In Princess Gao Yang's live broadcast room, with the arrival of the monk Pianji, her popularity suddenly skyrocketed.

Looking at the glamorous princess Goyang up close, with her exquisite makeup, her charming face, and her imperial imperial spirit, the monk was filled with emotion.

Once upon a time, my belief in Buddhism was shaken and collapsed because of Princess Goyang!

For his beloved woman, he even thought about something he shouldn't think about!

"Sing! Sing!"

The audience in the live broadcast room shouted desperately, they came to watch the excitement and to satisfy the little mood of some of them.

"Poor monk, don't sing in a hurry!" Under the faint sadness of the monk, the monk said, pretending to be relaxed, "Before singing, I want to tell the story behind the song of praying for the Buddha."


The audience in the live broadcast room became more and more interested. Is there a story behind the prayer?

Isn't it the story of the monk Bianji and the princess Goyang? Why did another story come out?

"Speak fast! Speak fast!"

The audience couldn't wait and urged.

Monk Bianji looked again, and the noble and gorgeous Princess Gao Yang cleared his throat and began to tell.

"A long time ago, a little white wolf lived a lonely life in a lonely mountain village.

Because the position of wolves in the minds of humans is rather annoying, they will always become prey under the guns of hunters.

But here, there is a little girl who likes this little white wolf very much, playing with it all day, taking it to every corner of the village.

I accompany it to tour the mountains and the water. The little white wolf and the girl are very happy together.... They live a life without any dispute, and the little white wolf is carefully protected and taken care of by the girl.

Happy days are always short, but unfortunate things finally come. The little girl is going to move to the city with her family.

The little girl knew that she was leaving, instead of telling the little white wolf, she played with him all day. In the end, little white wolf was tired and fell asleep deeply.

The little girl made a necklace of straw and vines and hung it around the neck of the little white wolf.

Little White Wolf woke up, extremely excited, but didn't know that parting was imminent.

The little girl glanced at the little white wolf one last time, and walked away with tears, and got into the long-distance car.

The little white wolf knows what happened, it keeps chasing, but how can it catch up to the car?

The car gradually disappeared from Little White Wolf's sight, and Little White Wolf remembered the direction of the car...

When the moonlight shone on the little white wolf, the little white wolf changed his way, cheered up, and ran towards the direction where the Western Buddha lived.

He avoided the guns of countless hunters, avoided death, and came to the Buddha with sorrow.

The little white wolf knelt in front of the Buddha, begging the Buddha to make it look like a human. When I saw the little girl again, I knelt down like this, begging for many years, and finally moved the Buddha...

However, the Buddha gave him a contract. The desire to become a human needs to be exchanged for three lives and three lives. Moreover, after becoming a human, he can only have one day and one night.

The excited little white wolf agreed to the conditions given by the Buddha and came to the city where there was a little girl. However, the little girl seven years ago has grown up and turned into a big girl like a flower.

The little white wolf carried the grass and vine necklace that the little girl wove for him seven years ago. He searched hard in the city and searched every corner.

The Emperor paid off, and finally saw a beautiful girl painting by a small stream, and a light breeze blew the girl's painting.

The moment the little white wolf picked up the painting, he shed tears, because the painting was just his self from seven years ago, the little white wolf...

The girl came over and was about to get the painting back, when she suddenly saw the grass and vine necklace hanging on the boy’s neck. The boy told the girl that after the situation today, he is the little white from seven years ago. The wolf, the girl hugged the boy and cried and said: "After leaving, I have been begging for the Buddha, hoping that we will meet again. On this day, I finally arrived and I finally saw you..."

The little white wolf, who has become a werewolf, sat with the girl in the moonlight, cherishing the beauty in front of her, and feeling the hard-won love of this love...

The boy caught two fireflies in the moonlight and wanted to give the girl a souvenir, but when he let go, the two fireflies intertwined a "heart"!

They knew it was their love and moved God!!!

One day and one night passed quickly. The little white wolf and the girl in human appearance came to the Buddha again. This time, they begged for the Buddha, hoping to spend a few more lives in exchange for the love of this life. They told Their love, I hope to move heaven.

However, when the time came when the little white wolf agreed to the Buddha's contract, their dust was gone, and the human-like little white wolf fell...

The little white wolf who was about to leave this world lay in the girl's arms and said to the girl: "I'm going to cross this Naihe Bridge. After drinking that bowl of heart-piercing Mengpo soup, I'm afraid that we will be the third generation too. I won't see each other anymore, let me kiss your face one last time, okay?"

The girl burst into tears...

The human-like little white wolf exhausted his last strength... softly, a goodbye kiss!

The human-like little white wolf has returned to its original form!

The girl sat in grief in front of the Buddha. The little white wolf gave the girl unforgettable love and pain. The girl asked the Buddha: can we see each other again..."

[When the moonlight shone on my face, I think I will soon change the way it looks. There is a kind of soup called Heartbreaking Lung, and drinking it has magical power.

Close your eyes and see heaven, which is where your smile is hidden. I avoided the guns of countless hunters and drove away the sadness that crawled out of the grave.

For you, I became a werewolf. For you, I became crazy, for you, I put on a thick disguise, and for you, I changed my heart.

Can we see each other again? I have been begging for thousands of years in front of the Buddha, and I am willing to exchange a few lives for our love for the rest of my life, hoping to move God.

Can we see each other again? I begged for thousands of years in front of the Buddha. Before I stepped on this Naihe Bridge, let me kiss your face again.

Let me kiss your face again. 】

When the story was over, there was a moment of silence in the live broadcast room.

All the audience were caught in a deep sad mood, and they were very angry!

Very grumpy!

Can't restrain and don't want to restrain, they want to hit people!

A wish actually needs to be exchanged for the life of the three lives and three lives, and after becoming a human, you can only have one day and one night's life!

Buddhism is too dark, it is simply taking advantage of the fire!

That's not even counted, when they came to the Buddha again, hoping to spend a few more lives in exchange for the love of this life.

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