"You actually have this skill?" Jiang Feng was a little surprised.

Fairy Nishang smiled and said,"Before coming to Miro Palace, Nishang lived in Yaochi and served the Queen Mother. I was fortunate enough to witness the Queen Mother brewing nectar and learned a little bit."

"Great, bring it up quickly." Jiang Feng said impatiently.

"Yes, sir."

Soon, the colorful fairy came in with a tray with a pot of wine and a bowl of soup.

""Sir, this is the Three Immortals Soup and the Drunken Immortals Brew. Please enjoy it!"

After a brief introduction, Fairy Nishang picked up the bowl of soup, picked up a jade spoon in her right hand, gently scooped a spoonful, and then took the initiative to bring it to Jiang Feng's mouth.

Jiang Feng opened his mouth and took a deep sip.

After a moment, Jiang Feng's eyes lit up, and he felt unprecedented comfort.

This Three Immortals Soup has three colors, red, yellow, and green. It is refreshing and fragrant. It tastes sweet and sour in the mouth, without a trace of greasy taste. It leaves a lingering fragrance on the lips and teeth, which makes people have endless aftertaste.

Since crossing over, Jiang Feng has been eating immortal energy or immortal pills every day. These are colorless and tasteless. Jiang Feng's mouth is almost bland.

He hasn't tasted the taste of sour, sweet, bitter, and spicy for a long time. This bowl of Three Immortals Soup from Fairy Nishang almost satisfies his fantasy of all delicious food.

Basically, Jiang Feng is still an earthling, and he naturally yearns for the sour, sweet, bitter, and spicy three meals a day.

""My lord, how does it taste?" Fairy Nishang asked nervously.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but give a thumbs up,"Wonderful, so wonderful, it's absolutely delicious in color, aroma and taste. It's the best delicacy I've ever tasted in heaven."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Feng took the Three Immortals Soup from Fairy Nishang, and then pounced on it like a hungry tiger, eating it up in one gulp.

"Sir, please eat slowly, no one is trying to snatch it from you."

Seeing Jiang Feng's eating, Fairy Nishang burst into laughter, then took out a handkerchief and gently wiped the residue from the corners of Jiang Feng's mouth. After a brief pause, Jiang Feng picked up the pot of Drunken Immortal Wine again and poured it down with his head tilted back.

He also drank it all up, with a look of unsatisfied desire on his face. This Drunken Immortal Wine has a sweet taste, light and sweet, like wine, very delicious

""Nichang, you are really clever and skillful. The Three Immortals Soup is colorful, fragrant and delicious, and the Drunken Immortals Wine is light and sweet, which is no worse than the Queen Mother's nectar." Jiang Feng praised generously.

Fairy Nichang was a little flattered and hurriedly said,"Your Excellency is too kind. How dare Nichang be compared with the Queen Mother?"

"You don't have to belittle yourself. The Queen Mother's nectar is only amazing in effect, which is caused by the ingredients. But the taste is much worse than yours. If you are given some top-quality ingredients, you will definitely make better than the Queen Mother."

"How about this, you bring me some of your cooking every morning. If I am in seclusion, you can just leave it at the door."

Jiang Feng decided to develop a good habit of eating breakfast every day

"Yes, it is my great honor that Your Excellency likes me."

Fairy Nishang smiled like a flower, full of joy.

It was a great happiness and enjoyment to be able to serve the gods that she admired in her heart.

Standing up, Jiang Feng looked through the window at the people coming and going outside, and frowned and asked,"By the way, Nishang, isn't it morning now? Don't these people have to go to the morning court?""

"I heard from the visiting immortal officials that His Majesty has been in seclusion in the Jade Emperor Palace these days, saying that he wants to cut off his ego and strive for the peak of the quasi-saint realm, and no one is allowed to disturb him."Fairy Nishang replied

"The Jade Emperor is in seclusion?" Jiang Feng couldn't help but frown. For some reason, he had a bad feeling in his heart, but he couldn't tell the specific reason, so Jiang Feng didn't pay much attention to it.

After a short rest, Jiang Feng walked out of the room and slipped out of the Miro Palace through the back door to avoid dealing with those annoying fence-sitters.

He went straight to the Heavenly Prison to see if there was a chance to get in and use the system to get some benefits from the Nine Infants Demon General.

This ancient demon general is a Daluo Jinxian-level existence. If he is successfully rejected, I'm afraid the reward will be even richer than that of Lingji Bodhisattva.

Along the way, the passing heavenly soldiers All the heavenly generals greeted Jiang Feng respectfully.

Especially some fairies, their beautiful eyes sparkled when they looked at Jiang Feng, as if they were looking at an idol.

If it weren't for the heavenly rules that forbid the seven emotions and six desires, they would probably take action against Jiang Feng.

Soon, Jiang Feng walked around the prison and returned home helplessly.

The Southern Dipper Star Lord and his men stayed in the prison, not leaving. When Jiang Feng came, the Southern Dipper Star Lord stuck to him like a dog-skin plaster and couldn't be shaken off.

Jiang Feng was afraid that people would think it was abnormal and thus expose the system, so he had to retreat temporarily.

"We have to think of a way to lure away the Southern Dipper Star God!" Jiang Feng thought as he walked.

At this moment, a refreshing floral fragrance drifted into his nose. After taking a breath, he felt refreshed, as if he had fallen into the clouds and was in a trance.

Looking up, a graceful and familiar figure came into view not far away. It was the Fairy of Flowers.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but chase after her,"Fairy of Flowers, please stay!"

In an instant, Jiang Feng came like lightning.

Seeing Jiang Feng again, the Fairy of Flowers couldn't help but frown, with a complicated look.

When they first met, this lecher actually spoke dirty words, which made her feel ashamed and angry.

But not long after, this lecher actually became famous, did several sensational things, and became a big celebrity in front of the Jade Emperor. Even she admired him a little.

Therefore, she didn't know what attitude she should take towards Jiang Feng.

""God Jiang Tian, what's the matter?" Fairy Baihua opened her cherry lips and her voice was clear and melodious, like pearls falling on a jade plate.

She held her white bracelets in front of her, her manners were polite and elegant, and her temperament was pleasant and generous. The fairies surrounding her all became a foil.

"Fairy Baihua, how are you these days?" Jiang Feng asked with a smile

"Very good, don't worry about Jiang Tianshen!"

Fairy Baihua said indifferently.

It can be seen that she still has some complaints about Jiang Feng in her heart.

"That's good, that's good." Jiang Feng nodded, his eyes flickering, as if hesitating about something, and was a little dazed for a moment.

Seeing this, Fairy Baihua could not help but bypass Jiang Feng and prepare to leave.

Jiang Feng hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop her.

Fairy Baihua's pretty face immediately became angry,"God Jiang Tian, what on earth are you going to do?"

Jiang Feng smiled and said,"I still say that, Fairy Baihua, I want to marry you"

"you……"The Fairy of Flowers' pretty face was gloomy. How could this man be so shameless to harass her again and again?

She, who was always elegant and calm, lost her image at this moment. She angrily and sternly scolded:"Jiang Feng, don't be too arrogant. Don't think that you are the God of Justice and I can't do anything to you."

"If you disrespect me again, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

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