Holding his breath and concentrating his energy, Jiang Feng held the Sun-shooting Divine Bow, suddenly bent down, and stretched the Sun-shooting Divine Bow into a full moon.

At the same time, Jiang Feng's mana surged wildly, like a bottomless pit, pouring into the Sun-shooting Divine Bow in an endless stream.

In the next moment, in the middle of the Sun-shooting Divine Bow, a bright divine arrow suddenly condensed and formed, like a small sun, illuminating the entire Miro Palace.

In addition, Jiang Feng once again activated the Eye of Delusion Breaking, sweeping out a large area of destructive divine light to open the way, so that the divine arrow could flow unimpeded.


Jiang Feng loosened his hand, and the divine arrow shot out instantly, followed by a long tail flame, piercing through the clouds and mist, and shot away.

At this moment, even the space was constantly trembling, as if it could not bear it and was about to collapse.

Although this divine arrow is not a substantial Sun-shooting Divine Arrow, it is only formed by the condensation of Jiang Feng's mana, and it is impossible to shoot down the sun, but under the amplification of the Sun-shooting Divine Bow, it should not be underestimated.

That speed, that power, that momentum, all gathered together at this moment, cutting through the sky and earth, as if it would last forever.���

In the sky, the Fire Lord was still waving the Fire Gathering Flag, increasing the firepower like crazy, trying to burn Jiang Feng to death. Suddenly

, a gap suddenly opened in the middle of the boundless sea of fire, and a large piece of destructive light swept over.

The Fire Lord's eyelids jumped, and he quickly waved the Fire Gathering Flag, quickly dispelling it.

This piece of destructive light passed through the sea of fire, and its energy was basically exhausted, so it was reasonable that there was no threat.

Its role was only to clear the way, and the real killer was behind.

Then, the bright Sun-shooting Arrow came at a high speed, sharp and compelling, indestructible, and stunning the time.


Fire Lord's eyes widened, and his sense of crisis suddenly increased, but it was too late.

The speed of the Sun-Shooting Arrow was too fast.

At the moment when the corners of Fire Lord's eyes flashed with golden light, the Sun-Shooting Arrow shot at him at a very fast speed.

Clang... a loud collision sound was heard, and the Sun-Shooting Arrow accurately hit the Fire Gathering Flag, causing Fire Lord to fly out of his hand on the spot, and he could no longer control it.

And just a shock force made Fire Lord fly out and drown in the sea of fire.

If Jiang Feng had aimed at Fire Lord with this arrow, I'm afraid he would have pierced through him without any suspense, leaving him no chance of recovery.

Whoosh... the sound of breaking through the air resounded, and the Sun-Shooting Arrow was still shuttling back and forth, and its residual force did not decrease. Under Jiang Feng's control, after shocking Fire Lord, it turned around and aimed at Water Lord.

""Water Deity, be careful, retreat quickly!"

Mu Zha noticed something was wrong and shouted at the top of his voice.

Water Deity also felt like a thorn in his back, but the Sun-shooting Arrow was too fast and flew through the air. Before Water Deity could react, the bowl in his hand was knocked to the ground.

He himself fell down and was submerged in the waterfall. He took a few gulps of water and almost choked to death.

Then, Jiang Feng jumped out, took the fire-gathering flag and the water bowl into his bag, and confiscated the murder weapon.

Soon, the water and fire disappeared, and everything was calm, as if nothing had happened, but the Fire Deity seemed to be burned into charcoal, and there was a burnt smell, and the Water Deity was He was frozen into an ice sculpture, with a faint breath.

For a moment, this world was dead silent.

Time seemed to stand still, and the picture seemed to be frozen.

The four heavenly kings, Jinzha, Muzha, Moliqing, Molihai, Molihong, and Molishou, were all stunned on the spot, with their pupils bulging, in disbelief. The eight golden immortals, they had all come with a large army, and they thought it would be easy to capture Jiang Feng, but they didn't expect this result.

They were actually defeated and beaten by Jiang Feng so badly that they couldn't even raise their heads, as if he was beating up his grandson.

This was unbelievable. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed it even if they were beaten to death.

"You, a bunch of good-for-nothings, dare to trespass into the Miro Palace and force this god to ask for the key to the prison. Who gave you the courage? None of you can fight!"

Jiang Feng stood in the air, looking down from above, and taunted mercilessly.

At this time, his eye between his eyebrows opened and closed, holding the Sun-shooting Divine Bow, with a flaming flag on his head, and an endless glow shrouded his body. He was in high spirits, as if at the height of his powers.

Jinzha, Muzha, the Four Heavenly Kings, and others all lowered their heads, not daring to meet Jiang Feng's gaze.

At this moment, they were so ashamed that they wished they could find a crack in the ground to crawl into. This was too embarrassing!

The eight golden immortals gathered together, but they couldn't even deal with a judicial god! Who exactly is this Jiang Feng? Not long ago, he was just an unknown captain of the Law Enforcement Hall. How come he suddenly appeared and became more and more terrifying every day?

This is too unreasonable. You know, the years they have practiced are longer than Jiang Feng's time in the world, but the strength they show is completely opposite. They were beaten up by the other party and had no power to fight back.

The most puzzling thing is that this little bastard There are actually top-grade innate spiritual treasures, and they are the famous innate five-sided flags and the sun-shooting bow in the prehistoric world.

You know, Jin Zha and Mu Zha, as the third-generation disciples of the Chan Sect and the sons of the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li, have never owned a top-grade innate spiritual treasure!

On the side, Nezha, who was watching the battle, was so excited that his blood was boiling and his body was shaking with excitement.

He knew that Jiang Feng was extraordinary, but he never thought that he would be so strong. He fought against the eight golden immortals and beat them to death. This was simply outrageous.

Zhao Xiaowu and others clenched their fists, feeling more proud than ever before.

This is their boss, the new generation of the God of Justice. Compared with the previous generation of the God of Justice, Yang Jian, who was even known as the God of War in the Heavenly Court, he is definitely better than him.

At the same time, the eyes of all parties in the Heavenly Court were also focused here, paying close attention.

Led by Jin Zha, a total of eight golden immortals broke into the Miluo Palace and fought. The noise was too loud, and they couldn't help but pay attention.

"Too strong, this Jiang Feng is too strong!"

"Oh my God, the eight golden immortals combined are no match for him, who on earth is this powerful person?"

"Who gave me these two supreme innate spiritual treasures? And who taught me the three-eyes ability?"

"It has only been a short period of time, and Jiang Feng has become so powerful, it's simply terrifying!"

"This Jiang Feng might be the reincarnation of some chaotic god or demon, or he must have a master guiding him, otherwise it would be impossible for him to be so amazing!"


The gods and immortals in the heavenly court were talking about it, as if a pot had exploded, and it was boiling and shaking in all directions.


Suddenly, a loud roar was heard, shaking the sky and the earth, shocking the universe.

Jiang Feng frowned, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

He looked up and saw a pagoda shining with colorful light falling from the sky, rising in the wind, as if it was a hundred thousand sacred mountains, suppressing him mightily.

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