade pipa, and then played it frantically.

Immediately, mysterious notes jumped out, as if they had spirituality, and flew towards Jiang Feng all at once.

Jiang Feng frowned, and suddenly had a bad premonition.

He clenched his fists and smashed forward wildly.

But the strange thing was that he couldn't touch those notes at all, just like hitting a ball of cotton, without any force at all.

Visually, Jiang Feng did touch it, but he didn't have any sense of touch, as if he was not in the same time and space.

But the notes were omnipresent and got into Jiang Feng's mind.

In fact, this note is a mysterious power that specializes in people's primordial spirits and souls. Ordinary magic power has no effect on it.

"Not good!"Jiang Feng suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

In the next moment, he suddenly felt dizzy, the world was spinning, and his consciousness was a little blurred.

""Go to hell!"

Mo Liqing roared wildly, holding the Qingfeng sword, and came to kill again.

After Mo Lihai joined, he used the Jade Pipa to help from behind, focusing on Jiang Feng's soul, making it impossible for him to concentrate and his mind was in chaos.

For a while, Jiang Feng's body kept shaking, stumbling, and even standing was a little unstable.

Clang clang clang...

The Qingfeng sword kept slashing at Jiang Feng, bursting out a series of sparks.

It was also thanks to Jiang Feng's successful practice of the Eight or Nine Mysterious Arts that his body was comparable to a top-grade innate spiritual treasure. Otherwise, I'm afraid he would have suffered a great disaster.

"What! Why can't I cut it? What on earth is this kid's body made of?"

Mo Liqing looked at Jiang Feng, who was not injured at all, and his eyes almost popped out.

""This, this is what to do?" Mo Liqing frowned, and for the first time he felt so useless.

He was standing there for you to chop, but you couldn't even hit him. What was the difference?

""Let me take him in!"

But at this moment, a rough shout was heard.

Mo Lihai frowned and stretched out his hand, and instantly held up an umbrella.

This is the Hunyuan Umbrella, a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, and his signature magic weapon.

With the manipulation of Mo Lihai, the Hunyuan Umbrella was suspended in the air, emitting waves of swallowing power towards Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng was in a very bad condition at this time. His soul was frightened by the jade pipa, and he could not concentrate. He was dizzy and had difficulty mobilizing the power of Hongmeng.

So, Mo Lihai took Jiang Feng into the Hunyuan Umbrella with almost no effort.

In this umbrella, there is an endless supply of Hunyuan power, which condenses together, like a storm, constantly eroding Jiang Feng.

As the saying goes, water drips through stone. Even if Jiang Feng's body is comparable to a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, if he cannot break through the shackles of the Hunyuan Umbrella, his body will surely be broken in time.


After putting away the Hunyuan Umbrella, Mo Lihai couldn't help but laugh loudly. Mo

Lihai was still playing the Jade Pipa, and Mo Liqing relaxed.

Jin Zha held the Dunlong Pillar and couldn't help but grin. Then he walked forward and helped Mu Zha break free from the restraints of the Immortal Binding Rope and rescued him.

"I didn't expect this little bastard to have such great abilities, but fortunately, the four Heavenly Kings took action."

Jin Zha flattered him, and then seemed to remember something, and hurriedly said:"Mo Lihong Heavenly King, can you take out the key to the Heavenly Prison first and rescue the Yellow Wind King, so that we can have an explanation to the Western Buddhist Sect."

""Sir, wait a moment. This little bastard has a strong body, which is extraordinary. But after an incense stick of time, no matter how powerful he is, he will turn into ashes." Mo Lihai replied immediately. Jin Zha nodded.

It was only an incense stick of time. He could afford to wait.

At this moment, Jiang Feng was trapped in the Hunyuan Umbrella, suffering from the Hunyuan Storm every moment.

If he was in his normal state, this Hunyuan Umbrella would not be a big deal, but now his mind was disturbed, and it was difficult to mobilize his magic power, and he could not get rid of the Hunyuan Umbrella at all.

""Jiang Feng, I'm here to lend you a hand!"

At this moment, a familiar voice was heard.

A sharp sound of breaking through the air was heard, and a young man with a heroic appearance and a wind-fire wheel came roaring like lightning. It was Nezha, the great god of the Three Altars and Sea Assembly.

""Nezha, what are you trying to do! Stop it now!"

Jinzha shouted and ordered.

Nezha seemed not to hear him and didn't pay any attention to him. He waved the fire spear in his hand, aimed at Mo Lihai and stabbed him fiercely. Mo Lihai frowned, but he was not panicked at all. He continued to play the jade pipa and included Nezha in the attack range.


There was a crisp collision sound, and Mo Lihai's jade pipa was picked up and flew away.

Nezha is the incarnation of lotus, without three souls and seven spirits, so the jade pipa has no effect on him.

In the Hunyuan Umbrella, without the interference of the jade pipa, Jiang Feng shook his head and suddenly woke up.

"Very good, today, this God of Justice wants you to walk out of the Miro Palace sideways!"

Jiang Feng's eyes were blazing with anger, and his voice was low, as if squeezed out from between his teeth, which was frightening.

"Break it for me!"

Jiang Feng shouted in a low voice. Suddenly, a vertical eye opened between his eyebrows. There were mysterious patterns around it, as if it was a third eye, the eye of great magical power to break delusion.

As Jiang Feng urged, a large piece of destructive light suddenly radiated from the vertical eye between his eyebrows, which was extremely penetrating and destructive.

Then, a big hole suddenly appeared at the top of the Hunyuan Umbrella.

Mo Lihong was shocked. When he saw the Hunyuan Umbrella with a big hole, his pupils bulged and his jaw almost dropped.

This is his magic weapon, and it was destroyed just like this.

""Where is Jiang Feng? Where is this little bastard?"

Jin Zha shouted, and suddenly had a bad premonition, and cold sweat flowed down his forehead.

Mo Lihong hurriedly opened the Hunyuan Umbrella, but did not see any trace of Jiang Feng.

"I don't know!" Mo Lihong was confused.

He didn't know that at this moment, an inconspicuous moth suddenly approached Mo Lihong from behind.

There was no doubt that this moth was transformed by Jiang Feng using the 72 Earthly Evil Transformations.

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