On Chang'an Street!

Tathagata left the prison and appeared on the streets of Chang'an again.

In order to avoid being imprisoned by the Jinwu Guards again, Tathagata had to change his clothes.

Otherwise, even if Tathagata is the leader of Buddhism, he will still be imprisoned by the Jinwu Guards again.

These Jinwu Guards don't care about Tathagata's identity. They only know that they must obey the emperor's orders. Even if they know they will die, they will rush forward without hesitation.

Although Tathagata is the leader of Buddhism and a powerful quasi-saint, he must obey some orders from the emperor at this time, because he is not trying to destroy the Tang Dynasty, but to change the Tang Dynasty's attitude towards Buddhism, so that Buddhism can be smoothly introduced to the East and attract more incense.

"How can we change the Tang emperor's attitude towards Buddhism?"

Tathagata walked along the bustling Chang'an Street, frowning and thinking hard, but he could not think of a good starting point.

""Hua La La...Hua La La..."

Unconsciously, Tathagata walked out of Chang'an City and came to a river.

There are eight streams around Chang'an City, all of which pass through Chang'an City. Therefore, it is also called the Eight Rivers Surrounding Chang'an.

"Alas... It's so hard to catch fish and shrimp now. I don't know where all the fish and shrimp in the river have gone."

"Yes, not only are fish and shrimp difficult to catch, but sometimes there are storms and if you are unlucky, your boat may capsize and your life may be in danger."

"Who says it's not true? If this continues, I'm considering whether I should continue fishing. I can't catch many fish all day long, and I have to worry all the time."


Several fishermen passed by Tathagata, and the content of their conversation reached Tathagata's ears.

""Splash... splash..."

At this time, a huge wave came and hit the bank.

Tathagata looked at the surging river water, his eyes a little dazed, thinking about the conversation between the fishermen just now, and an idea gradually emerged in his mind.

After a moment.

A gleam of light flashed in Tathagata's eyes, and a name popped up in his mind:"Jinghe Dragon King."

Thinking back to the deeds of the Jinghe Dragon King, Tathagata felt more and more that his plan was very feasible, but he had to inform the Jade Emperor about this matter.

The Jinghe Dragon King is a righteous god in heaven, the general manager of the Eight Rivers, the Great Dragon God of Rain, and he is very powerful.

Not only that, the Jinghe Dragon King also married the sister of the West Sea Dragon King and had a relationship with the four sea dragons.

After gaining power, the Jinghe Dragon King also became ambitious and began to expand the scope of his control over the waters. He was even more nepotistic, making friends, and constantly developing his own strength.

The water flows around Chang'an were all under the control of the Jinghe Dragon King. Therefore, when Tathagata heard that the fishermen could not catch fish and shrimps and often encountered wind and waves, he thought that it was the Jinghe Dragon King who was making trouble.

Tathagata was considering how to find a breakthrough point to change the attitude of the Tang Emperor Li Shimin towards Buddhism, and the Jinghe Dragon King took the initiative to jump out.


Tathagata's figure flashed, disappeared from the spot, and flew towards the heaven.

No matter how powerful the Jinghe Dragon King was, he was still a god in the heaven. If Tathagata wanted to attack him, he should have informed the Jade Emperor.



Tathagata flew all the way to Heaven and found the Jade Emperor.

When the Jade Emperor saw Tathagata, he was stunned. He and the Queen Mother beside him looked at each other and said,"Tathagata, why don't you stay in Lingshan and come to Heaven?"


Tathagata chanted the Buddha's name and said to the Jade Emperor:"Jade Emperor, I came here this time to ask for something.

" Upon hearing this, the Jade Emperor showed a hint of curiosity on his face and said:"Oh? What is it?" Tathagata thought for a while and said:"Jade Emperor, the opportunity for the spread of Buddhism to the East has appeared.

However, it has encountered some troubles.

If it is not handled properly, it will be difficult for Buddhism to spread to the East.

" When the Jade Emperor heard what Tathagata said, he was stunned and frowned and said:"The spread of Buddhism to the East cannot be carried out? Tathagata, what do you mean by this?"

Tathagata showed a bitter smile on his face and said:"Jade Emperor, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, the largest dynasty in the East, is very opposed to Buddhism for some reasons and does not allow Buddhism to exist at all"

"The mortal emperor does not allow Buddhism to exist. This is indeed a very troublesome problem."

The Jade Emperor frowned and said.

Although mortals are weak, the spread of Buddhism to the East at this time obviously needs the approval of the mortal emperor. Otherwise, the difficulty coefficient is too great, and it is very likely that it will not be spread at all. Even if it is finally spread, it will be quickly destroyed by the emperor. If

Buddhism wants to spread Buddhism to the East and lead to great prosperity, the attitude of a human emperor is obviously very important, especially Li Shimin, the most powerful human emperor in the East.

"It is indeed very troublesome, but I have found a way to change the Tang Emperor's attitude towards my Buddhism, but this requires your support, Jade Emperor."

Tathagata looked at the Jade Emperor, a faint smile appeared on his face, and he said.

The Jade Emperor looked at Tathagata, frowned, and said,"Tell me what the method is, and how you need me to help you"

"Jade Emperor, I plan to use the Jinghe River Dragon King to scare the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, let him experience life and death, and then let him actively lead Buddhism to spread eastward.……"

Tathagata told the Jade Emperor about his plan.

After listening, the Jade Emperor looked unhappy and stared at Tathagata and said,"Tathagata, you want to get rid of one of our gods in heaven to achieve your goal. Isn't this a bit bad?"

"Jade Emperor, before I came here, I had already found out the deeds of the Dragon King of the Jing River. It is his own fault that he was sent to die this time." Tathagata said. The Jade

Emperor showed hesitation on his face. In his heart, even if the Dragon King of the Jing River deserved to die, it must be judged by the Heavenly Court. When did it fall to the Buddhist sect to take action?

"Tathagata, just do as you think is right. We in Heaven have no objection."

The Queen Mother seemed to have seen what the Jade Emperor was thinking and spoke before him.

The Jade Emperor turned his head and looked at the Queen Mother with surprise, with a look of deep confusion in his eyes. When the Queen Mother saw the Jade Emperor turned his head, she quickly winked at him, indicating that Tathagata was still there.

The Jade Emperor understood what she meant. He knew that the Queen Mother must have a reason for agreeing to Tathagata, so he smiled and said,"Tathagata, the Queen Mother is right. The Dragon King of the Jing River has brought this upon himself. If the spread of Buddhism to the east can really proceed smoothly, his death will be worthwhile."

"Thank you, Jade Emperor, thank you, Queen Mother. I will take my leave now."Tathagata got the result he wanted, and he got up and said goodbye, and then went to make good arrangements.

"Tathagata, take care!"

The Jade Emperor stood up and sent Tathagata away, then looked at the Queen Mother with a puzzled look on his face and asked,"Queen Mother, why did you agree to Tathagata just now? No matter what, the Dragon King of Jinghe is also a legitimate god in our Heavenly Court. If we just hand him over to die like this, how will the people of the Three Realms view our Heavenly Court?"


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