The Contest of the Good Voices of the Three Realms has brought a huge impact, not only in life.

But these influences are all good, and they have brought boundless happiness and great happiness to the Three Realms!

In the much-anticipated, the third game began.

In the shadow of the Buddha's light, the audience entered the theater one by one, and couldn't help being surprised when they came in.

Because the theater has been redecorated! ! !

In just a few days, Qin Hao ordered people to simply decorate the theater.

The light blue walls are all visible, which is far away and clean, but also quiet and comfortable. The neon lights on the stage have also increased a lot. It is simply a colorful competition for the sun and the moon!

After the audience sat down, they waited for the start of the show.

With a burst of Sanskrit sounds, the lotus petals appeared out of thin air, and then a burst of lotus incense hits, and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was the first to appear in the tutor's seat!

With a smile on her face, she holds the Yujing bottle with willow branches in her hand, what a kindly smiling face!

So far, her team has won the fewest students, but her mission is the heaviest.

It's stressful!

She has no way to return to the Buddha!

Under her forced smile, there is a tangled and anxious heart!

Immediately afterwards, the sage of Taibai Jinxinghe Nuwa appeared in the mentor seat, and they did not have any fancy appearance ceremonies.

The last tutor to enter the theater was naturally Tang Wang Li Shimin.

He is so energetic and energetic, after walking in, he smiled and greeted the audience!

"Hmm! Your Majesty King Tang!"

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, he sat on the mentor's chair.

The first player entered the arena, a timid little girl.

Everyone looked at the stage, and a breath of light rushed toward their faces.

She faces a bouquet of flowers and is slender, with long hair draped in a vest, gently tied with a pink ribbon, wearing a blue dress, and the flowers are even more brilliant.

I only feel that there is a light haze behind her, she is really not a person in the world, and looking at her temperament, she is really like a orchid, her skin is snowy, and her eyes are like a puff of clear water. When looking forward, she has a sense of elegance and elegance. The temperament of people is taken by them and dare not profanity.

But that Leng Ao agile is a bit light and innocent, and it makes people have to be dreaming.

Not only the audience, but even the instructors secretly praised in their hearts: What a pure girl!

With the sound of music, she lightly lifted her lips, and a MV appeared on the big screen behind her.

Leaning on the bench alone, under the light of the fire, she in white clothes wins snow, her face is as bright as jade, like a crescent moon, like flowers and trees piling up snow.

Accompanied by ethereal and euphemistic singing, she is sometimes graceful and graceful, sometimes quiet and leisurely, sometimes tender and charming, and sometimes charming with language.

It's really tender and gentle, but it's too beautiful to be beautiful.

"We said that in a hurry that year, and we will postpone it after goodbye. It's a pity who has not, love is not a time, the eloquence of seven emotions.

In that year, we hurriedly put down the unbearable promise, only to wait for others to fulfill it, no wonder the hickey has not accumulated into a cocoon, and hibernation has not been able to evolve and become immortal again.

Don't blame this period of love, there is no time to rehearse again and again, it is the time for years to forgive and repent. "The audience was stunned. They listened to her speech like pearls, and her voice was soft and crisp, and it was very beautiful. They looked at her a few more times. As the music changed and everyone looked at her, she a little nervous.

Unconsciously showing innocence.

In particular, her voice was soft and crisp, and it was very beautiful. After looking at her carefully, she saw that she was innocent, charming and naughty, and her cheeks were flushed.

Although she was young, she was beautiful and elegant, and she was really more beautiful than the one who walked down in the painting. The audiences all admired that there should be such a beautifully handsome figure in the Tang Dynasty.

When she finished singing, the audience responded with warm applause.

Sage Nuwa likes this girl so much. She turned around for the first time during the singing, and then was the first to rush to comment.

"What's your name?"

The **** the stage was a little restrained, she replied timidly: "Ning Zhen."

"Hmm! A nice name!"

There was a shock of surprise in the live broadcast room.

The sage Nuwa waited for the noise to become quiet, and then said: "Your voice, passion, ethereal, and pure, probably these six words are not enough to generalize. In fact, the deity wants to describe your voice as the sound of nature. Not an exaggeration. If you use the color perception to evaluate, your voice itself is relatively cool. Although it is not flexible, it is stable and characteristic."

After a few very professional comments, Taibaijinxing, who turned around after the sage of Nuwa, took the words and couldn't help but praise: "Yes! Ning Zhen's singing is like a voice from the outside world, elegant but infinite, clear and spiritual. , Fresh, no wonder the audience was intoxicated!"

Qin Hao in the live broadcast room was also surprised when he heard Ning Zhen's voice, because he looked so much like Faye Wong in the previous life.

He remembers that the media reported that Faye Wong’s voice features the voices of three famous foreign female musicians: the lead singer of the Cranberry Band, Bjork, and the lead singer of Twin Birds. In other words, Faye Wong has the clarity of "Cranberry", the cold of "Bjork", and the ethereal of "Twin Bird".

With her natural perfect voice, Faye Wong has been on the stage since she entered the music scene. She has been playing music for decades and still occupies the first queen position of actresses.

Even afterwards, Faye Wong gradually faded out of the music scene, and the queen's gestures, food, clothing, housing and transportation are still the "front-page headlines" in the media's eyes, making younger generations sigh that they are beyond reach!

Unexpectedly, in Datang, there is actually a voice that resembles the queen Faye Wong!

This girl must focus on training, the future is limitless!

He looked carefully at it again, his pure appearance and ethereal voice are hard to imagine!

"I choose Nuwa saint!"

Ning Zhen should have considered it a long time ago, and she made a decision before the other two instructors had spoken.


The audience suddenly felt that this soft-looking girl had a lot of ideas.

"Chilechuan, under the Yin Mountain. The sky is like a dome, covering all fields, the sky is blue, the wild is vast, and the wind blows the grass and sees the cattle and sheep."

After Ning Zhen turned and went down, the players who came up sang a long tune directly to the music, bringing the audience into a realm of far-reaching significance.

He was dark-skinned, sturdy, and wore very strange clothes, completely different from the service of the people of Datang!

Long robe, wide sleeve length, high collar, satin lace on the cuffs and neckline of the robe, and furs of otter and mink for decoration.

In addition, he wears a very distinctive belt and neat boots, looking chic and individual!

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