I saw that she was worrying about the shopping cart, because there were hundreds of items in the shopping cart!

She bought every piece of clothing!

"Mother, are you in a daze?"

"Uh, Your Majesty, isn't it a bit too much to buy?"

In fact, the clothes of the gods do not need to be prepared so much, they are all cleaned with dust-cleaning spells, they are not washed with water at all, and the damage to the clothes is minimal.

As for buying these clothes, it is for beauty.

"Not much, if the Queen Mother likes it, you can buy so much every day. Our most noble woman in heaven is to be rich and can afford it!"

The Queen Mother smiled on her face, but she muttered in her heart, you just have to pay for so much!

At this time, Qiuxiang started another wave of commentary: "Cool blue is more fashionable and younger, and is loved by young people.

Inspired by washed denim, the powder blue with low saturation and its unique calm and romantic and sweet multiple beauty make it more clear and soft.

This color collocation not only retains the youthful and lively light colors, but also has a sense of stability brought by rich colors, which will balance the visual perception.

The addition of light blue enriches the overall tone and creates a fresh atmosphere. "

Why is it so popular among young people? Not only the Queen Mother bought it, but also the female fairies such as the Saint Houtu, Fairy Chang'e, and so on, and bought every set!

In fact, they didn't know that even Queen Mother Xi, who had been hidden from the world, ordered a lot of clothes!

After the clothes of pastel, cream, pear, and cool blue were all displayed, Qiuxiang smiled at the audience:

"Thank the audience for your attention. If you have any clothes you like, you can place an order."

Camera switching, today’s live broadcast ends here!

After Qiuxiang has displayed all the clothes in pastel, cream, pear, and cool blue colors, the camera is switched, and the live broadcast of the fashion studio is over!

For fashion studios, today is another day of skyrocketing income!

Thousands of outfits were sold just for Qiuxiang's endorsement!

After the live broadcast, the audience was still full of thoughts, not enough, not enough!

I haven't seen enough!

When will there be another drag show like this? It's so showy!

The stage for the good sounds of the Three Realms.

The last thing that came up was a combination, there were ten people in total, all of them big men.

It's just that these people are wearing white practice clothes and face masks. The black gauze covers their faces, revealing only their shiny eyes.

The invisible host's voice sounded: "Please start your performance!"

With the music, these people began to perform martial arts!

No wonder they wore white exercise clothes and generous clothes, so they were so violent and unrestrained!

The headed one performed martial arts while singing.

"Facing the waves with arrogance, blood is like the red sun, courage is like iron and steel, and the vision is thousands of miles long.

I work hard to make a good man. To be a good man, I have to be self-improvement every day. A passionate man is brighter than the sun.

Let Haitian gather energy for me, to open up the world and explore for my ideals, watching the blue waves grow strong, and watching the blue sky vast and majestic, I am a man to be self-reliant.

Take a strong step and stand tall-everyone is a pillar, a good man, use my hundred points of heat to shine a thousand points of light, be a good man, warm blood and warm intestines, more luminous than the sun. "

The lyrics of this song are full of enthusiasm, and the high spirit and chivalrous spirit contained in the song can bring people thoughtful thinking.

The song expresses the hope for the future with an uplifting melody, and the phrase "a man should be self-improvement" has also become a famous saying for men to self-encourage.

The high-pitched voice and full of pride and passion of this group of performers made people excited.

In addition, the martial arts movements of these people are also dynamic, vigorous and vigorous.

The shot is soft as cotton, and the body is as hard as iron. The fist exercises are as light as flying, as heavy as thunder, shaped like a falcon that catches a rabbit, and **** like a cat that catches a mouse.

Especially the person in the lead, clenched his fist like a burrito, palms out like a corrugated, calm as a virgin and moving like a rabbit.

Some ironclad men, hearing such songs, couldn't help but think of defending their homes.

In the barracks of Datang, near the end of the new year, homesickness spread among the soldiers defending the border.

These soldiers have been far away from home for a long time, and they can't even go home to visit.

Fortunately, the popularity of mobile phones allows them to watch live broadcasts and play games.

"This song is really nice, we must learn, and then sing this song to kill the enemy!"

This is a barrage in the forum, a story about this song, and an inspiring story.

"Hello everyone, I am the three most auspicious three treasures. I will explain to you that the protagonist of the song "A Man Is Self-improvement" is Huang Feihong.

His father Huang Qiying is a boxer, and Huang Feihong has followed his father to practice martial arts since he was 6 years old.

At that time, he had a poor family, and he often followed his father to sell weapons and medicines in Guangzhou, Foshan and other places.

When he was 13 years old, Huang Feihong met Lin Fucheng, the first apprentice of Tieqiaosan, when he was selling martial arts in Foshan. Lin saw that he was endowed with wonderful talents, so naturally he loved it very much. Feihong laid the foundation for becoming a Hong Quan master in the future.

Later, Huang Feihong and his father moved to Guangzhou.

Because his father and son have high martial arts skills, they are very popular because they can fight against injustices.

The locals voluntarily raised funds to open a martial arts hall for them.

Because of Huang Feihong's fame, there is an endless stream of people who come to sign up to learn art.

Since then, he has widely recruited disciples and ended his life of selling martial arts and wandering.

In the second year, because they were convinced of his character and martial arts, many people jointly hired Huang Feihong as their martial arts coach.

Of course, after they had Huang Feihong, they were also protected.

For example, a local pawnshop was robbed by a group of gangsters in the middle of the night. Who knows that when he was acting fiercely, he happened to meet Huang Feihong.

Huang Feihong fought and killed all by himself, and he repelled all these dozens of people, which was a good story in the local area.

People in the nearby villages and towns admired him when he heard about it, and they asked him to teach him boxing.

Another event that happened shortly afterwards made him even more famous: Once someone told Huang Feihong that a man from the Western Regions in Hong Kong had brought a large wolfdog from abroad. This dog was extraordinary and looked like a little calf. Big and fierce.

The Western Regions actually set up a ring in Hong Kong and sent them an invitation letter to invite them to fight.

As soon as Huang Feihong heard about it, he immediately took the case: "He dared to insult and bully the Chinese like this! I must take care of it!"

So he packed his bags and set off, heading straight for Hong Kong.

On the arena, Huang Feihong was very energetic and killed the vicious dog on the stage with a few ""monkey walks".

The audience cheered and thundered, and the man ran away desperately.

Therefore, Huang Feihong's "Foshan Wuyingjiao" is famous all over the world.

When the soldiers in the barracks saw this post, they felt enthusiastic and high-spirited. They all said that they should also be self-improving men!

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