In the eyes of mortals, Fairy Peony is holy, beautiful and kind-hearted. Everyone’s impression is that she lives deep in the palace, can call the wind and rain, cast down monsters and catch monsters; she can also go down to the mortal world to save suffering, punish evil and promote good, which is in everyone’s heart. The most beautiful and trustworthy fairy.

Therefore, when the Seven Fairies told stories about her, they all listened with gusto.

They listened attentively:

While Lu Dongbin was contemplating, Taibai Jinxing said to Lu Dongbin: "If you want to surrender the pangolin, you must use the Dingshan magic needle. This magic needle is a hosta on the head of the queen mother. If you can borrow it, you can succeed."

Lu Dongbin said: "How can it be done? The hostess is originally the beloved thing of the queen mother, I am afraid that no one can borrow it."

Taibai Jinxing said: "This matter is not difficult. The Queen Mother has a close maid-Peony Fairy. She has long thought of thinking about everything. If you can touch her heart, this matter will be done."

On the second day, the Queen Mother held a flat peach festival in Yaotai, Xitian, and invited all the great immortals to a banquet. Lu Dongbin and Taibai Jinxing went to the flat peach meeting together.

At the flat peach meeting, the piano sounded melodiously and danced gracefully. Great immortals from all walks of life drank stubbornly.

After three rounds of wine and five dishes, the queen mother ordered the maid Peony Fairy to pour the wine to the great immortals.

When Fairy Peony poured the wine for Lu Dongbin, Taibai Jinxing touched Lu Dongbin with his arm.

Knowing this, Lu Dongbin took the opportunity to receive the wine glass and gently squeezed Fairy Peony's hand. Fairy Peony's heart moved, and his face flushed, and he lowered his head and walked back.

After a while, the Queen Mother ordered Fairy Peony to give the big fairy a flat peach.

Fairy Peony came to Lu Dongbin hesitantly.

The Great White Venus kicked Lu Dongbin with his toes. When Lu Dongbin was taking the flat peaches, he pressed the peach plate down heavily. Peony Fairy's wrists softened and his face was ashamed as a peach blossom.

She lowered her head and hurriedly walked towards Yaochi along the back door.

Lu Dongbin followed.

Fairy Peony walked straight to the edge of the Yao Lake, staring at the peony flowers blooming at the edge of the pool in thought.

Lu Dongbin stood quietly behind Fairy Peony and said softly, "Fairy Peony, are you enjoying the flowers?"

Fairy Peony looked back and saw that it was Lu Dongbin. He hurriedly hid his face and said, "You, do you know the fairy rules?"

Lu Dongbin smiled and said, "Not only do I know the fairy rules, but I can also see through your mind."

Fairy Peony shook his head. Lu Dongbin stepped forward and said, "You admire the world, don't you?"

Fairy Peony lowered her head slowly again.

Lu Dongbin said emotionally:

"The world is so beautiful, there are beautiful mountains, green waters, beautiful birds and flowers. I wandered all over the world, and I have seen many famous mountains and rivers, scenic gardens, such as the beautiful scenery of Suzhou and Hangzhou, the strange peaks of Mount Tai, the fairyland of Pengqi, Caozhou peony... Ten times over heaven"

Fairy Peony slowly raised her head and said softly: "Really?"

Lu Dongbin pointed his finger and said: "Fairy Peony, look there, there is a young couple who are happily plowing and sowing. If you look over there, it is a pair of lovers enjoying flowers in the garden. "

Lu Dongbin looked back and saw Fairy Peony still standing there staring at the lovers, so he said: "Fairy Peony, if you don't enjoy the happiness of the world, it would be the biggest regret."

Fairy Peony hesitated and said: "If you want to go to the world, it's not easy. How can the fairy rules be so strict?"

Lu Dongbin smiled slightly: "Fairy Peony, if you have this intention, I would like to help."

Fairy Peony blushed, and said shyly, "Is it true?"

Lu Dongbin said: "Really. But I also want to ask you for a favor."

Fairy Peony said: "What can I do for you?"

"The hosta on the head of the Queen Mother, lend me a use."

"Oh, what's the deal? The hostess is the beloved thing of the queen mother and no one can borrow it." Fairy Peony said embarrassedly.

Lu Dongbin stepped forward and said, "Please look here!" Peony Fairy looked through the clouds and saw Tongbai Mountain, with houses collapsing everywhere, men crying and women howling, a sad scene.

Fairy Peony hurriedly closed her eyes and said, "Oh, the people are so pitiful."

Lu Dongbin said: "This area of ​​Tongbai Mountain used to have beautiful mountains and rivers, and Lin Mao had plenty of food. It was only because of this pangolin that it turned into such a miserable scene! I want to use the Queen Mother and Empress hosta to get rid of this monster pangolin."

Fairy Peony said anxiously: "I would like to help, but—"

Lu Dongbin was overjoyed when he saw Fairy Peony promised to help. He instructed in this way, and then handed a fake hosta to Fairy Peony.

The next morning, the Queen Mother finished her bath, and when Peony Fairy combed her hair, Peony Fairy took the opportunity to secretly replace the hosta. He hid it in his sleeve, came out and gave it to Lu Dongbin.

Lu Dongbin brought the Dingshan Divine Needle to Tongbai Mountain and quickly captured the evil pangolin.

After punishing the pangolin, Lu Dongbin and Taibai Jinxing drove the Xitian Yaotai to return the Dingshan Divine Needle, and asked the Queen Mother to forgive the Peony Fairy for stealing the hosta.

The Queen Mother was happy, surprised and angry when she learned that, although she should be rewarded for the people's harm, but Peony Fairy is always by her side, so ignorant of my dignity, and the rules of the world can't be tolerated!

Seeing the two immortals interceding with each other, the Queen Mother said, "From the perspective of the two immortals, I won’t have to die for Peony, but I must drive out of the Western Heavens and become commonplace!"

In this way, the people of Tongbaishan have lived and worked in peace and contentment again, and Peony Fairy has also realized his desire for the world.

Later, in order to miss Lu Dongbin, people also took Lu Dongbin's play of peony for the people as a good talk, until today.

After the story was finished, the Seven Fairies smiled and said to everyone: "Look, I am selling Xiantao on my behalf, and this story is also related to Xiantao. In that case, don't the audience friends still place an order?"


In the live broadcast room, the silence changed, and the voice turned into a loud voice: "The Seven Fairies are so humorous, they are especially good at selling things."

"Sure enough, the environment changed people, and she turned out to be a professional fairy selling peaches!!"

"Regardless of whether she sells fairy peaches or not, this story is really good!"

"Yeah, we were all touched by what I said. Or would Fairy Peony be a guest in the live broadcast room?"

"Good proposal!"

I don't know who made this suggestion, which immediately excited the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Yes, we want to see Fairy Peony!"

"Seven fairies, since you are a live broadcast room run by fairies, you have to be unique. Look at Chunlan and the others, and invite friends from the Three Realms to come and bring goods for help, but what about you?"

"As a fairy, there are so many fairy friends, but I don't bring them here!"

"That is, let us meet the Fairy Meidu and get in touch with each other at close range!"

"Yeah, yes, I strongly demand that the first person to be invited is-Peony Fairy!"

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