Perhaps it is because the warmth and happiness of this family of three have infected the Three Realms, or the characteristics of the song itself are refreshing for everyone, anyway, in the chain karaoke hall, the most people order this song.

On the Internet forums, the comments on this song are also the hottest.

Not only are there countless sung songs, but also various comments.

With thousands of followers, the poster took the opportunity to show what he wanted to sell and seized the opportunity to bring goods.

Unexpectedly, the effect was super good. In just half a day, I sold several thousand!

When Qin Hao saw it, his heart moved, such a special Datang also has clever people, and he can seize any business opportunity.

He thought for a while, then released a message to recruit a group of forum posts.

It is required to track entertainment hotspots and drive the orientation of forum posts.

In just a few days, Qin Hao signed a group of forum posters and gave them some guidance and help.

Immediately, let them continue to drive the hot spots of the forum.

"The lucky three treasures, the names of the singers are Buren Yaer, Usina, and Gegema. They are a very happy family of three. Write lyrics, Buren Yaer, compose music, Buren Yaer."

"The Three Treasures of Auspiciousness" was written and composed by the Turkic singer Buren Yar, and sung with his wife Usina and their youngest daughter Gegema. This is a song describing a happy family. It is included in Buren Yar’s recent album In "Sky Boundary"."

Looking at each post, Ashinayan in the Tang Palace was happy and sad.

The happy thing is that the talented people in my hometown have been recognized by the people all over the world; the sad thing is that such a happy life is not available to me.

Sometimes she even thought, if she didn't fall in love with Tang Wang Li Shimin, but found an ordinary person in Turk, maybe she would live a happier life.

She looked at the phone blankly, and she shed tears unknowingly.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Have you heard of the very popular "Three Auspicious Three Treasures" these days! Knowing how to sing is not considered a good batch, and a good commentary is not considered a good batch. What counts as a good batch? Take a look at this post!"

A signed poster named "The Most Auspicious Three Treasures", posted again.

"What's the post? Singing and commenting are not counted, what counts?"

"This guy is bragging again, I'm just waiting to see what kind of posts he can post."

Heavenly Court.

Amidst the auspicious clouds, the Jade Emperor was humming to a song on the forum. Unexpectedly, a post popped out, and the poster was called the most powerful auspicious three treasures.

"Who is this brat who wants to take the opportunity to sell goods. Nowadays, mortals are crazy about money."

The queen mother on the side was full of happiness, looking at the family of three in the mobile phone, singing a warm and sweet duet, and the beauty is not what you want.

"There's nothing wrong with thinking about money. As long as it comes from the right channel, people can send hot posts and bring goods, they are also capable!"

The Queen Mother's thinking is still very avant-garde.

"Well, I am not saying no, I just want to know who this kid is special."

Great Leiyin Temple.

On the high lotus platform, the Buddha is checking the forum with his mobile phone in his hand.

He wanted to know if anyone had posted about Buddhism.

Unfortunately, none of them.

The face was so bashful that it was so embarrassing.

The reputation of this Buddhism is getting worse and worse, and no one mentions Buddhism, let alone put Buddhism in mind and worship it day and night.

This is too bad!

Da Ri Tathagata’s face was not filled with the compassionate smile of the past, and replaced by a face full of unwillingness.

"The most auspicious three treasures?"

When he saw that he was the most popular of all the postings so far, he moved in his heart.

Can you take the opportunity to make Buddhism fire?

At this time, on the forum, the most powerful auspicious three treasures updated the forum, he posted a new post: "This time, a very popular and very popular song "Auspicious Three Treasures" caused a sensation in the Three Realms. I am also concerned about this song. A lot of interest arose. After careful inspection, I learned that there are many three treasures. In different areas of life, the meaning of the three treasures is different. Not only is it fun, but also has educational enlightenment. Now I am sending it out with Zhu Jun mutual encouragement."

"What, the meaning of the three treasures is different in different areas of life?"

"Fun? Educational inspiration? What is this?"

"Hurry up and post, don't sell it!"

Just as everyone was eager to see through, the most auspicious three treasures posted a new post:

"The three treasures of religion: Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha.

The three treasures of nature: sunlight, air, and water.

The Three Treasures of Talking: Please, thank you, and sorry.

The three treasures of life: modesty, politeness, and admiration.

The three treasures of self-cultivation: quiet, kind, and calm.

The three treasures of the family: joy, humor, and thoughtfulness.

The three treasures of the Qi family: harmony, harmony and peace.

The three treasures of diet: balance, moderation, and gratitude.

The three treasures of health: walking, less desire, and harmony.

The three treasures of sleep: let go, not delusional, lying auspiciously.

The three treasures of travel: broaden your knowledge, safety and joy, simplicity and conservation.

The three treasures of financial management: establishing a budget, increasing revenue and reducing expenditure, and being diligent and thrifty.

The three treasures of learning: flexibly, broadly and practically.

The three treasures of scholarship: diligent reading, diligent writing, and diligent thinking.

The three treasures of learning: listening, accepting, and thinking.

The Three Treasures of Making Friends: Honesty, Integrity, and Contribution.

The three treasures of the human heart: truthfulness, kindness, and tolerance.

The three treasures of music: appreciation, application, and listening.

The three treasures of poetry: language, rhythm, and rhyme. "


Once the post of the most auspicious three treasures was published, it caused another wave of enthusiasm.

"Too talented! This person is simply a great talent!"

"Yes, it's amazing to be able to think of such an idea!"

"In this way, I can also think of a lot of three treasures, such as the three treasures of happiness: eating, sleeping, and laughing!"

"Hahaha! The three treasures men are most afraid of, laziness, prodigal and green hat!"

"The posts upstairs are absolutely irresistible. These three treasures are indeed what men fear most!"

"No wonder this guy brags that his post is the best. It's really a good one. It's too good!"

This kind of posts that drive the rhythm is exactly what Qin Hao wants to see, because everyone can consume traffic and buy goods while writing posts.

Either way, Qin Hao is lying down and making money.

In the future, posters like this will have to sign a few more.

At the same time, he is also very curious about who this most auspicious three treasures is.

Because the system was responsible for getting it when signing the contract, so he didn't know.

"System system! Help me find out who this person is!"

Great Leiyin Temple.

The three thousand Buddhas were silent, not even daring to come out of the atmosphere.

Because the Buddha on the lotus platform was extremely unwilling, and his eyes were uncertain.

These Buddhas were afraid that they would anger the Buddha if they accidentally vent their breath. After all, it is the troubled autumn of Buddhism.

Suddenly, a post popped out, and the text on the post entered the eyes of the Buddha:

The three treasures of religion: Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha! Buddha, the poster is actually the first!

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