The third prince of the Dragon King, Ao Bing, shares the nobleness of the elf prince, who is kind and innocent but bears the mission of the race. The life of entangled contradictions can't help but make people feel deeply impressed.

Except for the protagonist Nezha, these supporting roles are all splendid and extremely brilliant!

After watching it again, it was not enough, and the real Taiyi became a fan of the drama.

On the forum, the classic lines in the movie The Devil's Incarnation have also become the hottest posts on the forum:

"I'm a little monster, carefree and at ease. I kill people without blinking, eat people without salt, I have seven or eight mouthfuls, I have to break my belly, go to the hut to shit, and think of forgetting to bring paper."

A group of young people put this Nezha mantra on their lips every day, chanting countless times a day.

"Life is full of tears. If you don’t die, you will have to suffer. The more you toss, the worse you will be. The more you pursue, the sadder you will be. You are not tired if you are dying and struggling. It is better to fall asleep on the bed. Back and forth thousands of times, the little master is also very tired. ."

A group of struggling angry youths also take this sentence as their motto, and they are always inspiring themselves.

"Other people's opinions are bullshit. You can only tell who you are. This is what Dad taught me."

A group of servants who were bought into wealthy houses began to reflect upon seeing this sentence.

A young servant named Chen Agou, seeing Nezha's final fate, jumped up with excitement: "My fate is my destiny! Brothers, come and take a look!"

His younger brother, Chen Gouzi, a teenager, lost a lamb while feeding sheep to a wealthy family.

After returning, he was hung up and beaten severely. He was bruised and bruised, and he was still in a coma.

Chen Agou waited on him for several days, and he was already uncomfortable when he looked at people.

Just now, Chen Gouzi returned to the light and said that he wanted to see the magic boy come into the world.

He had heard of this movie a long time ago, but he hadn't seen it. After all, they were poor and didn't have the money to buy a mobile phone.

Chen Agou knew that his brother was alive soon, so he endured his grief and came to beg the elder, who was his master.

But it's useless.

Rich people are hard-hearted, not to mention a child in the dead zone, even if a few strong laborers die, they will not blink their eyes.

After all, the lives of these poor people are worthless, and they can be bought after they die.

As for the wish before dying, to watch a movie?

What do you think so much, a poor boy who has put all the sheep away, and is still watching a movie?

Isn't this looking for scolding!

Chen Agou begged for a long time, but it didn't help. He went back to the old donkey shed where the two brothers lived.

There was wind on all sides, and there were several holes in the roof of the shed, and it was not strong at all.

Looking at his dying brother again, he was full of resentment.

Suddenly, he thought, it is said that Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, who is said to be merciful and compassionate, specializes in saving sentient beings. Can he kneel down to the Bodhisattva, hoping that she will bring him a mobile phone?

So he knelt on the ground and prayed sincerely, "Great Mercy and Great Compassion Guanyin Bodhisattva, please be merciful, my brother is dying, can you give him a cell phone and let him watch movies? This is his presence. The last wish before death!"

After a pause, he said again: "By the way, if you can use willow branches to save my brother and restore him to the beginning, I would be more grateful for your kindness!"

He prayed three times in a row, each time with great care.


Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva did not appear, his younger brother was still dying, his hands were empty, and there was no mobile phone at all.

"It turns out that Avalokitesvara is actually a lie! What universal sentient beings and what Bodhisattva's heart is, they are all lie!"

Chen Agou ran into the yard and yelled at Qing Tian: "Avalokitesvara, you are an old man! A shameless liar! Didn't you mean to save the suffering? Didn't you mean to save all living beings? My brother is about to die. , You can't see it! You are too hypocritical!"

He was yelling here, and it happened that Qin Hao was going to find the leader of Tongtian to discuss something in the clouds, when he heard someone swearing Guan Shiyin severely below.

it's wired!

Who is so courageous?

Qin Hao quietly came down, fell into the courtyard, and saw a man yelling at the sky.

After asking the reason, Qin Hao found out. It turned out that his younger brother was dying.

Qin Hao persuaded: "Young man, don't be so excited, let alone scold, can you just hit it right?"

"What? Sir, what did you say?"

"Ahem, no!"

Qin Hao accidentally said everything in his heart, and quickly coughed a few times as a cover.

"I'm a barefoot doctor, take me to see your brother."

Qin Hao followed Chen Agou to the house, the shabby donkey shed on all sides, it was really impossible to live in.

"This child is okay."

He said, quietly instructing the system: "System, save this child."

"Okay, it will cost three thousand merit points."


With a bright light, Chen Gouzi actually sat up!

The two brothers were surprised, they immediately knelt on the ground, and thanked Qin Hao for his kindness.

Before Qin Hao left, he put a mobile phone on, and the two brothers watched the movie with enthusiasm.

"My life is up to me! This sentence not only reminds Ao Bing, but also tells us that we should not be willing to be at the mercy of fate and make our life ineffective, but we should fight hard and build ourselves through our unremitting efforts. An extraordinary life!

"Yes! Brother, I think we can't change others, we can't change the world, but we can change ourselves! Living without other people's prejudices and not succumbing to fate is the goal we need to strive for in life!"

"My life is my life!" This is Nezha's strong resistance to the unfair destiny, and it is also the inner voice of many people. They chanted this sentence and began the struggle to change their destiny!

And many people who value friendship are very interested in a scene, that is, at Nezha’s birthday banquet, because of Shen Gongbao, when Nezha lost consciousness and turned into a demon, he said, "You are my only friend." what"!

Especially Ao Bing, despite the danger, helped Nezha regain consciousness but exposed his identity, and had to try to eliminate Chentang Pass. This plot has become a classic.

Unexpectedly, a song by Ao Bing made this film a hit again.

Many people put their minds on the movie, so you need to pay a dollar to watch it again. Although the money is not much, there are so many people watching it!

What's so special, all the mighties and people in the Three Realms are watching, each one is a dollar, how much does Qin Hao get in!

Really unexpected wealth can be made!

Qin Hao looked at his growing balance with a smile, and nodded in satisfaction.

This time the Three Realms Good Voice Competition, because advertisers don't agree with it, and it hasn't made much profit yet.

However, because of the appearance of Ao Bing, singing such a song made him make a fortune!

Therefore, more such shows should be held!

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