""Come on!"

Zhu Bajie shouted, and with the nine-toothed rake in his hand, he attacked Tiger Vanguard.

Although the nine-toothed rake looks ugly, it is very powerful. It and the golden hoop in Sun Sheng's hand are both magic weapons refined by Taishang Laojun. After being injected with magic power, they are accompanied by flames and ice and snow when dancing, and their power is very strong.

Speaking alone, the golden hoop in Sun Sheng's hand may not be more powerful than the nine-toothed rake in Zhu Bajie's hand, but the golden hoop is a combination weapon. Sun Sheng's one is the thing that suppresses the sea eye in the East China Sea, and the other three seas also have such a weapon.

In the original book, Zhu Bajie has always been worried about the fact that he was calculated. Therefore, he has been slacking on the way to obtain scriptures. When there is something, he lets Sun Wukong take the lead, and he hides behind. This also makes many people ignore his strength, and seriously underestimate the power of the magic weapon nine-toothed rake.


The Nine-toothed Rake hit the Tiger Vanguard.


The Tiger Vanguard roared, and a wave of magic power appeared on his claws.

""Shua shua!"

Two cold wind blades appeared and slashed towards Zhu Bajie.

At the same time!

Tiger Vanguard flashed and appeared behind Zhu Bajie, waving his sharp claws, trying to kill Zhu Bajie from behind.


Zhu Bajie sneered, and a surge of magic power surged through his body.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

A khaki-colored round shield appeared around Zhu Bajie's body, covering him.


The khaki-colored round shield completely blocked the two wind blades from the Tiger Vanguard without receiving any damage.


The tiger vanguard's claws flashed coldly, and he wanted to use this opportunity to severely injure Zhu Bajie.


Zhu Bajie roared, turned around very quickly, and hit Tiger Vanguard fiercely with the nine-toothed rake in his hand.

""Not good!"

Tiger Pioneer was shocked. He didn't expect Zhu Bajie to react so quickly.

Looking at the nine-toothed rake coming towards him, Tiger Pioneer's body was surging with green light, trying to avoid Zhu Bajie's attack.

However, he had already eaten it.

All this was a trap that Zhu Bajie had set for Tiger Pioneer a long time ago. He was waiting for this attack now. How could Tiger Pioneer dodge it?


The tiger vanguard roared, dropped the tiger skin, and turned into a puff of green smoke, trying to escape.

"Where are you going!"

Zhu Bajie shouted, and threw the nine-toothed rake in his hand at the green smoke that Tiger Vanguard had transformed into.


The Nine-toothed Rake hit Tiger Vanguard and killed him directly.

After all, the difference in strength between Zhu Bajie and Tiger Vanguard was too big.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

After Tiger Vanguard died, his true form was revealed. It turned out to be a tiger that had cultivated into a spirit.


Zhu Bajie flashed and came to the side of Tiger Vanguard, smiling:"You little tiger, you came at the right time, just for me to present you as a gift to my master."

After saying that, he bent down and picked up Tiger Vanguard's body and walked towards Tang Sanzang.

Tang Sanzang had been helped up from the ground by Little White Dragon and was resting next to a big tree.

"Master, I have killed the monster. It turned out to be a tiger monster. Zhu Bajie walked up to Tang Sanzang and asked for credit.

"Amitabha, Bajie, I am so lucky to have you. However, it is better to kill less in the future. After all, he is also a life."Tang Sanzang chanted the Buddha's name and said

"Yes, Master.

Zhu Bajie was stunned for a moment, nodded and said

""Sanzang, do you think Bajie shouldn't kill this tiger monster?"

Sun Sheng's eyes flashed after hearing Tang Sanzang's words, and he spoke out.

When Tang Sanzang heard Sun Sheng's question, he showed a hint of hesitation on his face, but finally nodded and said,"Great Sage, we monks should be compassionate. Although this tiger monster is a monster, he is also a life."

Sun Sheng shook his head and said with a smile on his face,"Sanzang, I have a question I want you to answer for me." When

Tang Sanzang heard Sun Sheng's words, his face showed a hint of doubt, and he said,"Great Sage, please speak up. If Sanzang can help you, he will tell you everything he knows."


Sun Sheng nodded and said,"Sanzang, the Buddha once said that if you put down your butcher knife, you will become a Buddha right away. This is the question I want to ask. Can a vicious person really become a Buddha after putting down his butcher knife?"

After hearing what Sun Sheng said, Tang Sanzang was stunned and opened his mouth. He didn't know how to answer.


Sun Sheng thought for a moment, walked up to Zhu Bajie, looked at the corpse of Tiger Vanguard, and said,"Sanzang, you have to understand that Bajie has no grudge against this tiger monster. He killed the tiger monster for you. Therefore, anyone can say anything to Bajie, but you can't."

After hearing what Sun Sheng said, Zhu Bajie showed gratitude in his eyes.


Tang Sanzang frowned when he heard what Sun Sheng said, then stood up, bowed to Sun Sheng, and said,"Great Sage, Sanzang is grateful for your teaching."

Sun Sheng's words seemed to be directed at Tang Sanzang, but in fact they were also a kind of guidance to him.

Zhu Bajie would definitely not refute what he said because of Tang Sanzang's identity and the"Jing Hoop" on his head, but the greater role of the"Jing Hoop" is a deterrent. It is so difficult for Tang Sanzang, a mortal, to go to the West to obtain the scriptures.

Along the way, he needs to face all kinds of monsters, and he will lose his life if he is not careful. Apart from anything else, if Zhu Bajie still wants to slack off like in the original book, he will be in danger even with Sun Sheng's protection.

Tang Sanzang obviously thought of this. Originally, he secretly put the"Jing Hoop" on Zhu Bajie, which had already left a little gap in the hearts of the two. If he still lectured Zhu Bajie about the matter of Tiger Vanguard at this time, it would infinitely hit Zhu Bajie's enthusiasm for obtaining the scriptures.

In this way, when Tang Sanzang encounters danger in the future, the possibility that Zhu Bajie will slack off will be very high.

Tang Sanzang walked up to Zhu Bajie and said,"Bajie, what Master said just now may not be appropriate. Don't take it to heart."

""Master, I am not angry with you."

Zhu Bajie waved his hand and said to Tang Sanzang.

Although he said so, Zhu Bajie smiled, and it was obvious that he was very happy.

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