"What! A hunting order from the Buddhist sect! A top-grade spiritual treasure! I'm actually so valuable that I want to sell myself out!"

Jiang Feng was slightly shocked, but still didn't take it seriously, looking nonchalant.

Fairy Baihua was very surprised. How could this bastard not be afraid at all? She couldn't help but ask,"Don't you worry about your own safety at all?"

"You are the one who should be worried," Jiang Feng suddenly stared at the Fairy of Flowers, and said in a cold voice,"Fairy of Flowers, do you want to get some top-grade innate spiritual treasures?"

As he spoke, Jiang Feng took a step forward, constantly approaching, his eyes as sharp as a knife, extremely pressing.

The Fairy of Flowers' pretty face sank, and her chest rose and fell sharply, forming a beautiful landscape.

""Jiang Feng, you, don't mess around, I don't mean to sell you out, don't get me wrong." Fairy Baihua said timidly.

Jiang Feng stopped and asked seriously with great interest,"Fairy Baihua, I treated you like that before, don't you have any hatred towards me? Don't you want to sell me out to the Buddhist sect to avenge me?"

Fairy Baihua's eyes fixed, and at that moment, her beautiful eyes turned and she couldn't help but said,"I hate you, you have blasphemed me time and time again, I wish I could tear you into pieces, but for Princess Longji, I can pretend that nothing happened."

"Princess Longji?"Jiang Feng frowned, very surprised.

Fairy Baihua nodded,"Yes, the princess cares about you very much."

Princess Longji and Fairy Baihua are very good girlfriends, and they can talk about almost anything. Although Princess Longji did not say it explicitly, Fairy Baihua could sense from the words she said every day that Princess Longji had feelings for Jiang Feng.

"Princess, does she care about me?" Jiang Feng was even more surprised. How could this be possible? He was a world away from Princess Longji!

While Jiang Feng was thinking, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure from the corner of his eye.

Jiang Feng turned around and saw a figure standing with his hands behind his back on the opposite hill.

This man was tall and slender, a little old, with silver-white hair and a long goatee.

On the top of his head, he wore a golden Taoist hairpin, and his long hair was meticulous and clean.

He was wearing a golden Taoist robe, standing on the top of the mountain, like a small sun, shining brightly, illuminating the eight

At the same time, Jiang Feng felt an extremely hot breath coming towards him, as if the other party was a furnace of heaven and earth, burning all the time, trying to melt the heaven and earth and burn the four seas. On the other party's shoulder, stood a gourd. The gourd was purple and white, crystal clear, like a piece of jade.

Jiang Feng was shocked when he saw this. A layer of cold sweat oozed out of his whole body, and a burst of ghosts rushed out.

There was actually someone watching him from behind for a long time, and he was completely unaware and had no idea.

In this extraordinary period, if the other party had the intention to kill him, I am afraid he would not even know how he died.

"May I ask who you are?"

Jiang Feng asked with his hands clasped together.

He looked extremely solemn, because this person was unfathomable and he could not see through him at all. He was absolutely terrifying beyond imagination.

Upon hearing this, the Taoist looked calm and did not answer. Instead, he asked,"Are you Jiang Feng, the God of Justice in Heaven?"

Although it was a question, his tone was extremely certain, and it was obvious that he knew something about Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng was even more surprised and suspicious. Who was this person, why did he know him, and what did he want to do?

""I am Jiang Feng." Jiang Feng nodded and responded carefully.

The Taoist continued,"The key to the Heavenly Prison is in your hand, right? Hand it over and I will spare your life!"

On the top of the mountain, the Taoist looked down at the world with a calm and composed look, as if he had everything under control.

Jiang Feng frowned,"The key to the Heavenly Prison! Why does this person want the key to the Heavenly Prison for no reason?" Jiang Feng looked at the other party again. This person's aura was as hot as fire, and there was a purple-white gourd on his shoulder. He was unfathomable and was definitely an almighty being with great magical powers.

Connecting all of this, Jiang Feng suddenly had an idea, and a terrible name popped up in his mind, Taoist Lu Ya.

"Yes, that purple-white gourd is the Immortal-Slaying Gourd that was once famous throughout the world. Once it is sacrificed, it must shed blood before it can return to its original position. So this Taoist must be the tenth son of the ancient demon emperor Dijun of the heavenly court, Taoist Lu Ya!"

The demon emperor Jun had ten sons, nine of whom were shot dead by the great wizard Hou Yi with the Sun-shooting Bow, but the youngest one survived.

Later, even though the tragic wizard-demon catastrophe led to the decline of the two major clans and their eventual withdrawal from the stage of prehistoric history, Taoist Lu Ya survived.

After confirming the identity of the Taoist in front of him, Jiang Feng couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and trembled with fear.

The man in front of him was the prince of the demon clan. His original body was the Golden Crow, and he inherited the pure blood of the demon emperor Jun. He was gifted and had practiced for countless years.

Now, he is definitely a genuine quasi-saint, so terrifying that it is unimaginable. Even the Queen Mother would be afraid of him.

Just from what is known, he has two supreme innate spiritual treasures in his hands, the Immortal Slaying Gourd and the Nail-Headed Seven Arrows Book.

Jiang Feng was as fragile as an ant in front of him and would be suppressed in the blink of an eye.

""Okay, I'll give it to you."

Jiang Feng didn't dare to disobey, and after saying that, he reached into his arms to take out the key to the Heavenly Prison.

Jiang Feng also knew the purpose of Taoist Lu Ya, which must be to rescue the Nine Infants Demon Commander imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison.

Soon, Jiang Feng's right hand stretched out from his arms, but what he took out was not the key to the Heavenly Prison, but a yellow talisman.

"I'll give you a big head ghost, dream on!"

Jiang Feng's expression suddenly changed, he cursed, and then immediately crushed the talisman.

This talisman was an escape talisman that could save Jiang Feng's life in times of crisis. Although Jiang Feng didn't care that the key to the sky prison fell into the hands of Taoist Lu Ya, he was not sure that Taoist

Lu Ya would let him go after handing it over.

Jiang Feng didn't want to try this kind of desperate move. For his own safety, Jiang Feng decisively chose to escape.

���In an instant, Jiang Feng suddenly pounced on the Fairy of Flowers and hugged her tightly in his arms.

At this moment, the void in front of Jiang Feng was cut open by some mysterious force, like a piece of paper.

Moreover, a vast and vast devouring force spread out from it, as if a bloody mouth instantly wrapped Jiang Feng inside, and then disappeared without a trace.

In a blink of an eye, the void was restored to its original state, and everything was calm, as if nothing had ever happened.

This change was too abrupt, happening only in a flash, so fast that even Lu Ya Taoist was stunned.


Lu Ya Taoist jumped off the hill and stood where Jiang Feng disappeared, and was horrified.

This person was only a Taiyi Jinxian, but he had such a bizarre escape technique, and he slipped away from under the nose of a dignified quasi-saint without leaving any trace. It was really incredible. If this were spread out, it would be enough to scare people to death!

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