After leaving the Lingxiao Palace, Jiang Feng immediately returned to the Miro Palace.

As soon as he stepped in, he didn't expect that Lingji Bodhisattva followed him.

Jiang Feng turned around and said lazily:"Lingji Bodhisattva, His Majesty has already explained it very clearly just now, what else do you want?"

"Jiang Feng, leave a way out for yourself so that we can meet again in the future. I advise you to release my disciple as soon as possible."Lingji Bodhisattva said calmly.

Jiang Feng laughed immediately,"Why, you, Lingji Bodhisattva, can't threaten the Jade Emperor, so you come to threaten me? You are really capable, right?"

"Since you said so, this God of Justice will not only not let him go, but will also increase his sentence by one million years. How about you, kill me if you dare?"

Jiang Feng looked provocative, not afraid at all.

"you……"Lingji Bodhisattva was glaring and gritting his teeth, wishing he could eat Jiang Feng, but he finally restrained himself.

This was the Heavenly Palace, and the Jade Emperor was protecting Jiang Feng to an outrageous degree. If he really dared to do it, he would definitely not have a good ending.

Seeing Lingji Bodhisattva suppress his anger, Jiang Feng could not help but say,"I, the God of Justice, don't think you dare. Okay, I have said everything I need to say very clearly. I, the God of Justice, have official business to attend to, so you can leave on your own. I won't see you off.""

"Lingji Bodhisattva, please go back!" Zhao Xiaowu came over immediately to see him off.

But Lingji Bodhisattva did not move.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng smiled and continued,"Lingji Bodhisattva, what do you mean? You are occupying the toilet but not doing anything, right? Or do you want to rob the key to the prison?"

"Don't think you can do whatever you want just because you have the support of Tathagata Buddha. This is Heaven, Heaven, Heaven!"

Jiang Feng emphasized, and then said in a cold voice,"Are you going or not? Are you going or not?"


The anger of Lingji Bodhisattva was ignited instantly. He was a Buddhist Bodhisattva, a Daluo Jinxian-level existence. No matter where he went, he was treated with courtesy and respect. How could he be treated like this? It was outrageous that he was said to be occupying the toilet without doing anything?

But when Jiang Feng emphasized it three times in succession in the Heavenly Court, the reason of Lingji Bodhisattva overcame his anger and he finally restrained himself.

However, he could not leave like this. If he could not even handle such a small matter, how could he explain to Tathagata Buddha when he returned. He could not provoke Tathagata Buddha to come in person, just for a small disciple of his. If so, it would be too cheap for Tathagata Buddha.

After thinking about it, Lingji Bodhisattva endured it again, and immediately changed to a smiling face and said,"God of Justice, please calm down. This is not what I meant. Let's talk it out nicely!"

Hard tactics didn't work, so Lingji Bodhisattva had to use soft tactics.

"Congratulations to the host, you have been successfully rejected by Lingji Bodhisattva and obtained a black gold treasure chest. Do you want to open it?"

The system's crisp and pleasant voice suddenly came out.

"Black gold treasure chest! Oh my god, this damn bald donkey really didn’t let me down!"Jiang Feng almost jumped up with excitement.

A black gold treasure chest, the level is unprecedentedly high, how rich the reward should be!

Suppressing the urge to open the treasure chest immediately, Jiang Feng's expression couldn't help but relax, and then said lightly:"This is the attitude of negotiation!"

Lingji Bodhisattva's eyes lit up, it seems there is a chance!

Then, Lingji Bodhisattva came forward, licked a smiling face and said,"God of Justice, tell me, what do you want in exchange for releasing my disciple?"

"Well, it's not difficult, but you have to pay some price. If I release your disciple, this God of Justice will have to take risks."

Jiang Feng chuckled, and while speaking, he rubbed a few fingers and made a gesture of asking for money.

Facts have proved that this gesture is universal in all the heavens and worlds.

Lingji Bodhisattva's eyes lit up and he immediately understood,"I understand, how about this, I have a top-grade innate spiritual treasure Wuji bracelet, is that enough?"

"What! A top-grade innate spiritual treasure?" Jiang Feng's face immediately fell,"Lingji Bodhisattva, are you sending away beggars? This one piece is not enough for this god to fill his teeth."

He ate top-grade innate spiritual treasures as if they were his meals. At least five pieces were gone in one bite. One top-grade innate spiritual treasure was not enough for him to fill his teeth.

Lingji Bodhisattva was not angry,"God of Justice, don't be angry. I was just joking with you just now. How about this, two pieces, how about two pieces?"

Jiang Feng's face was extremely gloomy, and he waved his hand,"Lingji Bodhisattva, since you are so insincere, there is no need for us to continue talking. Xiaowu, show the guest out!"

"Bodhisattva Lingji, please go back!" Zhao Xiaowu cooperated very well.

Bodhisattva Lingji would not leave until the task was done.

He did not expect that Jiang Feng had such a big appetite. After gritting his teeth, Bodhisattva Lingji stepped forward and said,"Five, five top-grade innate spiritual treasures. Isn't this sincere enough?"

Jiang Feng grinned, paused, turned around and said directly,"At least ten!"

"What!"Lingji Bodhisattva was shocked. This is simply a lion's mouth.

"Bodhisattva Lingji, you are aware that your disciple's affair has become known to everyone. If I release him now without permission, I will have a hard time explaining to the Jade Emperor. How great a risk will I have to take!"

"If you come to heaven to find me directly, we can discuss this matter privately, then everything will be fine. But now all the immortals know about it, and the Jade Emperor is furious, so it's not easy to deal with it!"

Jiang Feng analyzed to Lingji Bodhisattva, wanting to maximize the benefits

"It's hard to explain! Your relationship with the Jade Emperor is such that it's no exaggeration to say that you are his biological son. How could you be hard to explain?"

Lingji Bodhisattva complained in his heart, but he could only complain in his heart.

"God of Justice, you are right, it is reasonable, but I only have five top-grade innate spiritual treasures!"Lingji Bodhisattva frowned and said earnestly

"There are only five items. Is the Western Buddhist sect so poor?"Jiang Feng muttered in a low voice.

Lingji Bodhisattva looked very ugly, but he didn't say anything.

Then, Jiang Feng seemed to think of something, and his eyes lit up immediately, and then he said,"Lingji Bodhisattva, I heard that you have a wind-fixing pill and a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, the Flying Dragon Staff. If you give me all of these, this God of Justice guarantees that I will release your disciple immediately."

Hearing this, Lingji Bodhisattva was petrified on the spot, wondering why Jiang Feng was like a worm in his stomach, even knowing all his secrets.

For a moment, Lingji Bodhisattva was silent, because Jiang Feng wanted all of his family's assets.

Jiang Feng didn't urge him, and directly revealed his cards,"Lingji Bodhisattva, now that you have said this, I, Jiang Feng, will not play tricks with you. There are two choices. If you give me all of these, your disciple Huang Fengguai will be released immediately, otherwise, no deal!"

Bodhisattva Lingji frowned deeply, and finally stamped his feet, made up his mind, and painfully handed over five top-grade innate spiritual treasures, the Wind-Fixing Pill and the top-grade innate spiritual treasure, the Flying Dragon Staff.

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