Taibai Jinxing asked involuntarily looking at Cheng Chumo's expectant eyes.

"I play a game and I actually increase my strength to more than a thousand catties. Isn't it amazing? Even if I think about it now, it feels incredible!"

Cheng Chumo looked exaggerated.

Taibaijinxing's body shook slightly, just playing games for a few days has increased so much power?

If he heard correctly, this so-called game can only be played for two hours a day, right?

Two hours, increase the strength of thousands of catties, this...

"It's all because of the game?"

If it is true, then this game is incredible.

Taibai Jinxing asked in disbelief.

"Of course, otherwise, what do you think we are here for? On the surface, we are here to play games, but in fact, we are here to practice. It's just that ordinary people I don't tell him!"

Cheng Chumo nodded solemnly.

Ning Tian watched this harmonious scene and lay down on the chair again.

Hey, it feels so good, even the time to teach the guests to play games is saved.

Cheng Chumo, Cheng Yaojin's son, as for Li Chengqian, he is naturally Li Shimin's son and the current prince!

Two people who were born with golden spoons in their dignity, even brought customers online with their hands, it is free, without the slightest remuneration.

Thinking of myself before, I was just a poor boy with no money and couldn't even marry a daughter-in-law.

But later, with Qin Hao's great ability, he followed to play games and watch live broadcasts, and he slowly made a lot of money.

Only then did he change from a poor boy to the owner of the store.

Of course, he doesn't have much money yet, but it doesn't matter, he can follow Qin Hao's steps to earn more money, buy a few or even a dozen computers, and play the computer game to the end!

Ning Tian thought about it, and started to doze off involuntarily.

On the other side, Taibaijinxing is holding the mouse and keyboard in his hand awkwardly!

This keyboard actually carries a variety of lights, which is very magical.

In particular, there are many villains and soldiers on this screen called a computer.

"Old man, what is your name?"

At this time, the three of Cheng Chumo had teamed up to enter the game, he asked curiously.

"You just call me too white."

"Okay, Uncle Taibai, you can follow us for a while, the shopkeeper said, because there are fewer players now, the enemies are all characters controlled by the computer system, not very strong!"

Cheng Chumo's eyes shone brightly and smiled: "So, if we want to become stronger quickly, this is our opportunity!"

"what chance?"

Taibai Jinxing was surprised.

Cheng Chumo suddenly looked at him with an idiotic look, but looking at the white beard, he was silent for a moment.

Okay, this is an old man, so he must be considerate.

"Think about it, if there are more people waiting for the Internet cafe, then the opponent is right? By then, they are all players, then they must be better than computer characters, and it will take a lot of effort to kill them!"

Cheng Chumo explained carefully.

Taibai Jinxing couldn't laugh or cry, it turned out to be like this.

However, as a god, even if he can increase his strength, how much can he increase?

That's a drop in the bucket!

Just as he was thinking about it, the picture on the screen changed and everyone entered the game.

"Welcome to Summoner's Canyon!"

In the ear, a female voice sounded.

"Start, remember, kill more soldiers. I found that only when it is killed with the last cut, it will give strength. If it is killed by our soldiers, it will be powerless!"

Cheng Chumo finally confessed that he didn't care about him anymore, he quickly manipulated his character and started on the road.

Taibai Jinxing pondered for a while, he chose the Juggernaut, and the recommended equipment for going out was the Duolan Sword.

Slightly hesitated, bought, and went out.

Go straight to the top road, don’t tell the old man about the jungle, the old man doesn’t understand!

Taibai Jinxing was wearing earphones and operating the mouse in his hand. The Juggernaut had already arrived under the tower.

At this time, the soldiers had walked slowly.

He didn't hesitate, and controlled the sword master to step forward and start attacking the creeps.

Being able to cultivate to become a **** and become a celebrity around the Jade Emperor, whether it is the ability to accept or the talent for cultivation, it will not be too bad.

Taibai Jinxing spotted a soldier who was about to die and slashed it up!


The next moment, Taibai Jinxing suddenly widened his eyes, and his body trembled slightly!

He actually felt a kind of power, entered his body, and then merged into his own power!

Although very weak, it does exist!

"how can that be?"

Taibai was awakened and horrified inexplicably. It should be noted that even though he is a civil servant, how could his cultivation level be too weak as a person next to the Jade Emperor?

He is the cultivation base of Taiyi Golden Immortal!

However, now it only hacked a small soldier to death, it increased a bit of strength!

This bit of strength may require him to retreat for several months or even longer to get it!

"Why? Doesn't it feel amazing?"

Cheng Chumo turned his head and glanced at Taibaijinxing, who seemed to be demented, and asked with a smile.

He thought that the uncle Taibai was shocked because of the increase in strength. Thinking about yesterday, why didn't he have this expression?

"It's really amazing!"

Taibai Jinxing nodded with a complicated complexion, but his heart became solemn.

He could feel that the strength of the two young people around him was also increasing, and the increased strength was the same as his!

But there is a big difference!

Because, Cheng Chumo's increased power is also a little bit, for him, this power is equivalent to nothing!

The power that enters his body is also a little, but it can have an effect on his own cultivation!

This is amazing!

Their strengths are completely different!

How is this done?

"Who the **** has set up an internet cafe here? Why hasn't I heard of it before?"

The heavy and novel things in Taibai Jinxing's heart, the game that can increase his cultivation base of Taiyi Jinxian, is really incredible!

Doesn't cultivation require retreat and sit back, comprehend the world, and participate in Zen and Tao?

When will Taiyi Golden Immortal's cultivation base be able to increase cultivation base by relying on the game?

And how powerful is a person who can make computers and games?

For a time, Taibai Jinxing's mind was very confused, of course, the movements on his hands were not slow.

"En? Is this the enemy?"

Taibai Jinxing stared at a hero walking out from the other side.

I heard that the increase in power from killing a hero is much higher than that of a small soldier!

After thinking about it, he no longer hesitated, and the Juggernaut rushed forward directly!

He is the second level, and the opponent has just appeared, only the first level. How is the opponent his opponent?

Chase and chop all the way!

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