If the audience is moved or shocked by this song, but it can't be calmed for a long time, then what it brings to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is shock or shock.

For three consecutive games, only Mrs. Cheng, a woman who specializes in singing Sanskrit, chose the Fo Guang team, and the rest went to the other three teams.

Therefore, as soon as the picture of this song was broadcast on the screen, the face of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was solemn and could no longer be solemn!

Unexpectedly, today there was a player who thought it had something to do with the Buddha. The song of this first player has something to do with the Buddha!

Especially when the words "Pray for Buddha" appeared on the subtitles, she was even more excited!

Pray for Buddha! Pray for Buddha!

I don’t understand, I’m here to ask for Buddhism!

Come on, just come to ask for the Buddha, and you will respond to any request!

She took the opportunity to build up the reputation of Buddhism and let the people all over the world worship Buddha and Bodhisattva!

She is full of excitement and full of expectations, more than anyone else.

Therefore, she was the first tutor to turn over, and the only tutor to turn over!

When other teachers heard that they were asking for Buddha, then it is necessary to turn around?

When I turned around, they didn't choose you, so I didn't have the skin!

The power that has reached their level, only cares about the dough!

Finally, under the expectation and call of the audience, a man in a white suit and light-footed walked onto the stage.

This man looks pretty good, but he has no hair!

That's right, the head is shiny, not a single hair!

Uh, this is embarrassing, I didn't expect it to be like this!

The invisible host's voice sounded: "Please introduce yourself!"

"Four mentors, hello everyone, I am the monk of debate!"

Debating machine monk!

The tutor and the audience with this name are not very clear, but one person knows that he is Qin Hao!

The monk who made Princess Gaoyang derail her marriage and had an ambiguous behavior with him!

Princess Gaoyang was finally ignored by Li Shimin because of him, and even rebelled, and was finally beheaded. The body could not enter the ancestral grave.

Of course, this controversial monk did not end well and was cut in half!

A relationship that shouldn't be there, a relationship that won't end two people!

Now that the song he sings heartbreakingly, is it representative that the two people have already started this relationship?

Is this girl in white, who is begging for help in front of the Buddha, Princess Goyang?

Or is it her instruction?

Otherwise, it is the result of the two people's negotiation?

In fact, to be fair, if it were in Qin Hao's previous life, the age of free love~love, the tragedy of Princess Gao Yang and Monk Jianji would not have occurred.

Because two people who love each other can walk together, it doesn't matter what status, wealth, or secular prejudice, as long as they love each other!

This is much happier than Datang!

"Tell your story."

Taibaijinxing speaks first.

Although he did not turn around, this song moved him.

The heart-piercing singing hoarse, it is estimated that few people in the audience were not moved.

"My story is very simple. I fell in love with a girl who also loved me, but for various reasons, she couldn't be together."

Monk Bianji looked very sad, looking into the distance, lost in thought and sadness.

"Can you talk about your song specifically, why is your song presented in this form?"

The sage Nuwa did not ask their story any more, but asked questions from a professional perspective.

It must be said that this form is really novel and makes people shine.

Without the appearance of a singer, it is directly the picture of the song, and the picture and sound together tell a sad story.

Especially the girl in white, the melancholy expression and expectant gaze made the hearts of all the audience hang up.

"I don't have anything to say, so let the tutors say it."

The purpose of the monk Pianji here seems to be not a competition, but just to confess something.

Mentors, look at me and I will look at you and stop talking.

You are rushing to beg the Buddha to come, what are we going to talk about?

What can we say?

What use are we talking about?

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva didn't say anything, so he was included in the team.

At this point, the Foguang team has two players. There is no suspense, and the monk will definitely be included in the monk's team.

On the barrage in the live broadcast room, someone sighed: "It's a moving song, this relationship is so peculiar to tears."

On the forum, the most auspicious three treasures posted:

"The song is a relaxed and humorous urban love song with the theme of love. There is no lack of simplicity in the beauty, and no lack of exquisiteness in the atmosphere. The simple and sincere lyrics, the beautiful and exciting melody, the heart-warming, and the sincere singing voice make People are excited and can’t be calm for a long time. The perfect, innocent and everlasting love is vividly reflected in the lines of the lyrics. The lyrics are suitable for mutual complaints between lovers."

There were a lot of posts behind, "Yeah, I was so teary after reading it, I was so touched."

"The song itself is one word, sentiment! Two words, sensational! Three words, too sensational!"

"Isn't the Buddha known as the universal saving of sentient beings? Let them be together quickly!"

"Foggrass! Haven't you found out what is together? The special argument is a monk!"

"Ah? Monk! Yes, a monk can't marry a wife and have children!"

"Now, things are big! The small bench is ready, and the sit-in situation develops."

"Yes, how can you be affectionate, what can be sensational, can a monk marry a wife? Definitely not!"

"It's over, don't talk about asking for Buddha, it's useless to ask Hongjun Taoist! To escape into the empty gate is the fate of loneliness and death!"

"Unless it's vulgar!"

Return to vulgarity?

I don't know who came up with this bold idea, which is shocking.

At this time, Qin Hao was also thinking about how to promote the love between Monk Pianji and Princess Gaoyang?

At this time, the most cattle and auspicious three treasures posted another post: "Pray for Buddha", about this form of picture with music, called MV. The MV of this song is directed by Mr. Qin Hao, edited by Mr. Qin Hao, and starred by the monk of debate. The MV starts with a dialogue between the Buddha and the heroine, interspersed with the vows singing and the MV plot. The MV tells the story of the heroine who has spent thousands of years of practice in exchange for seeing the actor goodbye. At the end of the MV, the female mainstream who is about to disappear tears down. On the face of the sleeping male protagonist, the male protagonist wakes up, picks up the bracelet left by the female protagonist, and looks far away. The Buddha asked the female protagonist if he would still use the thousand-year practice for a lifetime relationship, but the female protagonist refused, and the Buddha told her, the male protagonist. In order to see her again, I have practiced for two thousand years."

This post aroused more heated discussion, and the format of MV has become the latest hot spot on the forum.

Lingshan, Da Leiyin Temple.

Shrouded in golden light, surrounded by lotus flowers, the Buddha Tathagata with a strange aura, sitting high on the lotus platform, squinting you slightly, looking at the phone.

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