Grandma Feng walked to the Jade Emperor and shouted loudly, "I sue for reduced forests and increased buildings. For thousands of years, my Feng Popo has managed the wind pockets diligently, the spring weather is raining, the summer breeze is ripening the wheat, the autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaves, and the winter wind opens Plum blossoms. Rivers, lakes and seas with drum sails, and dense forests with green flowers and fragrances. I do not ask for praise, but do my duty. But now I have been repeatedly condemned as the culprit for making dust flying, and I am really wronged in my heart, please Yu Diming. check."

The Jade Emperor stroked his beard and asked Granny Feng, "You have been wronged, but what does it have to do with the forest and the buildings?"

Granny Feng said, "Please my witness is too platinum star."

Taibai Jinxing's beard and hair are all white, his sleeves fluttering, his face is like a full moon and his eyes are like bright stars. He quickly walked out of the Xianban team, walked to the Jade Emperor and bowed deeply, then took out a treasure from his wide sleeve and threw it into the air. Go, a huge eye floated above the hall in an instant.

Taibai Jinxing said: "This is a treasure I created in recent years, called Datang Time Eye. It records the changes of Datang in recent years."

The audience who watched Douyin gave a "hush" in unison.

I saw Taibai Jinxing speak loudly: "Go back to the old forest."

As soon as the words fell, an endless virgin forest appeared in the eyes of Datang Time. There were tall and sturdy pine trees, birch, and poplar, covering the sky from the sun and impervious to the wind. The wandering red fox is sleeping, in this vast green ocean, birds and animals live in harmony.

Just as the audience was fascinated by it, Taibai Jinxing said loudly: "The forest of today appears."

Big eyes blinked: the towering dense forest was replaced by huge prototype tree stumps, and the hundreds of annual rings on it seemed to be particularly dazzling. Tigers, wolves, and foxes have long been extinct, and the cuckoo squirrels don’t know where they are. In the depths of the stump, there are a few small black spots, getting closer and closer, and it turns out that a few lumberjacks are resting, the giant saws are beside them, the machete is in their hands, and the grass is trampled under the feet. Burning. All the trees have been cut down, and a lot of money and food are beckoning to them.

"After the forest disappeared, the place was quickly deserted, and even a breeze could raise dust. As the desertification became more and more severe, the blowing wind wrapped the sky with yellow sand and became dusty. Granny Feng was very helpless."

Taibaijinxing said while shaking his head.

The Jade Emperor nodded, and asked, "The disappearance of the forest is the culprit of the dust. What's wrong with the increasing number of tall buildings?"

Taibai Jinxing smiled slightly: "Your Majesty, please take a look."

Big eyes blinked and a village surrounded by green trees appeared, green bricks and red tiles covered the leaves, green water surrounded the terraces, and the chickens and dogs heard the golden scales swimming.

The breeze blows, the water is booming, the rice is fragrant, the female sings, and the old farmer laughs.

Just as everyone was intoxicated, their eyes suddenly changed to another picture: the roaring machine's long arms were digging vigorously underground, as if to take out the intestines of Mother Earth, each handful was full of mud, piled together; The huge vehicles are like invincible monsters smashing the ancient houses against the rows of houses, and the dust is billowing, covering the sky and the sun. In an instant, the village that was permeated with the fragrance of the earth became a city of steel and iron. The tall buildings rising from the ground put their feet into the belly of Mother Earth, grasping the internal organs, and digging into the arms of the sky, wishing to pierce the clouds. Enter the Lingxiao Palace. Asphalt concrete roads, crooked trees, a gust of wind and numerous dust.

Everyone regretted it, and Grandma Feng said: "Please be clear to the Jade Emperor, if my wind only brings disasters to the world, I will burn my pockets and no more wind."

"No, no, no, no, Granny Feng, my Huaguoshan ten thousand acres of flat peach garden still needs your wind to pollinate, and the wind turbines in the farmer's fields also count on you to generate electricity!"

Monkey King said loudly.

Everyone burst into laughter and said in unison, "Goku is still smart."

The Jade Emperor pondered for a moment, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Feng, I know your grievances. Please retire and rest first, and then discuss whether you are okay with the wind. Please Siyu's Dragon King to speak on behalf of the East China Sea Dragon King."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea was already an old man, hunched over, trembled slightly as he walked, and hummed when he spoke.

The old dragon king said to the Jade Emperor: "I sued countless buildings and dense chimneys. As the dragon king, the sea is my home, but thousands of rivers have turned into dry and cracked trenches. Forever, I am the East China Sea. There will be no more water, and I will be homeless. I manage the major events of raining, moisturize the earth, irrigate the crops, and work hard for the benefit of the world. However, I have attracted a lot of scolding over the years because my rain has become polluted. Rain. It keeps the soil from being fertile and turns the fertile fields into the soil of death; it corrodes buildings and historic sites and makes human civilization devastated; it pollutes the water body and causes the great variety of prosperous aquatic families to be wiped out."

Speaking of the disappearance of the aquarium, the old dragon king burst into tears. Those insignificant fish, turtles, shrimps and crabs are his relatives whose blood is thicker than water.

In the Douyin video, there was a sudden silence, and a heavy heartbeat was heard.

After a pause, the Jade Emperor said to Taibai Jinxing: "Please open the eyes of time again and let the Qings take a look."

Taibai Venus flicked his long sleeves, and the eyes of time flashed a hundred years ago: the world is full of crystal clear rivers and lakes, with jagged waters and plants, and plump fish and shrimps. Clouds come and rain floats, and the world is joyful: children leaning on their pink faces and opening their mouths to swallow rainwater, adults use pots and pots to fill rainwater to wash rice and washing rice; the crops in the fields hungrily absorb rainwater, and the world is luxuriant; mountains, earth, houses, paths Flowers, plants and trees, everything in the world took a showering shower in the rain, giving it a new look.

Seeing that he had benefited the world, the Dragon King was infinitely moved.

But with a blink of my eyes, it showed a piece of building, countless underground pipes, like a big mouth of a blood basin, extending to the ground several hundred meters below, greedily sucking the groundwater, watching the vast and clear underground lake shrink and disappear. The river on the ground is sinking and drying up.

Facing this scene, the old dragon king was in great pain. He trembled and his voice choked: "Jade Emperor, shall we still rain this rain?"

"Your Majesty, re-ignite the Flame Mountain, so that there will never be any raindrops!" The Bull Demon said every word, angrily expressing his views.

The Jade Emperor looked dignified, thoughtfully calm, waved his hand to let the Dragon King retreat and rest.

The final complaint was the Seven Fairies, the Jade Emperor's most beloved little daughter, who was in charge of the fairy, the mist that fell into the world.

The Seven Fairies are beautiful, kind, and ingenious. She wears a pink gauze skirt, long skirt and streamers, curling up to the Jade Emperor, and she is deeply blessed, "Father is here, and the child is suing the endless flow of carriages and filth. air."

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