This is the importance of background music, know why the film must be accompanied by beautiful bottom music in the later stage, just to make the film more beautiful!

More sensational!

When people watch the plot, they are infested by music, so they can get more involved in the plot!

These five episodes of the exclusive plots of Bai Zhantang and Zhan Hongling have won a lot of fans and made Datang Entertainment a good start!

The trial screening was over, and the words "Thank you for watching" appeared on the big screen for a long time.

The audience just refused to leave.

They sat stubbornly in their positions, listening to the episode over and over again, and the three saints and Xiao Qian on the stage were embarrassed to leave.

In the end, Qin Hao came out and said, "Dear viewers! The trial screening is over, thank you for your selection. Three days later, this TV series will be shown on mobile phones, computers and various PCs. At that time, everyone can watch unlimited times. Up!"

Three days later!

It feels so long!

But there is no way, the theater is over, why are you still staying in it?

Do you have to rely on it?

The audience finally stood up and left reluctantly one by one.

After the audience had all gone, Qin Hao stepped forward and congratulated the teacher heartily.

He finally got the actor.

This is not a question of acting skills, but a question of face!

The saint is immortal, has no desires, but the most skinny!

The last time he was judged failed, Hong Haier became the actor, and the loss of face was finally recovered.

A rare smile appeared on the face of Master Tongtian. He nodded and said: "Good apprentice, thank you for your painstaking arrangements!"

After the three saints left, Qin Hao took Xiao Qian back to the mansion.

I have been busy with this day by day, and I haven't had a good meal for a long time.

"Xiao Qian, let's cook some dishes."

Qin Hao is not picky about eating, as long as Xiao Qian makes it, he likes to eat it.

And Xiaoqian also understood Qin Hao's taste, and the saltiness and the saltiness followed him.


Xiaoqian happily agreed, and immediately ran to the kitchen to cook Mr. Qin Hao by herself.

In fact, she was the same as the mistress of the Qin Mansion, and she didn't have to do it herself. The cook was just idle there with piles and piles.

But she just likes to cook for Qin Hao. Watching her husband eat and drink, and being able to compliment the delicious dishes is her greatest joy.

A girl who was taken in since she was a child has now become a distinguished woman in the Tang Dynasty and even in the Three Realms.

Xiao Qian couldn't even dream of it.

And all this was given to her by Mr. Qin Hao!

In order to repay the gratitude, and even more the feelings buried in her heart, Xiaoqian is willing to cook for him personally.

Unloaded the armor for Jun and made soup with his hands.

It's a girl like Xiao Qian!

There was a faint smile on her face, she carefully chopped vegetables in her hand, and kept humming pop songs in her mouth.

"Crazy for Love", which became popular all over the country overnight, is her favorite.

She hummed repeatedly, and she had learned it all.

"Why is it always like this? You are hidden in my heart. I want to ask you if you want to accompany me to the world.

If love is so sad, why not let me share it. Asking you day and night without answering, why did you become like this.

I want to ask if you dare to love me like you said; I want to ask if you dare to be crazy about love like me.

What do you think of being crazy about love like me? What do you think of being crazy about love like me? "

She sang intoxicated while cooking, and didn't even notice Qin Hao coming to her side.

Qin Hao couldn't help but cocked his mouth when he saw her cute look. When Xiao Qian grew up, she began to think about things that big girls would only think about.

"It's so good to sing!"

Qin Hao praised heartily.

The dishes she fries are very fragrant and she can't help but want to swallow her saliva, but her singing is sweeter and very nice.


The sudden appearance of Qin Hao made Xiaoqian's face flushed. Really, the great power of the Three Realms, the pinnacle of quasi-sage, even overheared someone singing!

So shy!

Seeing Xiaoqian lowering her head shyly, even the tips of her ears were blushing, Qin Hao even more laughed: "Hahaha! My Xiaoqian has grown up, she must be thinking of her sweetheart!"

Xiaoqian refused to speak, and Qin Hao said again: "Even if you don't say it, I can guess it. Listen to the lyrics. I want to ask if you dare to love me like you said before!"

As Qin Hao moved, he felt sour and a little lost. I don't know which **** was so lucky and stole the heart of the girl I raised!

If he really knew who was the **** who stole Xiao Qian's heart, I wonder if he would cry.

"The dishes are ready, take it away!"

Xiaoqian didn't want to follow him with ink marks, she took out the dishes and handed them to his hands, letting him go first.

Save yourself laughing here.

Xiaoqian's face was red and her ears were red. She was really cute. She came to the hall beautifully and Qin Hao had already sat down to eat.

"Xiao Qian, come on, it's delicious!"

Xiao Qian, who knows Qin Hao's taste quite well, made stewed beef with potatoes, steamed prawns, steamed sea bass and Mapo tofu. These four dishes, plus a bowl of spinach and shrimp skin soup, are really delicious, no need to eat, just smell The fragrance is full.

The staple food is corn rice.

Xiaoqian sat opposite him and watched him eating. It was so sweet.

It is his greatest happiness that he can like the food he makes by himself!

Xiaoqian only ate a little symbolically, and then pretended to be indifferent and asked: "Sir, I heard that you are going to hold a singing contest for the good voices of the Three Realms?"


Qin Hao's mouth was full, and he kept pulling in his mouth, as if someone was grabbing food from him.


Xiaoqian pursed her lips and lowered her head, as if something was on her mind.

"Why, Xiao Qian wants to participate?"

Who is Qin Hao, the mighty power of the Three Realms, the traverser of civilized society, where does he not know what a girl thinks about?

"Yeah, think."

Xiaoqian admitted honestly and unceremoniously, she really wanted to participate in the singing competition, after all, her voice was good, and the songs were also moving.

She was not for the illusion of a champion, just like the words he said at the singing scene of Yu Chengqing released by the sage of Nuwa: "Just to enjoy the stage!"

At the beginning, she didn't understand what it meant. Later, after learning to sing again and again, she fell in love with singing completely.

She wants to participate in the Three Realms Sound Competition!

The organizer is her boss, can you give me a discount?

She didn't dare to think about the champion and runner-up. It's always okay to come to the second runner-up!

In fact, she didn't want to think that there are so many great abilities in the Three Realms, so many people who are good at singing, and the second runner-up, the third runner-up is very powerful, alright!

It was in the previous life that Qin Hao knew that the singers who could make the top ten were very impressive singers!

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