"Who is collecting human blood? What is the purpose?" Jiang Feng was puzzled and confused.

There were no other clues except the chaotic demonic energy.

At this time, a sharp sound of breaking through the air came. A team of heavenly soldiers and generals were patrolling the three realms and happened to pass by here.

Jiang Feng did not stay any longer and fled away immediately.

Not long after, a dry well suddenly came into view among the wild mountains and ridges, and Jiang Feng could not help but stop.

Since leaving the Kingdom of Daughters, the ground was full of people searching for him, heavenly soldiers and generals, Buddhists, and people from various sects who responded to the call of Buddhism to obtain the best innate spiritual treasures.

In this case, Jiang Feng thought it would be better to hide underground, which would definitely be safer.

The dry well in front of him is a good choice.

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng did not hesitate too much, and immediately jumped into the dry well.

This dry well has been abandoned for many years and has long been dry. It is very deep, hundreds of meters deep underground.

Soon, Jiang Feng arrived at the bottom of the dry well. There was no light and it was completely dark, but it was not a problem for Jiang Feng.

His soul power detected that it was no different from daytime.

Then, Jiang Feng discovered that there was a passage on the left side of the bottom of the dry well.

Out of curiosity, Jiang Feng entered the passage and after a few steps, he arrived at a cave.

As soon as he entered, Jiang Feng was shocked and frightened.

In the middle of the cave, there was a figure sitting cross-legged. Jiang Feng had not noticed it beforehand.

""Senior, I'm sorry. I didn't know there was someone in this cave. I'm sorry for disturbing you!" Jiang Feng hurriedly bowed his hands to apologize. The one who could not leak a trace of breath and let him not notice it in advance must be a master.

Although it is now the Journey to the West, after several catastrophes, the prehistoric world has changed drastically, the immortal energy is thin, and it is almost the end of the law. The Golden Immortal is enough to stand on his own, but there are still many crouching tigers and hidden dragons.

If some great powers from the ancient times survived and hid here, it would be normal.

However, after Jiang Feng finished speaking, the cave remained silent, without any response.

"Senior, Senior……"Jiang Feng called out softly, but the figure remained unmoved.

""Could it be that the senior has sunk into a deep state of retreat?" Jiang Feng wondered in his heart.

Then, he couldn't help but look closely. After careful inspection, Jiang Feng immediately found something unusual.

The figure sitting cross-legged didn't have any breath at all. Most importantly, he looked dead and lifeless.

Moreover, Jiang Feng saw that his body was riddled with holes, and there were several shocking large holes.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. No wonder he didn't notice it beforehand. It turned out that this was a dead person. The person sitting cross-legged was a corpse, so there was no life at all.

After a pause, Jiang Feng couldn't help but approach him.

"Who died here?

Jiang Feng observed that this person had an especially eye-catching red hair, very elegant, like clouds in the sky.

What shocked Jiang Feng was that the death energy gathered in this person's body was extremely heavy. Once released, it would be enough to kill a golden immortal.

This meant that this person had been dead for too long, at least hundreds of millions of years.

After such a long time, this person's body was not rotten. Except for those fatal wounds, it was intact and had no signs of being corroded by time.

"My goodness, which great man fell here?"

Jiang Feng was extremely shocked and curious at the same time.

A person like this must have been at least a Daluo Jinxian in his lifetime, or even a quasi-sage. Even in the extremely prosperous early prehistoric times, he must have had great magical powers and would not be an unknown person.

Jiang Feng racked his brains, and suddenly, his eyes fixed on the other person's conspicuous red hair, and a name popped up in his mind,"Taoist Hongyun! Could it be Taoist Hongyun, one of the three thousand guests in the mortal world?"

At first, Jiang Feng was not very sure, but when his eyes shifted to the other person's arms, he was immediately certain.

In this person's arms, there was a purple-red gourd. Although it was broken, the many innate runes engraved on it proved its extraordinaryness.

This is not an ordinary gourd, but an innate gourd that is one of the ten innate spiritual roots.

Jiang Feng was also rewarded with one by the system, so he was very sure.

In the early days of the flood, the innate gourd on Mount Buzhou matured, and the powerful people from all sides competed and fought for it. In the end, Taoist Hongyun was lucky enough to get a purple-red gourd.

He sacrificed and refined it for an extremely long time, and finally made it into a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, the Jiujiu Hongyun Sanpo Gourd, which contained infinite red sand, which was overwhelming and could disperse people's souls.

As far as Jiang Feng knew, Taoist Hongyun was a good old man with a gentle personality, approachable, and very easy to get along with. He didn't expect to fall in this dry well, and no one cared about him for a long time.


Suddenly, Jiang Feng couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

In a trance, he saw a flash of purple light in the Nine Nine Red Cloud Soul-Dispersing Gourd.

Jiang Feng thought it was an illusion, but after staring carefully for a moment, he found that it was indeed the case.

With a frown, Jiang Feng couldn't help but stretch out his hand and pry open the purple-red gourd that had already cracked.

In an instant, a purple gas as thick as a finger jumped out and entangled between Jiang Feng's fingers.

"This is……"Jiang Feng's pupils shrank sharply, and he was a little panicked.

But gradually, he found that this purple gas was not aggressive at all and did not pose any threat to him. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Strange, how could there be a purple gas in this Jiujiu Hongyun Sanpo Gourd? This purple gas is so magical and full of mystery, it must be otherworldly, what kind of gas is it?"

Jiang Feng was instantly full of questions.

After thinking about it, Jiang Feng suddenly had an idea in his mind,"Could this be the legendary Hongmeng purple gas?"

In the distant early days of the prehistoric times, Hongjun Daozu gave a third and last sermon in Zixiao Palace. After the sermon, he released a total of seven Hongmeng purple auras.

Among them, six of the Hongmeng purple auras were destined by heaven and were given to Nuwa, Laozi, the Taoist Master of Daode, Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian Jiaozhu, and the Taoist Master Jieyin and Zhunti in the West.

The seventh Hongmeng purple aura was given to the destined person by Hongjun Daozu with a flick of his hand.

What a coincidence, the seventh Hongmeng purple aura finally fell on The seventh primordial purple qi fell into the hands of Taoist Hongyun.

Taoist Hongyun was overjoyed, but he didn't know that this primordial purple qi had brought him a disaster of killing.

Nuwa, Tongtian and others were all disciples of Taoist Hongjun, and no one dared to attack them, but Taoist Hongyun was different.

In the end, he was killed in the chaos by the greedy Patriarch Kunpeng and many powerful people, and died.

But Jiang Feng never thought that Patriarch Kunpeng and others had not found the seventh primordial purple qi, and it was still on Taoist Hongyun.

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