Soon, Inuyasha's side also began to fight back.

"What about swiping tickets? We brush it above board. Isn't it okay for us to recommend the shopkeeper's book to more people? "Poster: Flower Kite.

"That is, if you are not convinced, you can also swipe the ticket." Posted by: Butterfly Dance.

A group of young people lost their temper in an instant.

Swiping tickets? They want to brush, but the key is that they don't have money!

Their money, and even their valuable gold and silver belongings, had been deposited into their respective members a few days earlier.

Now almost all of the big and young people have empty sleeves.

"No, we can't just give up!"

In the academy, a group of young people gathered together and discussed the matter of voting, and obviously no one wanted to admit defeat.

Soon, a new batch of posts appeared on the forum.

"Inuyasha fans are despicable and shameless, blatantly swiping tickets, we can't succumb to obscenity like this, we must fight back!" Poster: The first transmitter of Turtle School Qigong.

"Dragon Ball Fan Summoning Order!" Poster: People who practice martial arts.

"Where are the Dragon Ball fans, let Ben Shao see your hands!" Poster: Chang'an No. 1 Less.

"Brothers, stand up, rush! Let's also mobilize our respective friends and give them Amway Dragon Balls! "Poster: Tsing shirt does not change.

"That's right, I believe in the charm of Dragon Ball, we don't need to swipe tickets at all, we can win above board!" Weiyang.

"Brothers, if there is any wealth in hand, let's pool together to make money, this time it is about the face of our men, we must not lose!" Poster: Only love Boomer.

"All second-level members, come to the academy to gather, everyone gather the activation code, and help the brothers in difficulty!" Poster: People who practice martial arts.


Soon, under tremendous pressure, Dragon Ball's side also began to promote frantically on the forum.

Amway posts about Dragon Ball began to appear on the forum constantly.

And at this time, a new message appeared on everyone's mobile phone.

"The digital version of Dragon Ball is now on the shelves, and members of the bookstore can pay to read it on their mobile phones."

At this moment, Dragon Ball fans were enthusiastic when such a post suddenly appeared, which immediately detonated the emotions of Dragon Ball fans.

"Celebrate all over the world, the electronic version of Dragon Ball is finally on the shelves!"

"Great, I don't have to skip class in the morning to queue up at the bookstore in the future!"

"Brothers, the horn of the counterattack has been sounded, rush and rush!"

"Newcomers report to work, ID does not hit the south wall and does not look back, swear to live and die together with all brothers!"

There are even more exaggerated.

"When the disaster is at the head, a good man should throw his head and spill his blood, brothers, please join me in the bloody battle, horse leather shroud!"

"Yes, you must not let a group of women press on your head, they all rush me, I am the vanguard, and I am dead!"


Mu You looked at his phone in the study and laughed directly.

It's too funny to have two goods, and I'm throwing my head and spilling blood, just reading a comic, it's the same as a world war, throwing your sister's head? Put your head back on me!

However, I have to say that this volatility is still quite effective, and the name of Dragon Ball's first hot-blooded manga is not blown out, and under this volatility, the reading volume of Dragon Ball has also begun to skyrocket.

Mu You didn't favor one over the other, and immediately added 20 words of Dragon Ball Z.

The story follows the plot of the first part of Dragon Ball, five years after Goku defeats Vic and marries Kiki, Goku at this time already has a son named Son Gohan (well... The grandfather's name was given to his son, and the Tang people said they looked confused).

At this time, an extraterrestrial meteorite descended on the earth, and a man came out of it, claiming to be a Saiyan and saying that he was Goku's older brother.

It turned out that Goku's original name was Kakarot, and he was also a Saiyan, and he was sent to the earth when he was young, hoping that he could kill all the humans as soon as possible and rule the earth, but he didn't expect that when Goku grew up, not only did he not rule the earth, but he also became the patron saint of the earth, and he was very disappointed in him, and the two sides fought...

The story of Dragon Ball has officially entered a new chapter of Saiyans.

Seeing this, a bunch of Dragon Ball fans were shocked.

In this era, where do people know what aliens are.

The setting of visitors from outside the sky is an explosive brain hole for them.

As soon as this plot came out, the number of members ushered in another surge.

And the number of Dragon Ball's votes also followed by a skyrocket, and in less than three hours, it had already caught up with Inuyasha and overtook it again.

The war intensified, and the enthusiasm of fans on both sides was completely ignited.

By the end of the first day, Mu You took a look, and the number of members had reached an astonishing 1,995, which was five short of two thousand!

This number stunned Mu You, and today alone, the number of members has increased by nearly 1,300!

He found that he still underestimated the rich people of the Tang Dynasty.

Chang'an City during the Zhenguan period had a population of nearly 400,000 people, and the number of people who could afford to consume consistently was definitely far more than 5,000.

Therefore, it is not difficult to meet the requirements given by the system, but it is still a publicity problem after all.

And now, through this battle of male and female fans, both works have received the best publicity in Chang'an City.

Originally, Mu You was still thinking about how to publicize the store on a large scale, but now it seems that he doesn't need to worry, the most effective publicity in the world is always the publicity of fans.

This group of avid fans can really do anything for the sake of their favorite works.

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