Jiang Feng shouted loudly in front of the gate of Wuzhuang Temple that day, which naturally attracted the attention of those who were interested and revealed his whereabouts.

However, Jiang Feng did not expect that the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing would mobilize a large number of troops to come and directly ask for the person from Zhenyuan Daxian.

"There has never been such a person in Wuzhuang Temple. Heavenly King, please go back!" Zhenyuan Daxian's cold voice came out. In front of the mountain gate, Li Jing led many heavenly soldiers and generals to stand there, but did not move at all.

"Great Immortal, if I hadn't received accurate information, Li Jing wouldn't have dared to come here like this. Please help me, Great Immortal, and don't make things difficult for the Heavenly Court."Li Jing continued, using the Heavenly Court to intimidate the Great Immortal Zhenyuan


Zhenyuan Daxian was furious, uttered two cold words, and then suddenly waved his sleeves.

In an instant, in front of the gate of Wuzhuang Temple, there was a strong wind, lightning and thunder, and many strange phenomena suddenly appeared out of thin air, as if the end of the world was coming, wanting to engulf the whole world.

However, in just one encounter, Li Jing and other 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals were blown away by Zhenyuan Daxian's sleeves.

This is the power of a quasi-saint!

Li Jing and others were just rotten fish and shrimp in front of him, not worth mentioning at all.

Not to mention the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing, even if his master, the Ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp, came in person, Zhenyuan Daxian would not be afraid

"Brother Jiang, just rest assured and stay in the temple. It is absolutely safe here!"The Immortal Zhenyuan said calmly.

"Thank you, bro!"


Heaven, Yaochi.

The Queen Mother was meditating, when suddenly a gentle voice rang out,"Yaochi, have you heard? Jiang Feng is now in the Wuzhuang Temple on Wanshou Mountain. Li Tianwang sent people to capture him, but he was waved away by Zhenyuan Daxian."

When she opened her eyes, a man wearing a nine-dragon robe and an emperor's crown appeared in front of the Queen Mother, exuding an extremely noble aura. It was the Jade Emperor.

"Li Tianwang has reported this to me." The Queen Mother nodded.

The Jade Emperor asked again:"What do you think? Do you think that the supreme being behind Jiang Feng is Zhen Yuanzi?"

The Queen Mother frowned, and her beautiful eyes showed a thoughtful look.

After a moment, she shook her head,"It shouldn't be. When we were in Zixiao Palace and were the master's doorman, we had a lot of dealings with Zhen Yuanzi and we know him well."

"This person is quiet and inactive, does not like fighting, and teaches his disciples the same way. If Jiang Feng is his disciple, he will never allow Jiang Feng to go against the Western Buddhist sect."

"Moreover, with Zhen Yuanzi's ability, there should be no way for a small Taiyi Jinxian to escape from the Quasi-Saint. Unless he did it himself, it would be impossible to leave no trace and not be known to outsiders."

The Queen Mother paced back and forth in the hall, analyzing it very well.

Hearing this, the Jade Emperor nodded with satisfaction,"I think so too, and I heard that when Jiang Feng first entered Wuzhuang Temple, he was almost driven out by Qingfeng Mingyue, so Jiang Feng would never be the disciple of Zhen Yuan Daxian."

"The supreme being behind Jiang Feng is even more terrifying, and may be beyond our imagination. We have to wait."The Queen Mother suggested.

"That's exactly what I meant!"

The two of them agreed. Their goal had not been achieved, and the big boss behind Jiang Feng had not been brought out. Naturally, they couldn't stop there.


Xiniu Hezhou, Wanshou Mountain Wuzhuang Temple.

Jiang Feng stayed for a few more days to consolidate his cultivation, and suddenly he couldn't sit still.

That day, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing was blown away by Zhenyuan Daxian, but he did not retreat. Although he did not come to the door to ask for people directly, he sent many heavenly soldiers and generals to guard in secret.

It seems that these people will not give up until they catch him, Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng can ignore Li Jing and others, but he can't ignore the Western Buddhism.

The Buddha Tathagata personally issued a Buddhist hunting order. If his real body descends on Wuzhuang Temple soon, I'm afraid the consequences will be disastrous.

At that time, in order to protect him, the eldest brother will have a dispute with the Buddha Tathagata and fight with swords, which may bring a catastrophe to Wuzhuang Temple.

When the Buddha Tathagata was still Duobao Taoist, he was a quasi-sage and the most capable chief disciple under the seat of Tongtian Sect.

After the Conferred God Tribulation, he was converted to Buddhism, practicing both Buddhism and Taoism. His strength is naturally even more unfathomable and should not be underestimated.

"No, I can't bring disaster to my elder brother!"

After thinking it over, Jiang Feng felt that there was no need to argue with the Western Buddhist sect, and it was better to leave Wuzhuang Temple.

After making the decision, he immediately went to bid farewell to Zhenyuan Daxian.

Zhenyuan Daxian saw that he was determined to leave, so he did not try to keep him.

""Brother Jiang, I am here to send you off! If you have any requests in the future, I will spare no effort to help you!" As soon as the words fell, Zhen Yuan Daxian used his great magical powers to personally send Jiang Feng down the mountain, avoiding all the spies set up by Li Jing, without anyone noticing.

This was a mountain forest, and Jiang Feng appeared out of thin air. He paused for a moment and then continued to look for a safe place to stay.

"Hmm? This is……"

Not long after, Jiang Feng came to a hidden valley.

The valley was deep, with the fragrance of flowers and the chirping of birds, and the beautiful scenery. It was almost isolated from the world, and it could be described as a paradise.

There was a small village here, with dozens of thatched houses scattered around. It should have been full of people, but it was dead and lifeless.

Jiang Feng walked into a thatched house, and as soon as he opened the door, three mummies came into view.

These corpses were bloodless, white, and obviously had been dead for a long time, and were weathered into mummies.

Jiang Feng was shocked, and then he walked around the village and found that everyone in the village was dead and turned into mummies.

From the eighty-year-old man to the newborn baby, they were all killed.

However, their bodies were relatively intact, but the blood in their bodies was drained, leaving no drop.

This was the second village massacre Jiang Feng had seen.

The means of the murder this time were exactly the same as the last time, all of them sucked out the blood, and the body was covered with a strong demonic aura.

"Who is so cruel and merciless? What is the purpose of collecting human blood so deliberately?"

Jiang Feng frowned deeply, and felt faintly that someone was plotting a huge conspiracy behind the scenes.

In the next few dozen days, Jiang Feng visited all over the area and found all kinds of cruel scenes.

Many villages were slaughtered, and even ancient towns and even a country were hunted, without exception, and all were drained of blood. On this day, Jiang Feng came to a small town on the southwestern border. As soon as he arrived here, bursts of shrill screams came from the front.

At the same time, in this town, the demonic energy was soaring, accompanied by chilling and sinister laughter.

Jiang Feng's heart sank, and he couldn't help but speed up his pace.

These days, he has been tracking those evil monsters, and now he has finally caught them in the act.

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